EthoPlasìn & PythagorArium Ways and Symbols

PythagorArium Symbol 

As mentioned above, EthoPlasìn has nothing to do with religion, politics or charity, nor with marketing of any kind. As for politics, it pushes for the advent of EthoCracy, but this is only a long-term objective. EthoPlasìn has more to do, an essentially to do, in relation to the current situation, with creating and expressing Beauty and Goodness for the benefit and enjoyment of all beings and environments, civic environments in particular.

EthoPlasìn is like a hive. The honey bee is one of its symbols. The main ARIUM buildings of the Campus have an hexagonal honey comb shape. The Academy provides a holistic formation that shall make its graduates like new swarms of honeybees leaving the hive every year to go and establish in new environments and be the delight of their co-citizens enjoying the sweet 'honey' of their formation and Kallos Beauty.


Kingdom SymbolsCrystalRock



The Oneness Boomerang Law and Symbol

In a OnenesBoomerangs world, all our thoughts and actions are like boomerangs. With what we feel, think and do, we BoomerangNebulagradually build the tissue of boomerangs of our own lives. With each action and thought we launch a boomerang of CoPHLE energy that sooner or later returns to impact us with the same force we imparted its launching. This network of boomerangs enforces the law that all we do to others we do to ourselves, and all we do to ourselves we do to others. This includes eminently the 'Good' we think and do in using our freewill and Power of Co-Creation. It is consequently important to master and control this power through an appropriate philosophy and discipline. This is a field where EthoPlasìn intends to make an important contribution through the Science Of Being of its Academy.

The Boomerang is thus also an action symbol of the Academy. It represents the dynamic CoPHLE energy that permeates the ether where the overall visible and invisible cosmic worlds live, including the beautiful Boomerang Nebula shown to the right, and suffuses our lives with the consequences of all the thoughts and actions we have so far created and launched into the universe.


EthoPlasìn LOGOS:

“Visualize with Belief and Love to fast fill the Arium


"Better Decorum, More Merit & Oneness Responsibility"

The above logo, inspired by the name of the foundation behind the EthoPlasìn Academy (BeLovArium), is the written logo of our Pythagorean World Civic Wellness Vocation
graphically shown as here belo


This Vocation Involves the Pythagorean Formation to Enhancement of All Heart and Mind Radiations for the Benefit of All Living Beings, through the

Pythagorean Man Emulation


As commanded by the BeLovArium/EthoPlasin rules of the EthoPlasìn Academy, expressGlaucousColorUniform all your aspirations and visualizations essentially in terms of gratitude to the CoPHLE energy to which you participate, in its infinite creative possibilitiesLavender Plant, in a state of holographic oneness responsibility at Planet Earth level! The power of Imagination is all that stands between your dreams and the miracles of your reality, in particular your current civic environment. Visualize and feel the reality and the beauty of these dreams with Belief and Love in order to fill your quantum ARIUM with their present completion. Look at adversity only as an occasion for new and better creativity. Be seen and felt by the rest of the world as the best examples of Kallos Beauty, compassion, love and undisturbed bliss, let alone best civic behavior. As you will spread like swarms of bees leaving the hive, or run like free horses on a beautiful sea beach, the Universe will then use your nonlocal resonance to create similar vibrations exponentially for improving the reality of the rest of all Earth’s living beings. In particular it shall fill our global society with "More Merit, Better Decorum & Oneness Responsibility".



EthoPlasìn Emblem Symbols

Apart from the written logo mentioned above, all members must wear proudly a form of EthoPlasìn Insignia, usually called a Label, or a PythaL. It is the gold Member Symbol shown at the top of the page. It can be chosen from 6 different types and they are provided (and withdrawn as appropriate) by the Academy. Wearing at least one, discretely but in a visible way, is required at all times, by all members, in and out of the ARIUM. It can be:

  1. a necklace,

  2. a bracelet,

  3. a ring,

  4. a belt buckle

  5. a clothing emblem or

  6. a lapel pin.

On all these 5 symbols, there must be at least the graphical representation of the  "EΠA" logo letters sculptured, engraved, knitted or printed on it, in the shape of the graphical representation shown at the top of this page wherever possible. Where feasible and appropriate, there will also be the extended versions of that logo, as either "EΠAcademia" (the short name of the EthoPlasìn Academy for symbols worn by students ad the Arium), or "EΠAssociation" for symbols worn by external members not studying at the Arium.  Where the extended versions of the logo are used, there will also normally be the website address discretely appearing somewhere on the symbol. On all official correspondence, there will always be the graphical "EΠAcademia" symbol, as letterhead or a headline, as per the example shown at the bottom of this page, and normally also at least the website address. The full "EthoΠlasìn Academy" logo in its hexagonal shape, as appearing on the home page, will be kept normally for wet or dry seals and the embossing of other official documents like typically the graduation certificates and the awards granted by the Academy.


The Greek "Phi" (Φ) and "Thu" (Θ) at the base of the roof of the Private Academy Symbol -

The Greek "Phi" (Φ), much before it was used as a symbol of Beauty of proportions related to the Golden Number, was, in Greek "Phi"-losophy, a much older symbol of Merit, both in terms of personal and social justice, but a kind of Merit, giving lovingly and justly to everyone a fair lot in life on the basis of their own efforts and talent. It is thus a dually important symbol for  the EthoPlasìn Academy that is pursuing objectives of social beauty and fairness through the advent of more MeritoCracy, and hopefully a new type of EthoCracy system of government for our modern world. This is why it appears on the private Academy's symbol (at the top of the page), on the left side of the roof level. The Greek "Thu" (Θ) appearing on the opposite right side of the roof, to balance with the "Phi" on the left, was, and is, a symbol of the beauty of Ethics, or Justice in terms of Ethics, which are at the base of the holistic formation provided by the Academy. Φ means Justice in terms of Merit and Θ means Justice in terms of Ethics.



The Swan, the Demônes and the Dioscures


The beautiful white swan, as shown near the upper left corner of the Home Page, with its dignity, elegance and neatness, sySwanTakingOffmbolilizes the type of civic environments the EthoPlasìn wants to promote through the exemplary conduct of its members. Many swans live in theDroungas Zeus Swan BiosArium of the EthoPlasìn campus. Zeus (Jupiter), the top level  Greek God of the Olympus, transformed himself into a beautiful swan before the fecundation of Leda, leading to the birth of the twins Castor and Pollux, the two handsome "Dioskouroi" (Sons of God) who became famous Savior symbols for people in difficulty in the history of the culture of the Western World and symbols of Ethics and Justice. Castor was a horse tamer (representing the taming of human passions) and Pollux was an invincible wrestler (symbol of fighting civic misbehavior) and they are thus, along with the swan, good EthoPlasìn symbols. Castor and Pollux were twins and their symbols were made eternal through the naming of the Gemini (Twins) constellation, the third one of the zodiac, that includes the two main stars named after them.


The take-off picture of the above swan to the left, symbolizes the power of the new EthoPlasìn movement if only allowed to fly freely. The swan is one of the biggest birds to fly and thus very powerful and energetic in all its actions and endeavors, let alone flying assuredly to its target destinations.


A swan never kills, as it is vegetarian, and usually has a very stable love relationship, as it normally mates for life. When courting, as shown at the top of our page on Rule 3 and EthoPlasìn Love Life, the necks of the two birds, when sitting closely in front of each other, form the shape of a beautiful heart, symbol of the love and the stability that should exist in the relationship of a couple in love, intending to raise the best of descendants for the best harmony of all civic environments. 


The swan has the reputation of being mostly mute during his life, or 'civically' very quiet, but to sing a beautiful 'song' just before his death. Philosopher Socrates speaks about this symbol just before his own death. The so-called 'Swan Song' is the symbol of an ending life, or a 'death', that should not be feared, but rather seen as a serene passage to another more beautiful life in a new dimension, when it comes as the 'last and most fulfilling achievement' of those who have conducted the best possible virtuous life on the basis of their own capacity, like the fully trained EthoPlasìn members. This legend of the Swan Song was painted beautifully by Reinier Van Persijn, in 1655, in the picture to the left.

SwanDignityAs said in our opening page, the SWAN, with its elegant modes, as shown to the lDaimoneft, with its neatness and dignity, not to mention its unique strength in flying assuredly to its target destinations, symbolizes the main EthoPlasìn objective of promoting and achieving best Civic Decorum and Meritocratic Wellness. Zeus (Jupiter), the top level Greek God, transformed himself into a beautiful swan before the fecundation of Leda (see the above painting of Droungas with the red ribbon), leading to the birth of the twins Castor and Pollux, the two handsome  Dioscures (Διόσκουροι / Dióskouroi, as "Sons of God") who became Savior symbols for people or society in difficulty and symbols of Ethics and Justice in the history of the culture of the Western World. 

From the point of view of our Mission Statement, a fully trained EthoPlasìn member becomes a DEMÔNE (someone pursuing DEcorum, Merit and ONEness), as expressed symbolically by the proud knight figure to the right. But we are talking about a DEMÔNE in the good philosophical sense of the Ancient-Greek word (δαίμων, dáimōn or dæmôn), and not in the bad religious sense of the modern word 'demon'. It means someone with a superior type of knowledge, discipline, skills and conduct, who can therefore play the role of a benevolent mediator between the Human and the Divine realms, that is between the world of the Archetypes and the world of our daily Reality, for the benefit of all living beings and, consequently also CastorAndPolluxbetween the more harmonious and the less harmonious realms of human life, for the improvement in particular of all civic environments. Demône has thus the basic sense of a capable and protective guardian angel and mediator. Their best symbolic representations and idols are the Dioscures (Dioskouroi, Sons of God) Castor and Pollux, born of the relation between God and Leda who, as mentioned above, became symbols of Ethics and Justice in the history of the western culture. Two Demônes uniting formally to help each other, through a relation of love or friendship, swearing their mutual assistance in their EthoPlasìn discipline formation and in their efforts to improve civic environments, form a pair of Dioscures. The Dioscures are then united like solar systems, with planets and satellites, RubensAbductionDaughtersOfLeucippusByCastorAndPolluxall collaborating harmoniously to maintain and improve the environment of all living beings, human civic environments in particular. 


The great contemporary Greek painter Achilles Droungas well represented the fecundation of Leda by Zeus, after his transformation as a beautiful Swan, leading to the birth of Castor and Pollux as symbols of Ethics (above to the right). Rubens representation of Castor and Pollux in the painting The Abduction of the Daughters of Leucippus to the left. Representation of Castor and Pollux in sculpture to the right from Joseph Nollekens (1767).


The beautiful symbols of Ethics, impersonated by the twins Castor and Pollux as "Sons of God" (Dioskouroi) were immortalized by the naming of the Gemini (Twins) constellation (the third constellation of the zodiac) that includes the two main stars named after them.  


The most well known representations of the Dioscures at the moment are the two statues at the top of the staircase leading to the Capitol in Rome. The 'Campidoglio' is the place of the municipal government of the city of Rome (place designed by Michelangelo, of strong Ancient-Greece and Platonic culture). Castor and Pollux, the two Dioscures, thus represent the ideal of best civic life, the guardians of the city for ensuring its best administration in terms of ethics and justice. Fully trained members in the EthoPlasìn Discipline are in the end no less than such handsome Dioscures. In their modern version, these Dioscures are represented by the male Hoplites and the female Amazones of the EthoPlasìn discipline. The Dioscurean Spirit also expresses itself in many other ways, in all aspects of the EthoPlasìn life using "Polite Emulation" in expressing excellence or Kallos Beauty in pairs, typically in the practice of the EthoJudo discipline or in artistic competitions, somewhat in the way Balzac used to call Chopin and Liszt the two Dioscures of the grand piano.  





'BeLove' Salutation

Members subjected to the BeLovArium discipline use a special salutation when they meet: "BeLove" or plainly "Be"




As explained briefly on our home page, the private Member Symbol (the above gold insignia and its mini medallion version at the top of the page), is the one worn at all times, in a visible way, by all members, in at least one of its 6 forms (necklace, bracelet, ring, belt buckle, pin or emblem). The stairway at the bottom represents the 10 steps or grades of the EthoPlasìn Rules of discipline. The little square with an "10" in the middle of the stairway represents the grade of the holder, and is usually a number, from 1 to 10. It can also be "M"  for "Master" or "G" for the acting "Grand-Master" at any given time.


The 4 Doric columns of Polykleitonian proportions represent the Pythagorean Tetractys and the 4 basic Cardinal Virtues to be pursued by members. The Tetractys is even better represented by the blue triangle containing the 10 dots, in the upper area of the center part of the logo, supported by the Greek "P". Members themselves are like strong and beautiful columns supporting the construction of World Civic Wellness. In that same Sacred Tetractys, the Greek 'th' letter "Θ", appearing at the roof level to the right, was the symbol of Ethics. The Greek 'P' letter "Π" was the symbol of the noble 'door' to access higher knowledge and virtues, and is associated with the "6P Approach" used by members in facing life issues, as explained in our page Description in more details. The 3 spaces between the Doric columns show an ancient Greek "E" shape on the left side, an ancient Greek "P" shape (Π) as the 'door' of the central area, and an ancient Greek "A" shape to the right, meaning "EPA" (in English), or "EΠA" (in Greek), as the initials of the EthoPlasìn Academy's full name. The official short name of the Pythagorean Academy, as it is known internationally, is: "PythAcademia" in honor of both Pythagoras and Plato (the latter lived 150 years later but he was of clear Pythagorean descent from a philosophical point of view and his school was called Academia). At the top of the central gate of the "Π" of "EPA", there is a Tetractys appearing, in a blue sky color triangle, as the most central and fundamental symbol of the EthoPlasìn Academy, indicating that its associated Pythagorean philosophy and discipline is the only entrance, the only key, and the only right path, to attain full holistic EthoPlasìn formation. The "10" in the middle of the accessing scale, at the bottom, stands for the 10 grades of the EthoPlasìn discipline.


The various geometrical shapes of the symbol all have their symbolic meanings, including the Circle at the top representing the high ideal of (civic) 'Perfection' or Excellence pursued by all members. Its overall shape is a vertical Hexagon (in correspondence to the horizontal hexagon of the public symbol shown on the home page, and like the three main residential buildings on the campus, as shown in an Attachment. These hexagonal residential buildings have one of the "6P Philosophers" represented on each side). The beehive hexagonal shape is a symbol of Strength and Discipline in referring to the EthoPlasìn life style. The two sides of the central Rectangle holding the 4 Doric columns are built on the basis of the proportions of the Golden Number, usually represented today by the Greek letter 'phi' (Φ) of 'Philosophy', appearing at the roof level to the left. In the Sacred Tetractys, the Greek 'phi' (Φ) was a symbol of both Beauty and Justice, which are two of the traits brought into society by the lifestyle of fully trained EthoPlasìn members (as explained in our page on Kallos Beauty).