
N.B.: Registration is not/not open yet as the EPAcademia is not yet operational.

Even formal pre-registration is not open yet but it shall be in the coming months. If our Academy is of any interest to you, please navigate our website on a regular basis and you will find out in due time when we get ready for formal registrations. Alternatively in the meantime, if you want to ensure you will be advised immediately when registrations become open, just send a simple email saying so to Please do not press however for an answer to any questions before that time as we will most likely not reply until we are ready and fully operational. On the other hand, in sending that email, you are welcome to provide comments on both yourself and what is of most interest to you in the EthoPlasìn project, even a smiling picture (as per Rule 1) and a short one-paragraph curriculum if you so wish. We will not give away your email nor use your email in any way for any kind of spam mail, but only for occasional status reports on de development of the project and to let you know when we are ready for registrations.


If you think you have pre-university children interested in Meritocracy and Civic Values, you may consider having them pre-register to the International University EPAcademia, south of Athens, Greece. The admission is very selective but once admitted students live free of any charge, and with full board pension, including full uniform clothing, while studying at the Academy. The teaching is conducted in English but the internal administration is intended to be conducted in the its own new and most easy Universal Language called EthoGloso as soon as possible.

  1. The students must normally be18 to enter the EPAcademia, andBuds have completed all compulsory pre-university schooling in their countries, but interested candidates can be pre-registered earlier. Candidates can pre-register on their own from age 16. Children below that age can only pre-register with the written concurrence of their parents. See our Admission Process page.

  2. The candidates must have a good basic command of English when entering the Academia, but they can pre-register while studying English in their countries in the few years preceding their eventual Admission. A good basic knowledge of EthoGloso is also an important asset for pre-registration confirmation.

  3. During pre-registration, the candidate can build a profile with the EPAcademia. The priority in allocating the limited places for final Admission at the university will be based in great part on this profile. For more information see our Admission Process page.

  4. EthoPlasìn provides a very special kind of formation, in terms of a Holistic Education. Studying at the EPAcademia is free but strongly disciplined. Before pre-registration, the students themselves, and also their parents when they are less than 16, must read carefully the content of this website to make sure it suits their objectives and their conception of Education, Discipline and Life Style. 

  5. At the beginning, only few faculties will be available in comparison with most other normal universities around the world. See our page on Faculties Available at the PythAcademia. Each of them in turn includes additional elements of Geometry, Music and Beauty, not to mention the common essential common component of Civitas management.

  6. EPAcademia also issues its own new and autonomous Civitas Management diploma based on a mix of elements of all the other regular faculties present at the University, plus elements of the EthoPlasìn Philosophical Discipline, and expertise in MeritoCracy and Philoecosophical Administration. This diploma is a new, but a full, university degree meant mainly for students who have the intention to play a meaningful role in the management of cities, countries and environments of all kinds, most likely through careers in politics or public administration at various levels of involvement.

  7. To formally pre-register, as opposed to sending a simple email, fill-in the attached form (not yet online) and submit by email.