T E M P O R A R Y    S U S P E N S I O N    O F    A C T I V I T I E S

The development of this project is temporarily suspended because of the serious economic crisis in Greece and the uncertainty this places on the essential self-financing requirements of the Academy, as briefly mentioned in the introducing Nutshell, and in section 3 of the "Expanding the Nutshell" , of our page of


In the meantime, we post this website mainly to attract interest and suggestions, let alone possible candidate contributors to the Foundation. Until the Academy is ready to go with its full implementation, which will likely only be after the worst of the economic crisis will have passed in Greece, if you have any suggestion, or want to provide some comments, or get in touch with the founder of the Academy for any reason, please use the Contact Points of our Home Page, or simply send an email to:


We may not be able to reply to most emails until the project is fully re-activated, but we will keep your interests  and requests in reserve, let alone your critical observations, for action at an appropriate time in the future, as soon as economic circumstances in Greece will have changed favorably and will allow us to do so.


Jacques Drapeau




Έρρωσθε και ευδαιμονείτε!

(Erotically Pursue Philosophical Wisdom and Enjoy Undisturbed Bliss!)