E t h o C r a c y    S u g g e s t i o n s



N.B.  This is only a page of various tentative suggestions related to EthoCracy, while our main official page is the following on the official subject of EthoCracy. The main EthoCracy is the long term objective of the PythagorArium. Its short term objective is the new type of holistic education called EthoPlasìn. EthoCracy is a third-generation type of democracy, one that went from Democracy to Meritocracy, and then from Meritocracy to EthoCracy. This webpage on suggestions related to EthoCracy is particularly long and complex, and describes, further down, after some introductory comments, a series of 30 major specific reforms, numbered from 01 to 30, that would have to take place, cumulatively, as a package, in order to transform an ordinary democracy into a Meritocracy as a first step, and then into an EthoCracy. Preceding this package of 30 reforms, for a quick overview, there is a short nutshell section on the Essence of EthoCracy that groups the main reforms, and gives them a brief description, under seven leading characteristics, with appropriate links to the full text of the reforms mentioned for more complete information.


- For only a quick overview of the suggested package of reforms so far, read the Essence of EthoCracy.

- For the official page go to EthoCracy.

- To jump the introduction of this page and read sequentially the detailed analysis of the 30 cumulative reforms, go to the Package

- To trace one of the 30 suggested reforms quickly by title, the catalogue is the following:

  1. A New Voting Way and Duty (NEVoC)

  2. A Syntagma as Opposed to a Constitution (With 5 State Powers)

  3. A New Arium Structure of State Powers under a LeaderArium

  4. A Fundamental PhiloEcoSophical Law (FPL)

  5. A Priority National Charter of Rights, with Duties and Exclusions

  6. Elections Only With Absolute Majority

  7. Elections Only At National Level

  8. A Fully Four-Way-Binding Electoral Program (BEP)

  9. A NoNoNo Government: No Borrowing, No Debt, and No Surprise (Taxation or Law)

  10. An OppositArium With All Possible Forms Of Oppositions

  11. EthoCracy as Direct Democracy Pushed to its Limits

  12. A Firm Separation Between Politics, Media, and Money

  13. A Limited Important Role of Political Parties

  14. Full Transparency of All Officials (RATAC & PIT)

  15. A Zero Tolerance With Corruption

  16. A New Type of Extended Family Business (EFB)

  17. More Contented Extended Family Units (EFU)

  18. Holistic and Meritocratic Schools With an Agricultural Area (EthoSchool)

  19. A New Patriotic Paramilitary Service (PPS)

  20. Only Legal Immigration and Least Possible Multiculturalism

  21. Prison-Farms Connected to Homeless Hostels and Animal Shelters

  22. Better Integrated Holistic Health, Food and Agriculture

  23. Private Justice Helping Public Justice, Tax Collection and Family Issues

  24. The Construction of National Ethocratic City Areas (NECA) 

  25. A National System of Award for Civic Education (ACE)

  26. Natural Resources National Ownership & Product National Goodness Code

  27. No Fed-Type Central Bank but a National Autonomous Monetary Authority (NAMA)

  28. No More Permanent Embassies, only Reinforced Consulates

  29. No Secrecy For All Non-Elected International Organizations (NEIO)

  30. A New National and International Auxiliary Language (EthoGloso)


EthoCracy is really a third-generation form of democratic government

DemoCracy --> MeritoCracy --> EthoCracy - Meritocracy, from an ethocratic point of view, as an improvement to the original concept of democracy, is essentially a "Democracy that is direct and transparent, attributing social benefits and positions of power openly, and strictly on a basis of merit". As the Just Balance for the rights, duties, positions and benefits corresponding to the different nature of each citizen, Meritocracy is the short term political objective of EthoPlasìn, as a good midway step towards full EthoCracy. However, if Meritocracy improves democracy, it maintains essentially the present form of democraticBalance government institutions, and the same parliamentary system we find at the moment in most western countries. In turn, EthoCracy is the long term political objective of EthoPlasìn, and EthoCracy does not only improve democracy through the application of more merit, with regards to the attribution of social benefits and positions of power, but also involves drastic structural changes of the constitutional state powers, all intended to bring about increased information transparency and accountability, strong ethical values, more efficiency, least possible corruption, and better social justice. These EthoCratic changes happen  in government institutions (to render them more efficient), in social values (to render them more responsive to the merit of each citizen, and to be the reflection of a better civic decorum) and in philoecosophical concerns (to promote a better sense of Planet Oneness Responsibility).

Democracy - Democracy, as we know it today, in most countries, is distorted, sick, and in an advanced state of impotency, not to say imminent chaotic collapse, in many, if not most, important countries. More than faulty or outdated however, it simply is not/not democracy anymore, certainly not democracy as it was first conceived by Ancient-Greece. It is only really a demagogy, or a bastardized deviation of the original concept of democracy invented by Ancient-Greece, which was much closer to what we would call today a "Direct Meritocracy" or more simply a "Meritocracy". In the last few years in particular, it has clearLavenderly become an ugly combination of a financial Plutocracy, as an Oligarchy, serving the "highest" interests of the rich commanding class, and a populist Clientocracy, serving the "lowest" interests of the poor mass-voting base, in order for the politicians to get more of the popular vote. From this point of view, what we call "Democracy" today is only an illusion of democracy: citizens are given the impression that they have power, through their votes, but their votes only serve to push into positions of power officials who, once elected, will pretty much do whatever they want, and serve mainly their own interests and sense of power. That type of democracy is certainly completely incapable of resolving the most serious modern problems of most countries, especially from a civic or an ethical point of view. Most of the time, this demagogical monster takes the form of a huge bureaucracy that is grossly unnecessary and, because of its size and secrecy, is wide open to mercantilism, corruption, unfair privileges, injustice, inefficiency and political nepotism: something one should probably call a Corruptocracy. Even from an economic point of view, most of the time, it is now an Impotent National Plutocracy, incapable of playing any leading national role anymore, and hardly capable of passively responding, weakly and/or wrongly, to an ever more Powerful Global Plutocracy. The National Plutocracy is subdued and subjugated by the Global Plutocracy that is well on its way to implement a worldwide Creditocracy leading fast to a Debtocracy and, in the end, to a complete Slavocracy. Worldwide this time! In its historical perspective, this phenomenon is a fourth-type of slavery, much more sophisticated than the 3 previous ones, serving much better the interests of the current 'masters', as these new masters do not even have to maintain the new type of slaves anymore, like they used to have to do, completely or partially, in the first three types of slavery. And slavery, extended to the majority of the citizens of a country, be it 'only' a financial slavery, is certainly not the reflection of a 'democracy'. In the meantime, and as a result, on the side of the dominant minority, ignorant or vicious national politicians, foolish international bankers, and incompetent bureaucrats worldwide, get unfairly, not to say dangerously, into positions of power, with huge and undeserved privileges of all kinds, attached to themselves, or granted to their nepotistic clientele, while most citizens under their command suffer from many cascading forms of social and economic injustice. Merit is totally absent from that scenario, except occasionally, and in a purely nominal and accidental way. Ethics are only a theoretical concern of few idealistic individuals who occasionally manage to bring the subject up for discussion in the public opinion but with practically never any concrete positive result. The new type of democracy proposed by EthoPlasìn, called an EthoCracy, is much closer to the original concept of Ancient-Greece, as a kind of Directocracy, from which Meritocracy sprouts much more naturally, and that can more easily prevent, to a great extent, the worst aspects of modern democracies, like political corruption and financial slavery. Some of this is explained in more details in few of the reforms of the Ethocratic Reform Package mentioned further down, like the first two reforms talking about the new NEVoC voting system (and Voting as a Duty instead of only a right), and the reform mentioned further down: EthoCracy as Direct Democracy Pushed to its Limits. That EthoPlasìn concept is EthoCracy, a form of government that puts things into better order, correcting and improving most of the mess delivered by most modern democracies, in particular with the application of a new managerial culture based, as per the EthoPlasìn logo, on Better Decorum, More Merit applied through a new Social Olympic Spirit, and a sense of Planet Oneness Responsibility. EthoCracy fosters excellence on the basis of the capacity of each citizen, ensures only the best ones get into positions of command, or at least into positions of power corresponding legitimately to their best commanding qualities, and ensures that everyone is rewarded in the end on the basis of their own merit. In principle everyone serves others and oneself, each at a just level, with no form of unfair slavery nor any major injustice. 

MeritoCracy and EthoCracy (SOS) (EOS) (COS) (EthoCOS) - Both MeritoCracy and EthoCracy, as conceived by Ancient-Greece, albeit with the single name of 'Democracy', are based on a spirit of community life that is much better, or much more meritocratic, than the one animating contemporary democracies. In the original concept of Ancient-Greece, Democracy was in terms of every citizen being able to express freely and directly his opinion in public, and every eligible citizen being able to express his actual vote directly instead of through a representation (even if not all citizens were being able to provide a decisive vote for important decisions) and render the relevant decisions directly executive, without the intervention of any meaningful bureaucracy. MeritoCracy or EthoCracy, corresponding to what Ancient-Greece called simply 'Democracy', was based on a type of culture that was very close to the spirit that animated the Olympics during that same period, on something that we call the Social Olympic Spirit (SOS) and Ethical Olympic Spirit (OlympicRingsEOS): equality at the starting line and in front of the standing rules (law) during the competition, but with only the very best ones being able to reach the top, and everyone reaching the just level of his own merit. This spirit, when applied well in all sectors of public life, becomes a Country Olympic Spirit (COS). Modern democracies are managed wrongly because they assume, and push, in order to get more votes from the widest possible base of the population, for a flat, fake and illusionary equality of all citizens, and consequently they attempt to give unfairly an equal lot (or maybe rather an equal "bit") to everyone independently of merit. By the same token, through an unnecessarily huge bureaucracy, they manage to allow, grant, and tolerate blindly, huge privileges to a caste that gets into positions of power without merit, nor ethics, in most cases, in particular in relation to the well hidden plutocratic financial elite. Merit and ethics are baffled all the way in the process. Basic flat equality of human beings is not only a fake objective, but even pure fiction, as citizens are born far from equal. Mother Nature does not make them equal. Some are more intelligent. Some have great talents, while others have none. Some are more beautiful, or physically stronger, while others are weaker. Some are more dedicated to achieving excellence, while others are more interested in just having a good time while it lasts, independently of the consequences to others, let alone to themselves in the long run. Some are better equipped for intellectual work while others are better equipped for manual work. In a Meritocracy, and even more so in an EthoCracy, merit and ethics have a fundamental importance in achieving success, and in compensating fairly all citizens, on the basis of their best natural talent, personal efforts and honest dedication, in particular in making sure most deserving persons get into positions of most power with, fairly and inevitably, some legitimate privileges attached to their more important role. Strangely enough, we already know this EthoCratic principle, and we apply it very well, spontaneously, even without questions, in the field of national sports. In the national sport of a country for example, be it soccer, football, hockey or baseball, only the very best athletes get to the top, and get rewarded accordingly, on the basis of their natural talent, efforts and best honest dedication. All the others find their right place, or niche, at the appropriate level that corresponds well, and fairly, to what they are, what they did so far, and what they can offer. Nobody finds this unusual or unfair in national sports. In fact the ones located in the lower teams not only do not feel unfairly treated but, most often, become the best fans of the ones at the higher levels and, as such, everyone is quite happy, without any feeling of any real injustice. The lower ones might be sad they have not reached the top, but they do not feel unfairly treated. They accept their lot, and wish best luck to the better ones. It should be the same in all good democracy, and in all fields of human and social activity, certainly so in an EthoCracy. EthoCratic governments and countries try to run themselves on the basis of this same kind of Olympic spirit. This is in fact what EthoPlasìn calls SOS (Social Olympic Spirit), as one of the founding elements of a MeritoCracy and, in particular, of an EthoCracy. In an EthoCracy the SOS is complemented by the EOS (Ethical Olympic Spirit): merit + ethics. This combination is sometimes called SOSES (SOS and Ethical Spirit) in the EthoPlasìn environment. An EthoCracy is a society where merit, ethics, SOS and EOS all together, play a fundamental role in managing the country and giving a fair lot to each citizen. At national level, as a country, in fair competition with other countries, this SOS becomes COS (Country Olympic Spirit). A society, or a country, containing these elements combined could also be called an Olethocracy (combining parts of 3 words: Olympic, Ethics and MeritoCracy). A more simple and elegant way to call it might be AristossoCracy (to avoid the emblematic word of Aristocracy), or Aristarchy (a county managed by the 'excellent ones', or the 'accomplished ones', from the meaning of "Aristos", or "άριστος" in Greek). Another alternative could be a KalloCracy, from the meaning of 'Kallos' ("κάλλο": harmony and beauty of body and soul together, in terms of both stature and behavior combined). On the basis of the name of this website, and all the concepts of the new reforms of this page in particular, we have preferred to call it simply "EthoCracy". This is certainly the spirit that animated the inventors of 'Democracy' (which again was, at the time of Ancient-Greece, much more a Meritocracy, even an EthoCracy, than a democracy as we know it today, deflated into a demagogy, to say the least), and the inventors of the Olympic competitions: a social interplay based on a meritocratic emulation of the best ones, and where each one wins fairly, and acquires a fair lot, at his proper level, on the basis of his talent, his efforts and an application of clear and simple ethical and meritocratic rules. Thus the important page of this website on the Pythagorean Man Emulation and the formation of the Tetractys, in order to achieve the Victory on the Minotaur. This is 'Social Olympic Spirit' and 'Ethical Olympic Spirit', and hopefully 'Country Olympic Spirit'. This is SOS and EOS. This is SOSES. This is hopefully also COS at national country level, allowing not only best performance of citizens within the country, but best ethical performance in competing proudly with other countries, culturally and economically, for offering the world the best of their talents as an EthoCOS (Ethocratic Country Olympic Spirit). This is the foundation of EthoCracy.       

This EthoPlasìn spirit in its various forms, as SOS, EOS or COS, implies many important changes in the manner a society functions and in the way a government manages a country. In particular, with the advent of the era of the Internet, of powerful database management technology and of instant worldwide communications, all sensible persons can legitimately ask themselves the three following questions:

  1. Who needs huge bureaucratic governments, with 'elephantic' national ministries and bilateral embassies worldwide? Who needs monstrously inefficient and corrupted parliaments with hundreds of super-paid ignorant and incompetent members in particular? Could not a new form of e-Democracy, like an EthoCracy, with complete Civitastransparency, full accountability, merit, ethics and database management efficiency, be able to eliminate most of the burden of bureaucracy, prevent practically all corruption, expose and avoid the bulk of nepotism, and respond much faster to all the needs of its citizens?  

  2. Why should not citizens be better in charge, able to express their will more easily, through a more efficient and much quicker form of voting, and command practically in real time the application of merit and ethics in their society, better than through slow, heavy and costly political elections that require months of preparation, weeks of absurd electoral campaign, and massive amounts of public money literally sent uselessly down the drain? 

  3. Why should not citizens enjoy at least MeritoCracy, and have a chance to get their fair lot on the basis of their best talent, personal efforts, and honest dedication, instead of on the basis of nepotistic relations, or of the financial status of their family? Why should not citizens enjoy even EthoCracy, with the best application of the ethics? Why should not all citizens be able to obtain their fair lot, even if it involves inevitable limitations to some, and legitimate privileges to others, in particular to the best ones, like in sports, and be happy about it, if they also know that it is based strictly on merit, and that honest attempts are made to recuperate the most unfortunate persons, or the weaker elements of citizenship, and to compensate adequately for some of their most serious mistakes or inadequacies?   

EthoPlasìn Political Objectives - EthoPlasìn is not currently affiliated to any political party of any country in the world, but it nevertheless has clear political objectives. From this point of view, it is useful to peak here at what we said in our page Description In More Details regarding its Political Objectives.

EthoPlasìn Ultimate Objective - The advent of EthoCracy is the fundamental long-term EthoPlasìn political objective. If Meritocracy is its short term political objective, what EthoPlasìn is proposing, as its long term political objective, is a new form of modern democracy, a kind of powerful e-Democracy, called EthoCracy, based on SOSES (a combination of SOS and EOS), top available modern technology, and in particular the so-called EthoCracy Reforms Package involving the 30 government reforms mentioned below. This involves EggPolicydrastic changes in our forms of government, rendering them lighter and more efficient, and an improvement of our approach to the subject of social justice. EthoPlasìn will pursue this long term political objective, along with the recognition of its EthoGloso auxiliary language. The advent of a world with the implementation of both EthoCracy and EthoGloso, in the same environment, forms what EthoPlasìn calls its EGG (EthoCracy & EthoGloso Governance) Policy. Implementing a fertile EGG Policy, for the birth of best possible Civitas Management, in as many environments as possible, is the ultimate objective of EthoPlasìn, to be pursued worldwide, through the PythAssociation, its association of members formed on the basis of the best holistic EthoPlasìn Education and the "Critical Mass" of more disciplined individuals it will eventually form. This however has nothing to do with any kind of hegemony or ideology. The EGG Policy, and the spirit at the base of EthoCracy, along with its reforms, its objectives and its new Civitas Management life-style, all stem from the DEMONE values of the EthoPlasìn logo: "Better Decorum, More Merit and Oneness Responsibility". These DEMONE values themselves are based on the philosophy of Ancient-Greece, of Pythagoras and Plato in particular. That philosophy gave the world, for quite a few centuries, what  can be considered the best of what one can call "Civilization", influencing the "invention" and the implementation of the best type of human education, and consequently the best form of meritocratic democracy. This is the meaning of the Return Of Philosophy, mentioned in the very title of our opening page and, as explained in the first section of that page, the importance of the resumption of the first aspect of that philosophy, that was a "System of Fundamental Values to Guide Human Living" as opposed to only the "Formulation of Concepts to Help Understand the World", like unfortunately modern and contemporary philosophy have reduced themselves doing in the last 400 years, in particular since 1968. Thus the need for the return of that type of great philosophy and, as seen in another vital page, the need for what we call the Pythagorean Man Emulation and the holistic formation of the Tetractys in our contemporary education, and in our Civitas Management, like both EthoPlasìn education and EthoCracy government reforms want to achieve. This Return Of Philosophy should be accompanied by a Return Of Democracy, that is a return of real Democracy as founded in Ancient-Greece, that is as a combination of "Direct Democracy & Meritocracy".  

go to Top of Section

Essence of EthoCracy in a Nutshell

To put it in simple terms, an EthoCracy is essentially a direct and subsidiary democracy, founded on the 5 sacred principles of transparency, merit, family, nationality and decorum, with a powerful executive, but with an even more powerful electorate. These 7 characteristics are: 
1- Directness: EthoCracy is direct in the sense that voters have an absolute power over the government, voting easily and safely like never before, through NEVoC, and government actions are tied absolutely to a winning Four-Way Binding Electoral Program: the Executing Power can only be Elected at Absolute Majority, and can only execute what was in its electoral program, all of what was in its electoral program, and execute it all with only the resources explicitly mentioned in its electoral program. Nothing else, nothing more, and nothing less, based on a Fully 4-Way Binding Electoral Program! NevocPowerThis characteristic of directness also implies a less invasive role of Political Parties, but without reducing the vital importance of their role, albeit within more delimited parameters.
2- Subsidiarity: EthoCracy is subsidiary in that its new type of constitution includes an unusual constitutional annex, called FTL, amendable more easily than the constitution itself, but that nevertheless states broad constitutional principles that have to be respected in all laws and regulations of the country, and consequently reduces the need for an extensive regulatory legal system on all aspect of the life of the democracy. The FTL is quite extensive, and covers broad issues but, by the same token, it prevents the need for the formulation of thousands of useless laws and regulations. As long as people and corporations respect the FTL, they are pretty much left undisturbed, with as less legislation as possible, except if a CID (Civitas Interest Defender) intervenes, or even a private citizen through a PJM (Private Justice Mediator), when they appear not to be respecting its guiding principles. 
3- Transparency: The new type of constitution of an EthoCracy, called a Syntagma, includes a 4th and a 5th power of the state, the Informative Power, that supplements the 3 traditional ones (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial), and the Corrective Power. All branches or institutions of government, at all levels, are forced to a degree of Full Transparency never seen before in any democracy, through the intervention of this new state power, both with regards to the public and private sides of activity in the country, and immensely facilitates it strong Zero Tolerance policy on corruption. The same principle applies to the private sector when it affects people in general, like it is eminently the case with the new banking system managed through a NAMA (National Autonomous Monetary Authority) on a basis of transparency and full responsibility, and a revolutionary NoNoNo financial system, with No borrowing power, No debt and No surprise taxation or legislation. This characteristic of transparency also implies a Separation Between Politics, Media and Money that is better and firmer than ever before in any type of modern democracy.    
4- Merit: EthoCracy is centered on merit, in that citizens do not only have rights, but also duties, with each right having a corresponding duty, and the rights and benefits of the state are distributed, or excluded, on the basis of the respect of this inseparable combination of rights and duties. On the other hand, it brings more easy and accessible meritorious justice to all citizens, with the creation of a new system of private justice, through the role of a PJM (Private Justice Mediator), that replaces in a subsidiary way the expensive public-court justice, and assists fairer tax collection on the part of independent professionals, and easier resolution of personal and family problems. It also brings better recovery to citizens who have made mistakes, by the creation of a brand new system of Prison Farms, offering both better rights and stronger duties to all prisoners based on their meritorious behavior.
5- Family: In order to facilitate the maintenance of our best values, and the growth of children accordingly, as future generations, the traditional family structure of society, in terms of legally married couples, is highly promoted by an EthoCracy, but, at the same time, highly facilitated and incentivized in all its aspects, like never before in any democracy, with more fairness to the parties involved, including through GCB (Growing Children Benefit) in the context of reunification of Extended Family Units (EFU) in the same environment, and the development of privileged EFB (Extended Family Business) as much as possible.
6- Nationality: EthoCracy is focused on nationality, not because it is nationalistic, in the bad connotation of the word, but in that it will always give clear priority, in distributing its Chartered rights and benefits, to the citizens and families who have the nationality of the country. It also reinforces the sense of good patriotism, and legitimate pride for nationality, through the institution of a new PPS (Paramilitary Patriotic Service) that replaces the old type of military service. In the same spirit, the constitutional FTL forces the retention of a NAMO (National Majority Ownership) on all natural resources, the institution of a National Goodness Code (NAGCO) for all commercial products, and a strict control on national monetary contributions provided to all NEIO (Non Elected International Organization) entities.
7- Decorum: EthoCracy has a fundamental objective of improving the living quality of all our environments, be they civic, economistic, ecological, cultural, political or institutional in general. This means better national health through the help of AHM (Alternative Holistic Medicine), better holistic education Schools with obligatory civic education, less micro-criminality and neater social environments with only Legal Immigration and least possible multiculturalism. This objective is also attained through other reforms, like the construction of more elegant and ecological NECA suburbs, the national ACE (Award Civic Education) system of encouragement and reward for good civic education, the role of Reinforced Consulates abroad controlling the inflow of illegal migration, and the new OppositArium system giving a chance of full protest and opposition to government action, with more visible and better impact, than never before, on the part of all protesters, even at national level, pushing Democracy to its Limits, and thus will less need of, and less tolerance for, violent destructive protests in public streets.   

N.B. The package of 30 ethocratic reforms that follows, to transform a plain democracy into an EthoCracy, in order to be understood correctly, and to achieve its full potency, has to be read on the basis of the above considerations and, again, taken as a real unitary transformation, as cumulative reforms, as opposed to as separate individual reforms.    


EthoCracy Reforms Package

The following package involves 30 fundamental and cumulative reforms (including, as the final one, the implementation of the use of EthoGloso as an auxiliary language at national level). They all take full advantage of the top technology available today. To be understood and assessed properly however, these reforms have to be read and taken as a package, as opposed to as individual reforms. These reforms want to improve Civitas Management, in a similar manner that Plato wanted to change it when he wrote his Republic, and Aristotle wanted to improve it when he wrote his Politics, some 2300 years ago. Like them, in front of our own audience, considering today's dire need for change, and the necessity to take the following reforms as a package, we feel strongly we should borrow one of Aristotle famous logos in front of his own audience, after expressing his own set of rules for change: "Accepting something different is not an option":  

«Το μη ενδεχεσθαι αλλως εχειν»

  1. REFORM 01/30
    A New Voting Way and Duty
    (NEVoC) -  The new voting way is biometric, and what an EthoCracy calls "NEVoC": ("N
    ational Electronic Voting Card") - In addition, in an EthoCracy, as explained in another reform of the Priority National Charter of Rights and Duties, voting is no more only a right. If it is a right, it is certainly not only a right. Under the new type of ethocratic constitution, the Syntagma, it is definitely a duty. First and foremost a duty! A constitutional duty! It is however a much facilitated duty through the institution of the new NEVoC voting system. Through this new mechanism, voting, as a duty, is made easier, faster, safer and cheaper than ever before in any democratic system but, although the new system uses the Internet in the background, it is not at all a plain type of voting online through the Internet in the comfort of one's home. NEVoC voting becomes rather like going to the bank or to the post office. The system however allows to vote most easily, anywhere in the country, in any type of election, and even at the new type of Reinforced National Consulates abroad. This new NEVoC system is also the first element of the 30 ethocratic reforms in this package, and it is not/not by coincidence: it is a vital prerequisite in assessing and implementing all the following 29 reforms, as a package, that we call the "EthoCratic Reforms Package", and in making the package to be a success. All the other reforms mentioned in this list depend on NEVoC to some degree, one way or the other, directly or indirectly, and cannot be easily fully implemented BiometricIDwithout the power of NEVoC. The institution of this special electronic voting card makes that new voting card capable of identifying and matching its owner in an immediate and absolute way, through a combination of a picture and some specific biometric body features, like finger prints and eye iris characteristics. This NEVoC card also involves the development of two corresponding voting machines: one capable of identifying the voter through the NEVoC card, and preventing a duplication of voting in any particular election and, once passed the ID check point, and after having received the appropriate eligibility voting ticket, a totally separate but adjacent machine capable of registering, and cumulating NEVoC votes instantly and anonymously. A voter must enter through the first machine booth, pass to the second one in a one-way direction, use forcibly his anonymous voting ticket and exit through the second adjacent booth after having voted. Of course, the NEVoC ensures absolute secrecy of the choice(s) made in the current election, and only certifies the fact that the citizen has voted in that election. It then also ensures the voter cannot vote a second time in that election, countrywide and worldwide. The voter keeps his voting ticket safely, as if it were a kind of utility payment receipt that includes his NEVoC ID with the date and the code of the election. Each school, hospital, police station and municipal office has, under its responsibility, to protect and maintain one of these NEVoC booths, activating or deactivating it as necessary. Institutions like public banks are also required to host such NEVoC machines. Citizens can then vote safely anywhere in the country, and do so willingly, at any place and time of their own convenience, within the time frame of any given electoral week, and do so in complete secrecy. Results can be computed instantly during that period, without any possibility of fraud, and without any possibility of secrecy violation. This way, elections also cost a very small fraction of what they cost today and they are held most easily, even much more often, as required, without any significant inconvenience to the citizens involved, providing a much more regular democratic tool to control the actions of the elected governments. In EthoCracy, the NEVoC card also becomes the new compulsory national biometric identity card for both nationals and all foreign legal residents. Its first issuance can be done as soon as a child, with citizenship, needs a passport, and/or not later than age 7, or as soon as a foreigner establishes legal residence. No NEVoC, no passport! This biometric NEVoC ID card has only 6 things appearing on its front: the name of the country of issuance on top (in abbreviated form if the name is long), a Voting Residence Code (or NEVoC Code) on the second line (made of 3 blocks of 3 letter digits, as the official codes for the country, the province and the city of residence, followed by 3 blocks of 3 numerical digits forming, when attached together, a unique random number of 9 digits: a total of 18 ID digits between letters and numbers), a full face picture in the middle, and the main first name (with its first letter capitalized), followed by the main surname (all capitalized) of the person near the bottom. At the very bottom it has a bold number in "0/x" format, where the first number can be a "0" or a "1", with the "0" indicating subject does not have the nationality of the country of issuance, and "1" indicating possession of that nationality. The second number "x" indicates the number of nationalities owned by the subject, with additional 3 letter digit Country Code details that can be showed at the back, as a choice of the holder. The picture occupies all the available space between the country name and person names. All other particulars, including gender and a full person or country name, more complete than what is on the front, along with the integrated chip with all the card's particulars, appear at the back. At the bottom of the back, there is a barcode, that is not a number, but a digitally readable summary of the identifying data of the card. This barcode includes a full residence address, and a compulsory personal email reserved for NEVoC communications, maintained on the InformArium website. The last line at the back has a City Code of residence and the date of the last update. Its NEVoC picture is updated at least every 7 years, along with the rest of its specific identifying biometric features, possibly serving for all national identification purposes. The NEVoC basically ensures absolute identity based on biometric features. The inclusion of the fiscal code for taxation purposes is only an option. Some citizens may want it integrated for facilitating all their recognition operations with one single document. Some may choose not to have it integrated for their own reasons. At each regular 7-year renewal, or ad hoc renewal for change of data, citizen can change their mind and include, or exclude, the fiscal code while updating their NEVoC. The 7-year renewals respect the Pythagorean Septennial Life Periods that bring meaningful changes in each human being, physically and psychologically, as explained in our page on Pythagorean Ways. Again, voting in all national elections with NEVoC in an EthoCracy is not only a right anymore, but rather also a constitutional duty, as seen in the other reform of the Priority National Charter of Rights and Duties. In principle only citizens can vote in national elections, and non-citizens with a zero in their "0/x" code number cannot vote, being rejected by the NEVoC machine in any national voting process, along with the ones not having the Country Code of the NEVoC machine. With the NEVoC system, all citizens are also allowed to vote abroad, if and when useful, at their national Reinforced Consulates that are all equipped with NEVoC machines.  


    The above expresses the NEVoC features for elections at national level. This special card has similar utility at provincial and municipal (local) levels mutatis mutandis. At provincial level, it is used strictly for referenda, or for consultation purposes, and not for electing or confirming a provincial Governor as, in an EthoCracy, all members of the Executive Power are Voted only at National level, as part of the team of the current national president being elected. Provincial Governors can only be dismissed by, or with the president, if he is not reconfirmed by the Yearly Government Confirmation Process. Municipal Governors can always be dismissed independently by the President. At local municipal level, the NEVoC can be used for both purposes: consultation and confirmation. All citizens, along with all legal non-citizen residents, have to be NEVoC registered, with an exact residence address, and a specific NEVoC email maintained by the InformArium. National consultations apply exclusively to citizens. Provincial and municipal consultations may also apply to non-citizen legal residents. All can be convoked for an easy and quick consultation, at any of these 3 levels, at a NEVoC machine of their convenience, anywhere in the country, or at a Reinforced Consulate abroad, within an established timeframe of at least one week, and must vote as a constitutional duty, lest bear the consequences in terms of a fine or a taxation penalty. An additional perk offered by the NEVoC card is that it can be flashed to a special machine, along with a biometric element (like the right index finger), at any port of entry of the national borders, in order to facilitate automatic entry into the country with no, or least, formalities, in order to facilitate the automatic entry of citizens and Only Legal Immigration. An EthoCracy is by definition a country with controlled national borders, and all non-NEVoC travelers must come in through appropriate identity document verification independently from the prescriptions of any supra-national structure like the EU, or other similar non-national authorities, which are all undersigned with this restriction

    Considering the maximum facilitation of the new NEVoC voting system, not voting in an EthoCracy is not a crime, but definitely considered an offense, as an unaccomplished, or unfulfilled, civic duty, under the National Chart of Rights and Duties, punishable by a fine or a tax penalty. Using the appropriate national NEVoC electronic voting cards, the related automation machines in their dedicated physical sites, makes voting so easy that there is no excuse for not doing it, and it is required as a constitutional duty, and not granted as just a right. In an EthoCracy, citizens do not only have rights, but also duties under the National Chart of Rights and Duties. In fact, voting is a right from age 15, but definitely a duty at age 18, normally during or after completing the PPS (Patriotic Paramilitary Service). Ensuring that the national community has the best possible government, or at least that it has a government managing the country as the majority wants it, because it could only be Voted at Absolute Majority, is a duty of each citizen wanting to have, and to maintain, the citizenship of that country. It is certainly so in an EthoCracy. The new requirements of the improved Legislative Power (through its new ExpertArium) and the improved Opposition Power (through its new OppositArium) also require that citizens all vote at each election and at each yearly Confirmation of Government Performance. Most of the other improvements brought in by an EthoCracy in this package of 30 reforms (like: Full Transparency and accountability of the Executive and Judicative Powers, and the Four-Way Binding Electoral Program etc.) also impose such a voting duty requirement. In other words, not voting without justification is an unaccomplished constitutional duty of the citizen, literally an offense under the civil code, and the subject of a penalty: a fine or an automatic increase of 5% on all annual income taxes of that citizen. With the NEVoC system, all citizens can vote most easily, and must do so, even abroad, at their national Reinforced Consulates equipped with NEVoC, if and when required. 

    After each election NEVoC compiles the list of citizens who have not voted, to be integrated to the database of the GinfonArium (part of the new Informative Power) and to the CorrectivArium, for verification, publication as True Information, and eventual communication to either the police office for a fine, or to the appropriate tax office for the application of an administrative penalty of 5% increase in taxation, except in cases of justification to the CorrectivArium for the non-voting offense, within seven weeks of the elections, due to sickness, travelling abroad in non NEVoC areas, or other legitimate impossibility to vote.


    Finally, the voting duty and the new NEVoC system allows contemporary democracies to emulate the original idea of democracy, as conceived by its inventor, Ancient-Greece, and to make it the combination of a Direct Democracy Pushed to its Limits, and hopefully a Meritocracy as much as possible, as opposed to a distant representative democracy. This allows citizens to exercise their decision power more directly and, by the same token, to eliminate as much as possible the intermediaries, like traditional parliamentarians, who, in exercising their representational role, too often to their own personal advantage, are commonly the source of gross negligence and worst political corruption.

    As a last point, as mentioned in the other EthoCratic reform about the National Charter of Rights and Duties, some people living in an EthoCracy might have their right to vote excluded from them, temporarily or permanently, at one, or more, or all levels.

    The word RATAC means government Records Accessible To All Citizens. Not denouncing immediately a lost NEVoC is a serious criminal offense, and circulating without it is another serious offense, albeit less serious. In another reform about Full Government Transparency, we explain that, in principle, all government records, of budget transactions of any size, in and out, and documents of any kind, are all accessible read-only by all citizen. This access is granted through a logon to the new InformArium website, with one's personal NEVoC data, along with a PIN, similar to the most secure credit cards logon; The InformArium checks instantly the validity of the NEVoC. If it is still valid, the citizen is immediately granted RATAC access.  

  2. REFORM 02/30
    A Syntagma as Opposed to a Constitution, and With 5 State Powers
    - The word 'Syntagma', in Ancient-Greek, means "constitutional arrangement". The constitution of an EthoCracy is so different from what we have in most western countries at the moment, that it is appropriate to change its name. It is thus called a Syntagma, instead of a Constitution. The Syntagma proper is very short, and expresses, only and exclusively, some fundamental principles to be respected in all behavior and eventual legislation of the EthoCracy, principles and values that cannot be changed except through a majority of 3/4 of the vote of a dedicated NEVoC referendum. That includes a new and quite revolutionary system of separation of powers that is divided in 5, and not in 3 anymore. Then, as seen explicitly in another reform, the Syntagma has a Constitutional Annex, called the Fundamental PhiloEcoSophical Law (FPL). That part of the constitutional arrangement can be changed with a 2/3 majority vote in a dedicated NEVoC referendum. The process of Amending Constitutional Law is described further down in more details. That FPL in turn, among many other things, also includes all the provisions of what is normally called the National Charter of Human Rights and Duties, and these national provisions have an absolute priority over any other foreign, international or universal charter that the country might want to subscribe to. In addition, and this is quite a novelty, unique of an EthoCracy, this national charter has an unusual final clause that makes it possible that some of these rights might be suspended temporarily, from specific people, in specific circumstances, until some conditions are met on their part. This unusual provision reflects the spirit of an EthoCracy in which the meritocratic system gives citizens duties to fulfill, as much as rights to enjoy, with the two being closely intertwined: without fulfilling some duties, one may temporarily not be able to enjoy all of his rights, even some fundamental ones.   

    The theory of Separation of Powers developed in the 18th century in its modern form, mainly by Montesquieu, includes three separate branches of State Power, traditionally called: the Legislative, the Executive, and the Judicial. These 3 powers are intended to be completely independent from each other, with none of them having more power than the 2 others, and all 3 existing in perfect balance and independence from each other. This is in fact a model of state governance that originated in Ancient-Greece, was adopted, and further developed, by the ancient Roman Republic, and then spread around the world as the so-called
    Trias Politica, that we find ourselves in, today. In the ancient times, the mass media, or more appropriately the world of technological mass information accessible to all instantly, did not yet exist, and consequently could not have been considered as a possible State Power. However, in our contemporary world, the means of mass information have acquired such a real power that it is at least as important as any of the three other traditional State Powers of the Trias Politica. Consequently, this new mass information power cannot be left entirely into private hands, and has to become a new State Power but, obviously, only in terms of True Information, or as the most honest possible public information, at the service of all citizens, and without preventing a free parallel private media system existing for private purposes. This modern development, and the need to create a public system of True Information, forces us in a "de facto” situation of Tesseras Politica” ('Tesseras' meaning '4' in Ancient Greek, just like 'Trias' meant '3'  in Montesquieu's classification, and, as seen below, 'Pentas' will mean '5', because an accomplished EthoCracy is really a "Pentas Politica"). Most modern constitutions have not yet adapted to this new contemporary mass information reality that only came into existence after Montesquieu. Consequently this 4th State Power of public True Information does not yet exist, or exists only partially, and wrongly only in private hands at the moment, and in a wild way, being regulated in a mercantilist way, through subsidiary laws influenced by lobbies with special interests, as opposed to pure True Information. This new power must be brought into a constitutional arrangement that brings it in balance with the other State Powers. EthoCracy does adapt itself fully to this new mass information reality and places, as seen below, a brand new Informative Power in its constitutional arrangement, but only at the service of public True Information. To show its sharp departure from the Trias Politica status quo, an EthoCracy is said to have not a Constitution, but a Syntagma (a name that really means a “Constitutional arrangement of the state” in Ancient Greek). To be ethocratic, such Syntagma should then include at least four, and not three, State Powers, in its own theory and practice of Separation of Powers: the Executive, the Legislative, the Judicative and the new Informative powers. In fact, in Ancient-Greece, their meritocratic democracy, at its best time, was so open and so direct (only participative instead of representative) that, for all practical purposes, their constitutional arrangement was really, in practice, a Tesseras Politica, and not a Trias Politica, even if it was not mentioned explicitly in this manner and the mass media did not yet exist. They had no representational system, but a direct democracy, and all government information was always directly discussed, by all interested persons, in their fully open assembly, in an open-air public place, talking in front of all citizens, and with all citizens able to express freely their opinions. This open and direct information reality constituted de-facto the 4th State Power that we call today, in an EthoCracy, the Informative Power. But an accomplished EthoCracy is even a Pentas Politica, including a 5th power, the Corrective Power, that merges the most vital constitutional responsibilities and security aspects of two other national forces: the police force, and the military forces of the country, and absorbs one aspect of the traditional judicial power under its separate wing: the Constitutional Court of the Judicial Power. In short, an EthoCracy promotes two subsidiary national forces (Information and Police/Military) to two new State Power : the new Informative Power, and the new Corrective Power. As such they form two new State Powers, that become 5 instead of 3, forming a Pentas Politica instead of the traditional Trias Politica. They are all independent from each other, but also collaborate as required under the constitution and the guidance of the new LeaderArium. On the other hand, if an EthoCracy promoted two national forces to two new State Powers, it also somehow demotes partially two of the traditional State Powers, in order to render itself more efficient, and they are the Legislative Power and the Judicial Power. The ethocratic Legislative Power is heavily dominated by the Executive Power, but the danger that may result from this partial submission of the Legislative Power exists only in appearance as, in fact, the new Executive Power is a new, and real, People's Power, through the combined interplay of a few other powerful ethocratic reforms, like the duty to vote under the NEVoC system, the related elections only at Full Majority, and only at National Level, the Direct Democracy Pushed To Its Limits, in a most comprehensive OppositArium, and in particular the fully Four-Way Binding Electoral Program of an elected President, acting within the tight parameters of a NoNoNo Government System, and under the strict requirements of RATAC budgets, whereby the executive President cannot propose, during his mandate, any new legislation, in particular in relation to any new taxation, that has not been planned for explicitly in his electoral program, subject to his immediate resignation, after confirmation of non compliance to his program, by the new CorrectivArium in collaboration with the True Information provided by the new InformArium. In turn, the partial demotion of the traditional judicial power is not really a demotion, but a kind of appendectomy, as the removal of one of its present components, the Constitutional Court, from under its wing, and its placement under the wing of the new Corrective Power, in order to render that highest court more independent from the lower levels of Justice that have nothing or little to do with pure constitutional issues, and place it more properly under the supervision of a new State Power that has everything to do with the respect of the constitution. This split also protects the new constitutional court from undue political influence within the judicial system of the country, in particular at its highest level. The Minister of Justice of the ExecArium has inspection and corrective rights over the judicial system administered by the JudicArium, and the Head Corrector has inspection and corrective rights over the Constitutional Court supervised by the CorrectivArium. Montesquieu (1689-1755), with his Theory of Separation of Power, did something good to resolve the main problems of the harmonization of management power within a country, but mainly from the point of view of the elites of his time, to which he himself belonged. He could sense, because of the abuse and misuse of power, the coming of the French Revolution (1789) and probably wanted to avoid the worst. But he did not go far enough, in his theory, in order to create a more effective People's Power, and the revolution became unavoidable some 30 years after his death. On the other hand, with the poor level of education of most common people at his time, and the lack of modern technology to help his project, this is probably as much as anyone could do, and a good first step for which we should all be grateful for the improvement of the management of the political power.

    Some 250 years after the death of Montesquieu, and with the new technology available today, it is time to make the necessary second step to finally transform our system of government into a real People's Power but, by the same token, a meritocratic system of People's Power. On the one hand, a real People's Power without merit would only lead to a demagogic disaster. On the other hand, without proper checks and balance, People's Power can only lead to a tyranny, and the worst type of tyranny, under the fake cover of law and justice. As Montesquieu himself well said: “There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetuated under the shield of law and in the name oNevocPowerf justice.”  This is the second step that the new Pentas Politica of the EthoCracy wants to achieve: add more merit and more balance in State Powers. Thus the necessary passage from Montesquieu Trias Politica (the first step) to the Pentas Politica (the second step) of EthoCracy. This second step will finally achieve what the first step could not do, because it was too early in history, but was meant to do, and that, finally, can be done today. It is not an easy change, because it disturbs too many established interests of the politically correct, but it can be done, with a bit of courage, if we spread the appropriate consciousness that will make a critical mass of people realize that real meritocratic People's Power is possible through an accomplished EthoCracy. Only with EthoCracy and its Pentas Politica, along with holistic EthoPlasìn education, can a country  finally have real People's Power, with merit and balance, a power that can never, any more, be flagrantly contradicted, or violated with impunity, by any institution or level of government, and a political power that is also finally exerted by a new kind of real meritocratic elite: not a pseudo elite coming from the top, based on money or family inheritance, but an elite coming from the bottom, extracted from the most deserving people, through the best form of national holistic education, the EthoPlasìn education, and the best principles of Meritocracy applied to all aspects the civic life. With EthoPlasìn holistic education and EthoCracy, let alone also EthoGloso, the political power can finally become a real People's Power, and one administered by the most capable, deserving, and meritorious citizens, like never before in the history of humanity. The strangest thing however, about this constitutional Pentas Politica, is that, in its absolute majority, the Herd is in Command of the Shepherd Dog and not, as usual, the opposite, for the rules that the corrective dog itself makes sure every sheep respects regarding their proper environmental (constitutional) behavior: the herd (NEVoC voters) commands the shepherd dog (CorrectivArium) that commands the sheep, and the shepherd himself (ExecArium government) can more often relax, and more easily enjoy peacefully, the beauty and harmony of the environment (EthoCracy constitutional arrangement and corresponding good social decorum). In short, with the Pentas Politica of an EthoCracy, we have an executive President who is more powerful than probably in any other country in the whole history of democracy but, only within the limits of his Fully Four-Way Binding Electoral Program and his constitutional form of NoNoNo Government. Within these limits, he can, and he must, proceed efficiently and practically undisturbed, like never before. Outside these limits, this unusually powerful President is in fact totally powerless as it is the People's Power that approved the limits at absolute majority, through the binding electoral program, and effectively commands behind the scene, within and without the limits. Even the LeaderArium has no more power than the coordination of these limits imposed by the People's Power. And its power is the NEVoC Power, assisted by the Fully Four-Way Binding Electoral Program Power, and the NoNoNo Government Power. Over that People's Power, there is simply no power (thus the nice 'chasing fish' symbol of real People's Power above to the right). And not even the joint efforts of the ExecArium and the LeaderArium could ever decide simple things, like new taxes or new legislation, or difficult ones, like declaring war. Only People's NEVoC Power could do it.

    In light of all the above, here are the 5 powers of the Pentas Politica of an EthoCracy described briefly:

        1) Executive Power (ExecArium) -
    An EthoCracy under its Syntagma has, really, an "Executing" power as opposed to an "Executive" power. It is called the ExecArium. With the most easy, quick, cheap and efficient NEVoC voting system in place, the "Executive Power" of an EthoCracy really belongs to the voters themselves, or to the people, and there remains essentially only an "Executing Power" in the hands of the government. Elected presidents and ministers must execute the specific items of a Four-Way Binding Electoral Program voted by an Absolute Majority of voters, or items of an ad-hoc NEVoC referendum, and not invent themselves any new plans of action of their own creation, while on duty, in terms of law or taxation, for the management of the country. Even in cases of emergency, the "executing" power can still stand in most cases, because a NEVoC ad-hoc consultation can be held most efficiently in a matter of days, even hours if need be. In cases of "immediate emergency", or a natural catastrophe, an important decision taken preemptively, with the concurrence of the LeaderArium, can exceptionally be confirmed retroactively through a special ad-hoc NEVoC, in a matter of days, and, if not confirmed, the Prime Minister must cancel the urgent measure immediately or, resign immediately. Certain decisions, like all the ones involving taxation or laws, can only be taken as an explicit item of a Four-Way Electoral Program of a full election, and not through any ad-hoc NEVoC consultation. A leader of an EthoCracy, as its President, is a real unequivocal executing leader, with full control of the executing power, elected as such with his own name, face, program and a team of ministers equally well known in advance, including the chosen prime minister, as part of the electoral program and contest. Only a strong presidential system can reflect this essential EthoCratic requirement of an executing power holding firmly and stably the reins of power, and using power to lead the country in the right direction, that is in, and only in, the direction chosen by the voters, on the basis of a clearly established Four-Way Binding Electoral Program or a NEVoC referendum. The two beautiful Ancient-Greece sculptures of the Charioteers of Delphi to the left, well commanded by a strong and competent Enioxos, are the symbols ChariteerDelphiSculptureBigof this kind of power controlled by the voters of a direct democracy. As such, an EthoCratic President is capable of running a government of his complete trust, and complete dominance, capable of dismissing or replacing any of his ministers at will, at any time, and without discussion, nor justification, in order to achieve most efficiently the implementation of a Four-Way Binding Electoral Program. An elected EthoCratic President is fully in charge, for as long as he is confirmed by the Yearly Confirmation Process during any one of the following 5 years, or by a brand new general election that becomes mandatory after maximum 5 years. In the meantime, except in cases of clear treason or flagrant corruption, the President and his Prime Minister (not necessarily the ministers) enjoy full immunity. Any eventual judicial trial against them has to be postponed after the expiration of their last confirmed mandate. In the case of the ministers, the President, on the recommendation of his Prime Minister, has the choice to maintain their immunity during mandate, or to request their resignation, and let them be submitted to trial immediately. Any minister, elected as part of the team of the President, who changes political party affiliation during his mandate (thus changes the Four-Way Binding Electoral Program on which he was elected), must resign automatically and immediately, and wait for a new general election for a new chance to become reelected on the basis of another Four-Way Binding Electoral Program. Such minister can be replaced immediately by the President with another candidate of his choice but, if his name is not one of the candidates from the list presented before election, this nomination is subject to explicit confirmation by the yearly electronic Confirmation Process or an ad-hoc NEVoC consultation. The President always has the prerogative of forcing one of his minister to resign immediately, but again, he has to face a reconfirmation of his mandate in explicit relation to his new ministers at the next Yearly Confirmation Process. The President cannot nominate judges of the JudicArium, nor Correctors of the CorrectivArium, as these are nominated by the LeaderArium, in collaboration with the professional association of these State powers, and the InformArium. He appoints however the head of the LegisArium along with the first 25 experts (of 100) of the ExpertArium. He also appoints the head of the InformArium in concurrence with the LeaderArium and the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman in turn is appointed in full concurrence of all State powers, including the LeaderArium. The LeaderArium itself is composed of all ex presidents, ex prime ministers and ex Governors who are willing to participate, and they nominate their own leader.

         2) Legislative Power (LegisArium) - An EthoCracy, under its Syntagma, has a new kind of expert Legislative Power, more efficient than ever, and not disturbed by any kind of lobby. It is called the LegisArium. The parliament room in which they discuss and formulate legislation is called an ExpertArium. The word ExpertArium basically means a Parliament house of Experts. It is an improved Legislating Power with the additional benefit of being fully protected from the corrupting influence of political lobbyists. Just like the elected government is an "executing" power, as opposed to an "executive" power, the ExpertArium is really only a "legislating" power, and not a "legislative" power: it has no power of creativity to invent new laws during its mandate, and can only put into law the various specific elements of its winning Four-Way Binding Electoral Program that have to be dealt with through new legislation. In an EthoCracy, no more parliamentarians exist as we know them today. Representational politicians, in the form of traditional parliamentarians, were maybe useful before the advent of the current millennium communications technology, but they are outdated today, just like the Outdated Traditional Ambassadors talked about in another reform. In an EthoCracy, electors only elect a President (with his explicitly chosen team of Ministers and candidate Governors). No traditional parliamentarians are elected nor necessary. Most of them in any case, as we know them today, are totally incompetent, for the formulation of new legislation, and their role is replaced by a slim team of 100 experts (seats) confronting themselves with interested citizens in the formulation of new legislation. The first quarter (25) of these experts is chosen by the Prime Minister of the elected President under their full responsibility. Some may work full time under contract for their full mandate, while others are named on an ad-hoc basis, depending on the legislation being discussed. Another quarter (25) is reserved seats for private journalists with at least 10 years of experience in investigative journalism or, as an alternative, by external experts, journalists or not, nominated by the HQ of prominent newspapers. As there can be only 25 such representatives, the association of journalists decides which newspaper will provide candidates in relation to what legislation. Their presence can vary, depending on the legislation being discussed, and their interest in its formulation. The last half (50) are seats reserved for expert citizens, representing various non-journalistic pressure groups, on the subjects of the scheduled agenda being discussed, but all with a known expertise in the field of the legislation being discussed, as certified by the groups they represent. All traditional lobbies for example, even presumable experts in their field of interest, are totally prohibited from operating as traditional lobbyists, in relation to government officials, if not exclusively and openly through these 50 seats of the new ExpertArium, and openly under national TV broadcasting, subject to severe criminal penalty (of course, as citizens, "lobbyists" can also register to intervene in the OppositArium, the new opposition, and public opinion institution, replacing the traditional Senate). These last two categories (75) travel to the parliament at the expense of the people they represent, or their own, and can be paid a small per diem for the days of their presence. The journalists leaving free seats can be replaced by representatives of other pressure groups, and vice versa. Remaining seats (over the 100 "Experts") are freely available in priority to observers from the various ministries concerned with the legislation being discussed and, on a subsidiary basis, to private interested citizens. Like never before, private journalists have the opportunity to become better watchdogs of democracy, but any interested citizen also has a better chance to play more proactively that important role as an expert (let alone their eventual proactive role in the new OppositArium). The Prime Minister schedules a project of law, publishing it for discussion at least one month in advance. Interested journalist (up to 25), or representatives of pressure groups (up to 50) also schedule themselves for discussing them, on a first come first serve basis, but not later than 3 days before the debate. Additional journalists can fill in the seats left open by the 50 representatives of pressure groups, and vice versa, to be decided not later than 2 days before the debate. Otherwise they can also sit in as observers if there are any slots available over the 100 quota of active expert participants. Discussions take place on any project from one to maximum five working days, with all the suggested amendments being argued and registered by the 25 government experts. The 25 government experts then pass on the result of these discussions, with their own recommendations, to the stable expert employees of the relevant ministries, for the final formulation of the new legislation to be signed by the Prime Minister, in the form of a decree within one month maximum, and by the President in the form of new legislation in the following week. Even if the Experts do not vote, their recommendations are 'politically' important, as the government cannot just ignore them or not take them into consideration if they represent the opinions of the majority, but they are not  binding. The government can still ignore them and decide to go its own way, as long as "its way" corresponds to its Four-Way Binding Electoral Program, subject to be confirmed, or not confirmed, by the Yearly Confirmation Process. In that process, there is no need for any majority vote of any kind, nor a tour of majority approval of the formulated legislation in two different parliamentary chambers. The only things the ExpertArium possibly votes on, seeking a majority of 2/3 to do so, at the discretion of the Governor are three: 1) to hold a NEVoC referendum on a specific subject if the Prime Minister signed new legislation ignoring the opposition of obviously the great majority of the ExpertArium or flagrantly contravening the Four-Way binding Electoral Program; 2) to request a consultation to the constitutional court in highly contested legislation from a constitutional point of view; 3) to make an amendment to the constitutional annex, the FPL  (with a 2/3 vote), or to the Syntagma constitution itself (with a 3/4 vote in this case), as per details mentioned in the FPL Reform. With an ExpertArium, the interests of the citizens are better protected, because of the greater possibility of their direct involvement in the formulation of the legislation, and the other controlling factors mentioned in other separate reforms, like the Full Transparency, the easy electronic Annual Confirmation of Governments, the involvement of the InformArium with powerful information, and the possibility of NEVoC Referenda at Will. All legislation is approved much more quickly and efficiently than now, let alone at much lower costs, and its constitutionality can still be perfectly protected through the normal involvement of the constitutional court whenever required. In addition to the 100 seats of Experts in the ExpertArium, there are another 100 seats for observers, and 50 of those are usually reserved for the representatives of the political parties as observers. The rest is for other general observers, or visiting citizens, at the discretion of the Governor. The maximum total seats occupied in the ExpertArium is thus 200 (like in the new OppositArium). Members of the ExpertArium are called Expertarians

         3) Judicative Power (JudicArium) - In EthoCracy under its Syntagma, the Judicial Power is called Judicative, in that it is fully accountable for mistakes, absolutely non political, and can only render justice on the basis of existing laws, without applying any subjective reservations or circumstantial considerations to increase or decrease a penalty. Judges operate with the outmost degree of neutrality, as representatives of a "Blind Justice", like the symbol to the left. They can only apply existing laws to the letter, without trying to give them any interpretation. In case of doubt, the interpretation of the law is the exclusive competence of the LeaderArium as a first step, and the ConstitutionJusticeBlindal Court as a second step if necessary. The constitutional court however is no more within its own State Power, but under the new State Power of the CorrectivArium. Judges can consult the LeaderArium at their will and convenience. The ExpertArium can also do the same but mostly to call for help in formulating, or reformulating, a law in a way that would avoid the probable need of a future interpretation if enacted in its present draft form. In relation to the Executing Power, magistrates of the Judicial Power can certainly assess instances of claimed corruption. However, even if the facts appear serious infractions to the law, and unless the infraction is a flagrant act of treason or corruption with at least three direct witness, the President and his Prime Minister are immune to any trial until the end of their electoral mandates. Contrary to magistrates, the ExecArium is elected and must be in charge, undisturbed as much as possible, until the next Yearly Confirmation of their mandate or a new election. In turn, to balance fairly the evaluation of the executing power by the judicative power, let alone by the NEVoC People, the executing power, through its minister of justice,  also has the right to evaluate the operations and effectiveness of judicial officials, based on the number of their mistakes and, after having published all the relevant information through the InformArium, and obtained the agreement of the LeaderArium, propose legislation to counteract their behavior, or to punish or dismiss a clearly incompetent judicial official (The new CorrectivArium has similar powers of inspection and punishment regarding serious mistakes of the Constitutional Court). In EthoCracy, judicial officials have to be completely and officially a-political in their behavior: no formal affiliation to any political party, nor any activity, nor public declaration of any relevant public influence, on the activities of the Executing or Legislating powers, as a strict condition of their employment contract, and of their stay in function, subject to immediate dismissal under the criminal code. Magistrates abandoning the judicial career cannot be allowed, under the FPL, to be a candidate in any presidential election for at least 5 years, or to be candidate Governors for at least 1 years. To counter-balance, all politicians leaving politics cannot become a judicial official for at least 5 years. Judges are also responsible for their mistakes or their irresponsible actions or inactions in front of third parties, just like any other type of professionals, be it a doctor, a lawyer or an engineer. The new OppositArium and InformArium can also be the triggers for the investigation and condemnation of incompetent, corrupted, or flagrantly unfair magistrates according to a majority of the public opinion. In an EthoCracy, magistrates have a special additional function: to assess the non-compliance of the Executing Power to its Four-Way Binding Electoral Program. Judges cannot however take the initiative in this assessment. Only the ExpertArium can request such assessment from the judicial system, and only after it has obtained the concurrence of the LeaderArium. In that specific case, the temporary immunity of the President does not exist and the trial exceptionally takes place immediately, during the mandate of the President, while the decision of the court is effective immediately: if the non-compliance is established, the President has to resign immediately. In case of conflict between powers, one of the 3 most senior judges of the constitutional court, not involved himself in the controversy, can be requested by the Ombudsman, after consultation and concurrence with the LeaderArium, to review the case and take a final and non appealable decision.

         >> Nomination of Judges. To ensure full impartiality of all judges, and their secure non-political affiliation, and a-political behavior, they are appointed by a joint promotion board of the National Association of Magistrates (NAM) and the LeaderArium, after the InformArium has had a chance to publish all possible True Information on their private life and careers so far. Lower magistrates are promoted and nominated by the NAM exclusively, but also after having given the InformArium to publish all True Information on them.

         >> Free Private Justice Helping Public Justice and Proper Tax Collection. In an EthoCracy, there is also a form of private Justice, managed by retired judges and lawyers, called PJM (Private Justice Mediator) that supplements public Justice while helping to resolve taxation and family conflicts. This is the subject of a separate reform. PJM adjudications basically apply only to conflicts between two physical persons who have paid regular VAT on an interpersonal contract, or on the provision of personal services from a free independent professional. The advantages are many, in terms of time and money, for the persons involved, the tax payers, the PJMs and society in general. 

         4) Informative Power (InformArium) - This is the brand new 4th constitutional state power of the Syntagma of an EthoCracy, added to the traditional 3 of the Theory of Separation of Power. Over and above its newness, it is also the most useful one to the population in general, as it helps all and every single citizens to take decisions on the basis of True Information, as much as humanly possible, when voting or taking other important actions or decisions. This 4th constitutional power is being added to the improved, Executive, Legislative and Judicative powers of this package, with the creation and help of three new agencies: the GinfonArium, the VinfonArium and the CidArium.  The GinfonArium has a new kind of professionals called Ginfonalists. The VinfonArium in turn works similarly with Vinfonalists. The InformArium also has a third group of professionals, the Cidalists, abbreviated as CID (Civitas Interest Defender), forming a CidArium, providing True Information on the respect of the FPL by all private companies or corporations. 

    The InformArium, is the Cerberus (Three-Headed Watchdog) of democracy
    1st HEAD: The GinfonArium that stands for: Government Information National Arium. It works with the new Ginfonalist professionals, watching over Government, as Analysts/journalists, for True Information made available to all citizens
    2nd HEAD: The VinfonArium that stands for: Valuable Information National Arium. It works with the new Vinfonalist professionals, watching over private activity for valuable True Information made available to all citizens.
    3rd HEAD: The CidArium that stands for: Civitas Interest Defender Arium. It works with the new Cidalist professionals, watching specifically over big companies and corporations for True Information regarding their working for the good of the country, over and above their own good, in order for them to get the approval of the regular renewals of their compulsory national business charter.   

         >> The InformArium has nothing to do with Censorship. This Three-Headed Cerberus Watchdog has to do only with True Information and consequently with the Meritocratic Competition that stems from it. It certainly never applies preemptive censorship of any kind, on anything nor on anybody. It has only to do with a new constitutional FTL responsibility of publishing and divulgating, as much as humanly possible, only and all True Information within the confines of an EthoCratic country, for all citizens to enjoy, and to use in order to take their best decisions, regarding all aspects of their lives. The InformArium never judges, like courts of justice do, but only informs, including about the Judicative Power. It never takes new decisions, like the government does, but only informs, including about the decisions of the Executive Power. It never proposes legislation, like the ExpertArium does, but only informs, including about the projects and realizations of the Legislative Power. It never takes initiatives, like private businessmen or corporations do, but only informs, including about the nature and quality of these business initiatives for the good of the country. It only informs, and informs well, as well as possible, as the best source of True Information in the EthoCracy. And it does it completely independently from the 3 other traditional powers of the state, like a powerful protective Cerberus dog. Consequently, on the basis of that useful True Information, it also encourages best meritocratic competition between all people and institutions of both the private and the public sectors of the country, giving people a new and immense Informative Power to take their best decisions regarding all aspects of their lives. With this new Informative Power, voters in particular cannot be cheated, misinformed, or fouled anymore, let alone fall victims of fraudulently ingenuous "dizinformazia", certainly much less than ever before in the long history of democracy.

         >> Under the FPL, True Information is always publishable without penalty. True Information is True Information, is True Information! Consequently, once made public, it cannot, ever, on the basis of the constitution, be considered defamation, racism, hate speech, privacy violation, nor offensive treatment, on the part of anybody. This is quite a constitutional revolution. This is a fundamental new way to think our society. If the information is really True Information, it is always automatically publishable without penalty, as a constitutional duty, for the benefit of all citizens, to be considered and used openly by all of them, in order to take their best decisions regarding any aspect of their lives. This right of free publication however excludes the additional right of a harassing repetitious exploitation of the True Information for clear primary reasons of private profit by commercial means of mass-media. On the other hand, it is supplemented by the new right of Freedom Of Opinion included in the national ethocratic National Charter of Rights and Duties in relation to the Internet in particular.

         >> Privacy protection is an entirely private matter. Under an EthoCracy, those who want their privacy protected must take the necessary measures to protect it perfectly themselves, whichever way they wish or can, but cannot sue a journalist (nor a ginfonalist, nor a vinfonalist, nor a cidalist, nor a judge of course) who brings true facts out, as True Information, through the InformArium, even if these facts can be picked up and republished by the mass-media. This full cross-checked transparency of True Information of the InformArium might occasionally be tough on some people, but it is a small price to pay, for citizens in general, compared to what they all have to pay in the current situation, where most of the information is meanly filtered by lobbies, often transformed into pure "Disinformazia", protects only the powerful elites that journalists or their patrons have an interest to protect, and prevent the citizens in general to form themselves a just opinion, based on True Information, in taking decisions in relation to their co-citizens, their administrators, and their politicians, let alone their life plans, the management of their country, the management of their public money being spent at home and abroad, the management of their food or other services and utilities provided by independent professionals or corporations.

         >> Ginfonalists: Their role is comparable to a combination of the practical work of an investigative journalist and a magistrate. Their role is essentially to find, analyze, and bring to light government information in such a way that all citizens will always have the best possible True Information at their disposal, in particular at the time of an election, whatever embarrassing this may be for the government, at any level of any of its structures of power. They come under a brand new autonomous authority (a new agency of the Informative Power at the hierarchical level of the Constitutional Tribunal on the Judicative side) called the GinfonArium. Contrary to ordinary journalists, ginfonalists specialize in general government information, but in particular in public money information: how, how much, and where, and to whom, it is being spent and how it is being used. They also keep a special investigative eye on public national money being contributed to external non-national entities, like for example the UN or the UE, and all NEIO entities. If these external bodies refuse to collaborate transparently with them, they have the constitutional power to suspend, or stop, all future government contributions to them until decided otherwise. Ginfonalists provide government activity information in two ways: first in unsolicited ways, informing proactively the public with True Information, at all times, and in the best way possible, and second, in solicited ways when answering requests from citizens or national legal entities or journalists. They never answer questions directly to any external non-national entities. The government is also constitutionally forced to collaborate fully with the GinfonArium in two ways. First they have to open all files to their investigative work, even in relation to confidential material, just like they would have to do with investigative judges. Second, all government bodies are forced to proactively provide True Information to the GinfonArium, regularly, without waiting for being requested to do so, on the particulars of each penny they spend. Under the Syntagma, only a minimal amount of secret material can be excluded from the work of ginfonalists, just like from judges, and only for as long as strictly needed for the success of very few secret operations. Under the new Syntagma, just like judges are independent from the government, the ginfonalists are also independent from the government. Nevertheless, just like tribunals, they also have to be independent from lobbies and private interests that could disturb their constitutional responsibility to provide a just and independent service of True Information.
         >> Vinfonalists: Their role is to do what ginfonalists do, but in relation to private activity this time, as opposed to government activity. Their role is to provide all citizens with valuable True Information with regards to activities like corporations, independent professionals, the mass-media etc. The role of the vinfonalists is also facilitated under the Syntagma, as under the FPL, all the private entities that they screen for True Information are not anymore just purely private, but entities with an additional constitutional public responsibility to provide True Information about their activities, in order to demonstrate they work for the good of the country, and to justify the renewal of their charter or working license. All companies producing commercial products also have to demonstrate to the VinfonArium that they are producing under the criteria of best NAGCO (NAtional Goodness Code). In addition to serving their legitimate private interests, they are also at the service of True Information, for the benefit of all citizens, and of the various powers of the state, just like Justice is. Journalist, ginfonalists and Vinfonalists, while working fully independently, like judges, must constitutionally work for a just and True Information, without any external or internal influence of any kind. Private journalists and private mass-media found to provide serious Non-True Information can be suspended, temporarily or permanently, from operating within the country.

         >> Cidalists: the role of a CID is closely related to the FPL of the Syntagma, and is explained in details in the reform called A Fundamental PhiloEcoSophical Law. The Cidalists are however dependents of the InformArium. They ensure the full respect of the FPL by all private companies, and the full consideration of all serious FPL externalities, with FCA (Full Costs Accounting), even for future generations, in both projecting and accounting, while developing their projects. As for big corporations having more than 50 employees, they legally need to have a cidalist on board, full time, working in full confidentiality from inside the board of direction. Smaller companies do not have a full time appointee, but a CID visits them on a regular basis for the same purposes. As for financial institutions of all types, or banks of all types, as seen in another reform, they must have a full time CID on their national board, but a special one, nominated jointly by both the InformArium and the CorrectivArium.

         >>The Revolution of True Information - The InformArium is a revolution of the democratic world, often called the Tinfo Revolution (with Tinfo standing for True INFOrmation, and Tinfor standing for True INFOrmation Revolution). It is to be realized that this new State Informative Power is quite a constitutional revolution and, constitutionally, a new way to live. It is an EthoCratic way to live, with a 4th constitutional power giving more decision control to each citizen, as opposed to politicians, bringing best possible meritorious competitive democracy, and founding the efficiency and success of EthoCracy. From this point of view, an EthoCracy is a real "democracy of information", or "democracy of true information", or a kind of InfoCracy. TrueInformationTagHowever it does not mean that journalists become public employees, like the ginfonalists or vinfonalists, nor that the mass-media have to be nationalized as state entities. The novelty is mainly about the public ginfonalists and vinfonalists who, like independent judges, paid by the state, have an explicit duty to bring out True Information about the activities of all branches of state power, including their own, and about the private activity of private entities who may have a great influence on the wellness of the population in general if they did not respect the constitutional NAGCO principle. By definition these two new kinds of professionals are ideally considered to be absolutely honest and incorruptible True Information analysts in relation to government and private business activity. The reverse is also true about judges in relation to vinfonalists or ginfonalists, let alone journalists, and their eventual misbehavior or corruption. With regards to these two new professional categories specifically (ginfonalists and vinfonalists) judges can proactively investigate their actions, without waiting for a serious incident or an interested party to request them to do so, like it is generally the case with other sectors of professional activity. In case of conflict between the two sides, as a first level of recourse, ginfonalists and vinfonalists respond to a board of judges, and judges to a board of ginfonalists and vinfonalists for a final adjudication. However, both vinfonalists and ginfonalists have the constitutional duty to bring out True Information, and make it public, of whatever source, about whatever activity of both the public and private sectors. All of them, along with journalists, work for Global True Information within the country. Under an EthoCracy there are still both public and private newspapers and TV stations, but all their employees have to work for a True Information, for the benefit of all citizens, whoever their employers are.
         >> NoNoNo Information. Based on the above True Information Revolution, and to rival its NoNoNo Government system, an EthoCracy can also have, through its InformArium, only a NoNoNo Information System, with No hidden data on what the best of science can offer, No hidden knowledge on all national and world events, and No hidden agenda on any plans of the government at any level. Through such system, disinformation, mercantilism, corruption and dangerous political or business behavior, are rendered very difficult, if not completely impossible. In this way also, citizens always have the best possible information at their disposal for taking their best decisions about both their private and their public lives. This constitutional arrangement not only inevitably renders hidden corruption and dangerous business behavior extremely difficult, but in particular it makes it more difficult than ever before in the history of humanity to use disinformation to control public opinions in favor of deviating political or private interests, let alone hidden agendas. The new role of the Cidalists is also vital to ensure all private companies and corporations respect all FPL norms and even consider all their externalities, even for future generations, without being able to use faulty information, or a non-full, or non-true-full cost accounting for the good of the country. In light of the above, and of another ethocratic reform having to do with the National Ownership of Natural Resources, one of the consequences of this new constitutional arrangement, is that foreign international corporations cannot own any national newspaper, TV or other national mass-media, except on a minority basis. This does not prevent collaboration of national mass-media with foreign mass media, but all this collaboration must come under the responsibility of the national part, and the authority of the national GinfonArium or the VinfonArium in order to ensure that only True Information is spread, as much as possible, around the country. All foreign information coming in through the Internet or international TV stations must always be identified explicitly, and constantly, as "Foreign Non-InformArium-Competence Information" during reception and circulation. Foreign printed press imported in the country must be stamped in the same manner, at the top of their front page, or on an added front label. Respecting this simple norm of transparency, foreign press, media and books can be received and/or circulate freely within the EthoCratic country. The InformArium has nevertheless the right to make controls retroactively on foreign information that entered the country and possibly take legal or restrictive actions against producers, importers and distributers, of what will be blatantly considered not True Information. At its discretion, or on the denunciation of some source, it will act in the same retroactive manner with all private books being published by private national citizens or publishing houses. As a last point clarified in another reform about Political Parties, the InformArium publishes the names of the persons frequenting the premises of political parties, but only as True Information, without attempting any interpretation on the purpose of the visits, for the sole benefit of the persons who contributed money to these parties. True Information is non only the power and source of best democracy, but the very foundation of an EthoCracy, as well expressed by the graphical label in big red letters up to the left.

         >>  More Clarifications about TV Stations. Public TV stations come under the authority of the InformArium and, in an EthoCracy, can only be 2 of them, competing with each other for the quality of their programs. There is a third one, at the exclusive service of the InformArium. This last one however is not a normal TV station, but a special TV station publishing True Information in relation to all government activities (from its GinfonArium), private business activities (from its VinfonArium), and company activities (from its CidArium), without interpretative comments or conflictive discussions, including of course True Information about the 2 public TV stations and its own. This InformArium station publishes all expenses of the 3 public stations, in particular the exact monetary compensation in public money given to private artists, collaborators, or contributors of any kind, for all aspects of their shows, provisions, or appearances of any kind, on their 3 public networks. These 3 public stations are funded by public money, using the best of the latest technology, and are always accessible to all citizens without charge, but reducing operational costs to their essential level of neatness and beauty. These 3 public stations cannot use interruptive publicity during programs, but only concentrated publicity sessions between programs of up to 15 minutes maximum per hour. Some of these sessions can be for unpaid publicity, for social or public utility  purposes, and, if related to a program, can be interruptive and integrated to that program.  Regular employees appearing regularly on screen, all wear proudly a station's uniform at all times, which includes full-length trousers for men and knee-covering skirts for women. As dependents of the InformArium, the two stations are named IA1, and IA2. They have a mandate to broadcast only True Information, with their directors signing accordingly a contract of constitutional responsibility. The nominations to the direction of the 2 public TV stations are made by a joint executive board of the GinfonArium and the VinfonArium, and completely independently from any political intervention, nor any other kind of influence, only on merit, justified with accurate True Information. These 2 directors cannot be members of the directorate of any political party, nor have ever been in the directorate of any political party in the past. The InformArium has not only the right, but the duty to publish any True Information it can find about the past and curriculum of these directors, including aspects of their private life that have become public in the past. It will also take similar action about any of the information that these directors allow to be broadcasted in their various TV programs. After a third instance of such non True Information, not successfully contested, the director is dismissed immediately. When addressing matters of politics in open discussions, these 2 public TV stations must always have a perfectly balanced representation of people of the left and right sides of the political spectrum, or of known opposing views on the subject in question. The TV stations that want to have a particular political orientation, must all be private, and advertise themselves accordingly and explicitly at the beginning of all programs. The special InformArium TV station is called IA3, and its director is appointed by the LeaderArium, in consultation with the GinfonArium and the VinfonArium. Private TV stations can be free, financed through publicity, or received at the cost of subscription fee through an appropriate decoder. If they want to have a political orientation, or service the objectives of a political party, they must say so explicitly at the beginning of each program. They are not bound by severe rules of behavior, like the 3 public stations, but they also have a constitutional responsibility to broadcast only True Information. As such, after 3 not successfully contested warnings of the InformArium about having published non True Information, the staff members of their directorates can be submitted to a serious personal financial penalty, and even criminal charges, in most serious cases, let alone the possible cancellation of their Business Charter as a private TV station. They in fact work under a National Business Charter, like all private corporations in an EthoCracy, and the renewal of all these charters, under the constitution, every 5 years, can only be done after they have justified to a judge that they work for the good of the country and, in the case of mass-media, that they also work for True Information.

         >> Internet Freedom of Opinion vs. Freedom of Speech. As seen in the other reform on a Priority National Charter of Rights and Duties, there is a new FOLIPET constitutional right being implemented in an EthoCracy, whereby he Internet is basically let free, for full freedom of opinion, as opposed to freedom of speech, within only very broad parameters. Internet has to do with a worldwide web of free and spontaneous information without borders nor limits. As such, it includes all of our world reality, the good and the bad, the safe and the dangerous. In an EthoCracy, this perfect mirror reflection, of all of our reality, good and bad, is made available to all citizens as a new constitutional right of Freedom of Opinion. Citizens have to learn to use the Internet accordingly, or decide not to use it, being conscious of the risks they take if they do, just like when they go physically to places that might be dangerous to them. Taken this way, this clear exception to the principle of True Information, that characterizes an EthoCracy, comes in as a balancing force to what the constitutional policy of True Information may often inevitably screen out of what people ought to know, or to consider, for taking their best decisions about all aspects of their lives. In spite of its defects, the basic value of the Internet is too important and useful to be submitted to any kind of formal public control, not even for apparent or assumed racism, conspiracy theory, discriminating comments or hate speech. This special and unique constitutional freedom is based on a new right of Freedom of Opinion, that is different from the usual right of Freedom of Speech that come with all good charters of Human Rights. That new right of Freedom of Opinion comes with the Priority National Charter of Rights and Duties, that is another fundamental reform brought in by an EthoCracy. Such excesses and mistakes on the Internet, in an EthoCracy, on the basis of this new constitutional Freedom of Opinion, cannot even be fought and corrected through private legal action. If they have to do with non True Information, in the opinion of an interested person, that victim can only bring it to the attention of the new InformArium for analysis and the eventual publication of corrective True Information on its own website. In such cases of required corrections however, the Internet provider of the offending website will be requested by the InformArium to put a link on his contested webpage to the corrective True Information of the InformArium website, lest face the possibility of having his website blanked within the country. The alternative for the offended person is to take it for what it is, or appears to be, and forget about it, like ugly phony conversations one might have had, or held, in a public square, or at a neighborhood coffee shop. The only thing that is always required from the Internet providers, within the ethocratic country, is to have a warning flash tag for the public, at the opening of any Internet accessing session, that says brightly, for 3 seconds, that the information being presented has not been, and will not be proactively, subjected to any national InformArium scrutiny for its accuracy as True Information, nor will it be usable by any public office for any control or prosecution if it is considered inaccurate, false or offensive. In as much as an EthoCracy is constitutionally an InfoCracy of True Information, as much as humanly possible, regarding all aspects of public and civic life, it allows, in principle, entirely free information to circulate on the Internet as a factor of counterbalance, and an expression of the new right of Freedom of Opinion of its National Charter of Rights and Duties.

         >> More Implications For politicians. One of the major consequences of this 4th power of the state, the new Informative Power, and the constitutional responsibility of all government officials to provide only True Information, has to do with the politicians elected to handle the Executing Power and with the promises of their Four-Way Binding Electoral Programs. As seen in other reforms, having to do with fully Four-Way Binding Electoral Programs, and the handling of an EthoCratic Country Without Public Debt, the elected Executing Power is not only obliged to execute what is in its electoral program, and only what is in its electoral program, but also to execute all of it, as a fundamental constitutional responsibility, without any borrowing power, not even through the emission of obligations, and only with the resources mentioned explicitly in his Four-Way Binding Electoral Program at the time of the elections. The elected politicians are also obliged to provide explicitly, in their program, the source of the funding of their electoral promises. Providing non True Information regarding these electoral promises, and about their funding, is subject to severe penalties, including heavy personal fines, prohibition to be a political candidate anytime in the future, at any level, and even prosecution under the criminal code in most serious cases for not having complied to a fundamental constitutional obligation.   

         5) Corrective Power (CorrectivArium) - An accomplished EthoCracy includes a fifth power of the state in its new Pentas Politica. This new State Power integrates what are essentially the constitutional responsibilities of the police and military forces protecting a normal western democracy with respect to law and order, plus the supervision of the fully independent Constitutional Court which does not come anymore under the wing of the legislative power, nor under the wing of the executive power through any ministry of Justice. These 3 forces keep their internal separate roles to start with, but integrate them when necessary, under the common overall structure of the new CorrectivArium that becomes the fifth independent State Power of the Pentas Politica. Its overall role however is reoriented to essentially protecting, first and foremost, the constitutional values and principles of an EthoCracy, like a good shepherd dog, docile in normal circumstances, but always ready to act forcefully, proactively, and correctively when necessary, even against the other lower levels of justice belonging to the JudicArium, and/or against the inappropriate actions of all the other 4 State Powers from a constitutional point of view. The traditional protection role of the three integrated forces, with regards to national borders and internal security, still exists but becomes subsidiary to good constitutional order. The strangest thing however, as seen above, in the introduction to this Pentas Politica, is that, because of the interplay of a series of other reforms, the Herd is in Command of the Shepherd Dog and not, as usual, the opposite, for the rules that the corrective dog itself makes sure every sheep respects regarding their proper environmental (constitutional) behavior: the herd (NEVoC voters) commands the shepherd dog (CorrectivArium) that commands the sheep, and the shepherd himself (ExecArium government) can more often relax, and more easily enjoy peacefully, the beauty and harmony of the environment (EthoCracy constitutional arrangement and the corresponding good social decorum). The CorrectivArium  first role consists in proactively making sure, like a good friendly police force, which can become corrective, even coercive when necessary, that the Syntagma, the FPL, and the National Charter of Rights and Duties are all implemented correctly, not only by all citizens, alien residents, institutions and corporations, in their daily behavior, but also by all the State Powers. It does so without ever attempting to extrapolate from the related constitutional rules and principles, and without judging anyone, but only by applying the said rules, or making sure people and institutions apply them, as literally and as correctly as possible. In this way it is a kind of police force, but the difference with a normal police force is that it is not under the command of the executive power, nor of any minister, like normal police or military forces that may typically come under the Minister of Interior, the ministry of Justice or the department of national Defense. It is not either under the new Informative Power. It is an independent State Power at the same level of the other 4 State Powers. It will however necessarily collaborate willingly with these other State Powers to ensure corrective application of the legitimate decisions they may take under the Syntagma and its dependent laws. In turn, it will also act proactively, and even correctively if necessary, against these same State Powers if they take illegitimate actions on the basis of existing constitutional rules, or actions contradicting the norms and plans of the last Four-Way Binding Electoral Program. The CorrectivArium is really, first and foremost, at the service of  the constitution and the people who voted the existing electoral program and the constitutions rules through the Four-Way Binding Electoral Program of the presidents elected so far, while correctively acting against those who do not respect them, people or institutions. It is important to stress that it is at the same level, and completely independent from the government or from the other State Powers. It can act proactively without waiting for a command from a minister or a judge, just like it will also collaborate with them after receiving legitimate requests, typically from a minister or a judge, but in the same manner that it will collaborate also with a simple citizen after receiving from him a legitimate request regarding the violation of one of his constitutional rights. The other State Powers, like any other institution, or citizens, can also legitimately request its protection when required, or collaboration when necessary for legitimate protective or corrective action. Nobody however can command the CorrectivArium by force, just like nobody can command a judge or a minister by force, if not by the force of the constitution. The traditional ministry of Interior still exists, but has no direct authority over the police force. The Department of National Defense in turn becomes one of the two branches of the new CorrectivArium: the Police branch and the Military Branch; The two branches are separate but collaborate as required, and are even exchangeable, or capable of becoming one single force when necessary under the Head Corrector. Then the second role of the CorrectivArium is to protect the country, as a country, at its borders and within its borders, like any good military force would do, to make sure the national constitution is respected, and the national security in in tact, with regards to whoever may be in, or coming in the country. The third role of the CorrectivArium is to keep an eye on the Constitutional Court, over which it has power of inspection and corrective measures as explained in the introductive section on Separation of 5 State Powers. The head of the CorrectivArium is called the Head Corrector (in constant quest of constitutional and security order to be corrected), and is appointed by the LeaderArium after the latter has obtained full True Information from the InformArium on all the proposed candidates, but that new Head Corrector must necessarily come from within their ranks, with at least 14 years of experience, and age over 49. The LeaderArium can also dismiss the Head Corrector of the CorrectivArium, or suggest the dismissal of one of its members, if it has substantial justifying information from the InformArium to do so, and  the concurrence of the Ombudsman. The dependents of the CorrectivArium are all generically correctors (replacing the words "police" and "soldier") but of various grades, similar to police and/or military grades. Police, armed forces of various branches, and all jails or detention centers, all come under this new CorrectivArium. All wear constantly a common corrector uniform, albeit with distinguishing marks of roles and grades. Their quarters are, on the police side, mainly in the old city jails that were transformed into CSH (City Security Hostel) after these old city jails were transferred out of town as new CPF (Countryside Prison Farms), and mainly in existing military quarters on the military side, but with full interchangeability when required. The field correctors are an entirely male force because they are expected to work constantly resolving conflicts in difficult situations, and very often with great danger to their lives. Internal support staff not involved in outside operations can be female. All also collaborate intensely with the centers attached to the new CPF, for the sheltering of both people and animals in unusual need of help that cannot be appropriately provided in the city center. They also collaborate intensely with the new PJM, giving them temporary office space if necessary in their CSH in order for them to resolve particularly difficult situations having to do with family, business or taxation conflicts. This CorrectivArium is a national force of good public order, and essentially a force of protection of the constitution. Correctors often collaborate with, or give a hand to, the other protecting forces at local or municipal level, like security guards or traffic agents, especially when these subsidiary forces signal to them instances of criminality that come to their attention. By the same token, they also keep a critical eye on these subsidiary police forces to ensure they always act on the basis of the principles of the constitution. In an EthoCracy, there is no compulsory military service, only a compulsory PPS of 10 months, but there is still, within the CorrectivArium, a professional career in various branches of military activity (including Army, Aviation and Navy). The Correctors are the main forces that would protect the country physically in case of an external military attack or a defensive war. They all collaborate fully with the other State Powers under the supreme coordinating guidance of the LeaderArium if and when necessary. The LeaderArium can always, by a majority vote, dismiss the Head Corrector and force the nomination of another one, from a choice of candidates coming from the ranks of the CorrectivArium, fully screened by the InformArium, and presented to the LeaderArium.


  3. REFORM 03/30
    A New Arium Structure of the State Powers Under a LeaderArium - An ARIUM is a reserved area of activity dedicated to a specific function. A LeaderArium is one such area for national "Leaders". In addressing the new Syntagma reform of an EthoCracy, replacing its constitution, we have already seen 5 of these Ariums corresponding to the new structure of 5 State Powers instead of 3: the ExecArium (Executive Power), the LegisArium (Legislative Power), the JudicArium (Judicative Power), the InformArium (Informative Power), and the CorrectivArium (Corrective Power). There are more Ariums that are not State Powers, but nevertheless important areas of state activity. The GinfonArium, the VinfonArium, the CidArium, and the OppositArium seen in other section are four more of them. The national territory of an EthoCracy is divided in up to 10 provinces maximum, with each a ProGovernor. These 10 ProGovernor positions form the ProvinArium of the provinces. The city Governors replace the traditional mayors, and are called MuniGovernors, standing for municipality Governors, and have a MunArium. The ProGovernors have a very small office, with no budget except for their own support staff administration, and only assist the ExecArium in ensuring that its winning Four-Way binding Electoral Program is being implemented correctly by the MuniGovernors at municipal level, and only with the resources indicated explicitly in that winning electoral program. All the above Ariums are managed by Arium Governors, assisted by 2 Deputy Governors. All Governors meet annually into a meting called the GovernArium, to discuss current issues in relation to the progress of the execution of the Four-Way binding Electoral Program of the President. All ex Presidents, ex Prime-Ministers, and all ex Arium Governors, who have served at least one term, and leave these positions, or retire, if over age 49, can become members of the LeaderArium, until they die, if they so wish. This Arium structure as a whole, called properly the LeaderArium, can still be called a Parliament, even if it is very different from what we call a Parliament in most democratic western countries. The LeaderArium is not however a real State Power, but rather the coordinator of all the Ariums that form the new structure of balanced State Powers of the EthoCracy. The LeaderArium sits normally about once a month for a week (5 working days), but can decide to have more frequent sessions when required, or longer sessions less or more frequently, but not for less than a total of 12 working weeks per year. The LeaderArium has two main functions. Its first role is to appoint, in principle, all the Arium Governors. Its second role is to give opinions, or consultations, to the other Ariums, mainly the ExecArium, the LegisArium, the JudicArium, the CorrectivArium and the OppositArium, and even to the Ombudsman, either when requested, or when these leaders choose to do so because, in their experience, they feel it is important to do so. The Ombudsman can also consult the LeaderArium on particularly sensitive or conflictive issues. Those who choose to become members of the LeaderArium, and sit a minimum of 12 weeks per year receive a 20% increase of their government pensions, tax free. Members of the LeaderArium are called Leaderarians. They vote between themselves to elect a LeaderArium Governor. The role of these Leaderarians is extremely important in resolving conflicts between the various government Ariums and institutions, and in providing opinions of experience on the most difficult questions addressed by these institutions, be they with a constitutional relevance or not. 

    Each Arium has a Governor, a First Deputy Governor, and a Second Deputy Governor. At the national level of the 5 State Powers, and except for the ExecArium, whose Governor is necessarily the elected President, all other national Arium Governors are appointed by the LeaderArium but, in principle, from a list of at least 3 internal candidates coming from the ranks of each Arium. In exceptional circumstances, on the basis of a majority vote, the LeaderArium can appoint an external person not coming from the ranks of the Arium, or force a change of governor from the ranks. Each First Deputy Governor in turn is appointed by the ExecArium, but only from the list of candidates mentioned in the electoral program of the elected President, except from its own, who is necessarily the Prime Minister. Finally, each Second Deputy Governor is appointed by the InformArium, or by the CorrectivArium, except for their own, who are chosen by the JudicArium. Below national level, all Governors are chosen by the ExecArium, while the first Deputy Governor is chosen by the InformArium and the second Deputy Governor by the CorrectivArium, but always with the concurrence of the LeaderArium, and only from candidates mentioned in the electoral program of the elected President. For details, consult the Arium Nomination Table. The CorrectivArium in turn has the exceptional power to force the resignation of a member of the LeaderArium if the InformArium concurs with True Information regarding the misconduct of the contested leader. The distribution of power between all the Ariums is completely crisscrossed, for absolute transparency and maximum independence, but without preventing a powerful President to be in predominant position, as the real representative of the People's Power, in order to accomplish his Four-Way Binding Electoral Program with maximum efficiency and celerity, and without exceeding the boundaries of the constitution and of his own power.  

    [This is an older version of the Political Tetractys. The final version is on our page on EthoCracy] - As seen in the introduction to the Pentas Politica of the new ethocratic constitutional arrangement, an EthoCracy takes the traditional Trias Politica of Montesquieu (with 3 State Powers: Executive, Legislative and Judicative), and promotes the constitutional aspects of two live forces of the country (Information and Police/Military) into two new State Powers. This makes the EthoCracy a Pentas Politica (with 5 State Powers: Executive, Legislative, Judicative, Informative and Corrective). By the same token, an EthoCracy demotes partially one of the State Powers of the Trias Politica, the Legislative Power, that becomes heavily dominated by the Executive Power. Both the new ethocratic Legislative and Executive Powers however become themselves, in practice, a single, new and real People's Power under the guidance of the LeaderArium. See the introduction of the Pentas Politica section for all the details. This means that, in practice, there remains only 4 real State Powers: the ExecArium (dominating the LegisArium, and dominated in turn by the LeaderArium, as the new People's Power), the InformArium, the JudicArium, and the CorrectivArium. These remaining 4 real State Powers is what we call the Political Tetractys. This new Political Tetractys forms a real People's Power, like there has never been one in the whole political history of humanity. On the other hand, the holistic EthoPlasìn  education, that is at the foundation of an EthoCracy, is also based on a Tetractys, that is the Human Tetractys of Pythagorean origin, as presented in our page on the Emulation of the Pythagorean Man. These two Tetractys, the Human Tetractys and the Political Tetractys, have a lot in common for the way they control the balance and harmony of the behavior of human beings: The Human Tetractys controls the human being as an individual Person, and the Political Tetractys controls the human being as a Citizen, or even as a People. The Body part of the Human Tetractys has corresponding similarity with the CorrectivArium of the Political Tetractys, controlling the most basic appetites and passions of the human being through the cardinal virtue of Temperance. The Soul part of the Human Tetractys has corresponding similarity with the JudicArium of the Political Tetractys having to assess the good and the bad of the human behavior through the cardinal virtue of Fortitude. The Spirit part of the Human Tetractys has corresponding similarity with the InformArium of the Political Tetractys that has to bring to the human being the best possible information for taking the best possible decisions through the cardinal virtue of Prudence. Finally, the Wisdom part of the Human Tetractys, at the top of the pyramid, has corresponding similarity with the ExecArium (assisted by the LegisArium and guided by the LeaderArium) that ensures, through the cardinal virtue of Justice, that the new and real People's Power is kept within the boundaries of the best possible philosophical wisdom. At that level of the Tetractys, it is the same Philosophical Wisdom that must guide both the Human Tetractys and the Political Tetractys, leading the human being as a person in the first case, and as a citizen and a people in the second. Thus the need for an accomplished EthoCracy to use only holistic EthoPlasìn education in all schools of the country. Hopefully this is the kind of holistic education that all members of the LeaderArium will have received or, in any case, the kind of philosophical wisdom they will use to lead, within the parameters of the Syntagma, of the FPL, and of the National Charter of Rights and Duties, the brand new constitutional arrangement of the EthoCracy, promoting the Demône Values, and creating a meritocratic quality of Civitas Management and Wellness like there was probably never before in the history of humanity and democracy.     

  4. REFORM 04/30
    A Fundamental PhiloEcoSophical Law
    (FPL) -
    In an EthoCracy, a Constitution is called a Syntagma. It can be amended only through a 3/4 majority vote, not of any parliamentarian chamber, but rather of a specially dedicated NEVoC referendum. It is not amendable by the "Parliament", but only directly by the people as described further down in the section about the process of Amending Constitutional Law. That Syntagma is very short by nature, and includes only the leading principles of the constitutional arrangement of the state, and the most basic rights to be respected in all existing and eventual legislation. The rest of the constitutional rules is reversed into a more flexible fundamental law called the PhiloEcoSophical Law (FPL). The word "PhiloEcoSophical" was coined by EthoPlasìn to mean: "Love of ecological and philosophical wisdom in relation to all living beings and to all environments of all kingdoms". These concepts are very different from, and much more sophisticated than, the limited ones of the current 'green' ecological movements, and have more extension as they include fundamental concepts, and principles to be respected, in relation to all environments: ecological, cultural, sociRainal, institutional, political, financial and economical, along with all kingdoms: mineral, vegetal, animal, human and global "planet oneness". The principles of the FPL have to be fully respected in its current state by all citizens, in all their activities, in particular by all persons at the top commanding levels of any firm, company or organization, private or public. That FPL law, contrary to the ethocratic Syntagma, can vary from one ethocratic country to another, and is more easily amendable than the constitution itself, as seen in the section about the process of Amending Constitutional Law. On the ecological side, in most cases, it will most certainly include many of the suggestions made in our page on PhiloEcoSophical Issues, like PEC (the Philo-Ecosophical Compensation principle) in all legislation related to ecology and/or architecture, whereby citizens have to always compensate, in some way, for all damage done to nature when constructing or exploiting nature for their own purposes. Typically, if one constructs a building with 2000 square meters of natural surface land being lost at its base, he has to compensate doing something ecologically constructive to another piece of land of 2000 square meters, private or public. Similarly the law will inevitably include PES (Philo-Ecosophical Structure principle) in all legislation related to the conception, design and approval of all new buildings being built. This means that any new building being built, or even only renovated in many cases, must be conceived and handled in terms of philoecosophical objectives. All have, for example, roof rain water collection facilities, with separate piping to recycle the rain water in various useful ways until exhaustion, like using it for flushing toilets or watering gardens and the personal orchard balconies promoted by EthoCracy. All new apartment buildings must have a special community room that can be used in turn, at different hours, as a kindergarten, a recreational area for young or old age people, and for condominium meetings or activities of various kinds. Naturally, the FPL also includes strict specific provisions regarding the care of domestic animals and the respect of representatives of all natural kingdoms. Typically it includes things like the prohibition of growing animal in cages for massive meat production, and the obligation to save the critical extent of great rain forests where they exist. The FPL always includes provisions regarding the absolute need to decrease existing government budget deficits by at least 1% a year, for new ethocratic governments that might still not have yet a NoNoNo Government system, except after a NEVoC referendum waiving that requirement for the following year, and waving it only for one year at a time. For such governments, the same kind of principle applies to the prohibition to increase public budget deficits, except after a national referendum authorizing it on a set of explicit measures. Non-compliant governments on these two budgetary requirements must resign immediately, and a new election must take place in the following month without the candidature of the faulting managers being allowed in the new election. The FPL will also always force the application of the principle of Priority To Nationality (PTN), which comes from the Syntagma itself, as a favorable factor for national citizens, as opposed to non-nationals, in the formulation of any new law, and in the reception of eventual benefits of any kind from the government. A typical example is the one of the Bank Failures mentioned in another reform. Other reforms go typically in the same direction, like the ones related to Extended Family Units, Extended Family Business, and Legal Immigration. The main reason of this principle is the fact that an EthoCracy is based on the idea of maximum responsibility and accountability of all management forces, and this can be applied easily to only nationals of the country. The non-nationals who want to enjoy the same benefits can take whatever action is needed to acquire nationality.

    In an EthoCracy, the constitutional law is not amended by any chamber of any parliament, but only by the People directly. It is done in 3 steps that apply to both the Syntagma and the FPL. First, the proposed amendment has to be a part of an electoral program won by a President at a majority of at least 51%. Second, that amendment is put in a final draft that has to get the approval of the governors of all 5 components of the Pentas Politica plus the LeaderArium. Then the amendment becomes the subject of an ad-hoc NEVoC referendum for this exclusive purpose. In the case of an amendment to the Syntagma, that referendum has to be won by a majority of 3/4 of the citizen population. In the case of an amendment to the FPL, the referendum has to be won by a smaller majority of 2/3 of the citizen population. 

    In an EthoCracy, the executive power can only be Elected at Full Majority, and is fully bound by a Four-Way Binding Electoral Program: it can only execute what is in its electoral program, must execute all of its electoral program, lest resign, must realize the program with only existing resources or the new ones specified explicitly in the electoral program, with No Public Debt, and only with members of a team of executives and eventual consultants explicitly mentioned in his pre-election program. An EthoCracy has a NoNoNo Government, with no debt, no borrowing power, and no surprise legislation or tax, with a clear agenda that cannot be implemented if not only through a Four-Way Binding Electoral Program accepted at full majority in the last elections. The fundamental principle is the following: what is voted by a majority of citizens in a national election cannot in principle be illegal or unacceptable, except if the electoral program violates some very broad principles regarding fundamental values like honesty, security, nationality, liberty and life support, thus the first step of the process of Amending Constitutional Law described just above; but, by the same token, in order for the country to continue to be an EthoCracy, amendments to constitutional law have to respect the most fundamental ethical values of what is being called an "Etho-Cracy" and its Pentas Politica; Thus the second and third steps of the process of Amending Constitutional Law described just above. Consequently the constitution proper, called a Syntagma, is very short, very difficult to amend, and includes only these few broad principles to be respected in all constitutional amendments, lest the country cease to be an EthoCracy, while being supplemented by an annex, the FPL, also with constitutional value, but that can more easily be amended. What is constitutional today, in the FPL, may not be constitutional tomorrow, or the opposite. In an EthoCracy, in principle, a full voting majority of 51% always has the final say on what is legal in the country, and courts cannot overrule this principle, except for very few fundamental values that are not changeable, if not by a 3/4 majority, and are formulated in the first part of the constitution called Syntagma, and others, in the FPL, that require a 2/3 majority. And, as the Syntagma itself states clearly at its very beginning, international conventions, of any kind or level, private or public, cannot change or overrule this national ethocratic constitutional approach. As seen in another reform, these International Conventions can be agreed to, and undersigned, only with this explicit reserve, lest the signatories acting unconstitutionally, or the EthoCracy ceasing to be an EthoCracy.  

    The real novelty however with the FPL comes in 2 complementary ways. First, any person reaching a position of top commanding or management power, in a directorate of any type of organization, private or public, in order to legally confirm his nomination, has to get formally a copy of the FPL from the MuniGovernor of his residence, in its current state, and sign, in the appropriate place, a formal legal commitment to respect all of its provisions. Second, all private companies and corporations with more than 50 employees, in or out of the country, must integrate a CID (Civitas Interest Defender) employee to their compulsory national directorate, and pay half his salary. The other half is paid by the InformArium that has provided the CID as one of its own designated employee. The CID does not have any voting right, but must sit on all sessions of the compulsory national board of direction, observing or commenting its decisions, or the decisions of a higher international HQ regarding projects of national relevance, to make sure the FPL is respected, that the corporation is working for the good of the country, and is considering, in all its estimates and accounting practices, not only the normal costs of the immediate realization of its projects in the country, but also the important externalities of these projects in the country, and the consequences of these externalities for the current and future generations of the citizens of the area, or of the whole country. Any decision by an international corporation taken by an HQ abroad, and being applied within the country, has to be confirmed by their national directorate to which their national CID belongs, lest become legally inapplicable under the constitutional FPL, and possibly face a suspension of its compulsory national business charter. In the case of financial institutions, of any type, in particular all banks, private or public, national or foreign, a CID must sit on their national board, and must report, when necessary, in this specific case, not only to the InformArium, but also to the CorrectivArium, as it is exceptionally nominated jointly by these two new State Powers. A CID must work in complete confidentiality within the corporation, even with regards the InformArium who had him appointed, and is not to publish any details of its projects, subject to legitimate criminal prosecution by the corporation, but, at the meeting scheduled for the final approval of a project, if the CID has not been successful in previous meetings to convince the board that the FPL was not being respected, he has the legal duty to submit a written report to the board, at the opening of the session, expressing which aspects of the project, in his opinion, violate the FPL, or do not consider enough seriously the serious national externalities of the project. If the final approval of the project is still signed in, and not suspended for at least two weeks, in order to consider his FPL report, then the CID has a legal right and duty to copy his report to the InformArium for an eventual concurrence in the following week, and, if concurrence is obtained, for his report being made public on the InformArium website, and communicated immediately to the ExecArium, the CorrectivArium and the LeaderArium for follow-up counter action in the second week. During these two weeks, in spite of its approval by the corporation, the project is constitutionally suspended, and any action of the corporation to actually start the realization of the contested project would be plainly constitutionally invalid, whatever signatures it involves, at whatever level. Smaller corporations do not have an appointed CID, but have a CID sent by the InformArium to visit them on a regular basis. The penalties for not respecting the FPL are extremely severe, regarding the managers at fault, but also their organizations. In the case of a private firm for example, it contemplates a suspension of its compulsory national charter, if not a cancellation, and even the possibility of the expropriation of the firm concerned, with nationalization of its national operations if appropriate, to be resold at the best offer on the current market, excluding the original owner, directly or indirectly. As said earlier, the FPL can be different for each EthoCratic country, adapted with some flexibility to its own national concerns or needs, and updated constantly by the Four-Way Binding Electoral Programs of its successive governments and the related NEVoC referenda. The FPL basically contains good principles of responsibility and accountability related to the national management of the resources of all living environments and of all kingdoms. Putting too much in a Constitution means being stuck with a lack of flexibility in adapting to the evolution of the current state of the world and its constant new needs. Putting the PhiloEcoSophical principles in the FPL means more flexibility and efficiency in governing for the good of the country. This FPL however has, in all its provisions, a fundamental binding power as strong as the Constitution itself, to which it becomes an explicit and essential Constitutional Annex, but can be more easily amended. That FPL also includes most of the provisions of what we call today a Charter of Human Rights that is being addressed in more details in another reform regarding specifically the National Charter of Rights and Duties.

    An EthoCracy is in great part a subsidiary form of government. As long as people and corporations respect the FPL, they are pretty much left alone, with as less legislation as possible interfering with their activities. Big corporations who do not respect the FPL are quickly reminded by their integrated CID (Civitas Interest Defender). Private citizens in turn, when they feel they are suffering a damage, or that their rights and interests are being violated by another person, or by a corporation, may request a meeting with a PJM (Private Justice Mediator) for evaluating their legal situation, free of charge, and take their best decisions accordingly. On the other hand, a person in an EthoCracy is considered as having a fundamental Individual Sovereignty that has to be respected in as mush as it does not cause any prejudice or damage to other citizens. Such exceptions can always be submitted to a PJM for evaluation and a final decision, free of charge, or to a court at the expense of the claimant.

    When clear constitutional rights of a person are being violated by another person, or by a corporation, or any other legal entity, the person suffering the prejudice can consult first a PJM and, if he concurs, the PJM will then involve immediately the Correctors of the new CorrectivArium for follow-up and appropriate action.

  5. REFORM 05/30
    A Priority National Charter of Rights with Duties and Exclusions -  An EthoCracy can well subscribe to an external, or universal, Charter Of Rights, like the Universal Charter of Human Rights of the UN, but only in as much as it does not contradict its own internal national charter, which has more priority, and also includes duties as much as rights, and even some possible temporary exclusions. In case of conflict, this internal charter has absolute constitutional priority, within the ethocratic country, over all other charters that may have been subscribed to. In an EthoCracy, all charters of rights adhered to by any level of government, or public institution, must be interpreted in light of  the matching constitutional principles and duties of the Syntagma and the internal charter of rights and duties. This internal charter of rights is part of the FTL (Fundamental PhiloEcoSophical Law), the Annex of the new Syntagma constitution, is much more complete than most external ones, and differs typically from the UN Charter of Human Rights in six main ways:
    1) It includes duties matching much, if not all, the rights included in the charter.
    2) It includes rights of all kingdoms, and not only human rights. This includes the mineral, the vegetal, the animal, the human and the Planet Oneness kingdoms. It also includes specific Economic Rights to be respected by the business world in exercising their activity not only for their own profit, but always also for the good of the country and its people. This includes even the activities of purely financial and credit companies.
    3) It includes a last paragraph of possible temporary exclusion, or suspension, specifying where, and when, human rights in particular can, and may, be suspended temporarily, for specific persons in specific circumstances, until some conditions are met.
    4) It includes a brand new right of Freedom of Opinion for written material on the Internet, to counterbalance and supplement, with a superior form of freedom, the usual Freedom of Speech that still applies normally, as it does in most western countries, to all fields and forms of information. 
    5) It gives a clear priority to citizens of the country in all rights being granted.
    6) It can allow some temporary suspensions or exclusions to some of its rights under some special circumstances. 


    This last and essential paragraph of the charter of rights of an EthoCracy, as confirmed by its new type of constitution, called a Syntagma, reads more or less as in the following terms:

           A human right can be excluded, or temporarily suspended, by a judge or another public official, with regards to a specific claimant, when that claimant is himself a flagrant violator of that same right, or has not first denounced openly, and formally, through all means available, the violation of this same right that he was aware of. In particular, a foreigner, resident in the ethocratic country, has to have denounced such violations in his own country of nationality, if they are well known to take place, as a constitutional duty, and have also requested reciprocity, formally and explicitly, for the application of that same right, in his country of nationality, with appropriate certification that this has been done, before becoming a legitimate claimant of that right in his ethocratic country of residence. In the meantime, that right can, and may be, formally temporarily suspended with regards to that person specifically, and in such case, any attempt on his part to still claim it unduly is a criminal offense of omission for having neglected an important constitutional duty of his ethocratic country of residence. In an ethocratic country, the means of denunciation and protest are many, easy, and powerful. They include the new OppositArium, the new GinfonArium and the access to both ginfonalists and journalists of the private press, let alone formal letters certified to have been sent to an appropriate embassy or foreign institution.

    Too many people claim all sorts of rights in our contemporary society, without ever being the least concerned with any corresponding duties. We have already mentioned the example of the NEVoC duty to vote corresponding to the right to vote in an EthoCracy. If, for mentioning few other examples, prisoners of a CPF claim better prison living conditions as a right, they are also faced with the duty of contributing in some way to the additional expenses involved, either now, working in prison for the community, or later on, after being reintegrated to the open society; If employees claim the right of better unemployment conditions, they must also face the duty of paying additional contributions while working, or the duty of facing some compensating free social work when receiving unemployment benefits. A human right is always accompanied with a corresponding duty expressed explicitly, as explicitly as the right itself is being expressed. The priority given to citizen is total and permanent in the case of RATAC transparency access to government records. In most other cases, in particular in cases of conflicts resolved by a PJM or a CorrectivArium Corrector, it is only a relative priority that always applies to a citizen as opposed to a non-national legal resident or an alien illegal migrant.

    In an EthoCracy, the right to vote is excluded from various categories of people, essentially the ones who only take advantage of the country without participating, or being able to participate, to the burden of its good maintenance, or to the conservation of its best national culture on the basis of the National Charter of Rights and Duties, and the FTL. These include people like full welfare receivers, mentally-ill people, prisoners, recidivistic criminals, and all non-taxpayers (except VAT), but also all non-nationals working legally in the country and all foreign illegals. The decision on their voting status is taken by the MuniGovernor of residence, at the appropriate occasion, or by the NEVoC authority at the time of the renewal of national voting card of each citizen. The exclusion is either permanent or temporary as per each case involved, but for all non-nationals, it is automatic and permanent.


    In the same spirit, in an EthoCracy, no international convention can be agreed to, and subscribed by any official signature, by the government or any of its institutions, if not only after having been the explicit subject of a Four-Way Binding Electoral Program voted in majority. This even applies to economic or commercial agreements that require a government involvement, directly or indirectly. Once authorized by elections, the signature of such international conventions always makes it explicitly clear that the subscription will cease to be effective as soon as a another Four-Way Binding Electoral Program decides accordingly, at anytime in the future. In an EthoCracy, there can never be any transfer of authority to external or foreign entities of power, or supranational organizations, through any kind of agreement or convention, except after having been voted explicitly in a Four-Way Binding Electoral Program and, in case of conflict, in the respect of an absolute priority being maintained by the national authority, its Syntagma, its National Charter of Rights and Duties, its FPL, and all its other internal laws. The same rules apply, mutatis mutandis, to the agreements of foreign aid that, except in cases of natural disaster emergency, all have to have been pre-approved by a NEVoC election, with all its details made available to the new GinfonArium, and through the GinfonArium to all people, before, during and after the aid is provided.

    The present reform of the Priority National Charter of Rights and Duties of an EthoCracy creates a brand new right of Internet Freedom of Opinion that is different from the usual Freedom of Speech found of most good charters of rights, and only applies to the Internet. This new right is related specifically, and exclusively, to the Internet, in terms of mass-media written information, and in this sense, it is appropriately called a "Full Opinion Liberty If  Peacefully Expressed Truth", or FOLIPET. We have seen some implications of this new constitutional right in the context of the other reform of the InformArium and its exception to its principle of True Information with regards to the Internet Freedom of Opinion vs. Freedom of Speech. The Internet is basically and mainly a spontaneous mass-media of the people at large, as opposed to the filtered mass-media of publishing corporations who always have to defend some interests, of their own or of their patrons, in publishing what they do. In other words, the Internet is not a main-stream mass-media, but a kind of out-stream mass media, attached to no specific publishing authority. Although it is written, or put in audio and video, it is free and wild, like information provided frankly as personal convictions between friends at home, while standing up over coffee on a fresh balcony, after a seated formal dinner in a hot room with abundant good wine. But that Internet casual balcony is a worldwide one, and of incredible value, as it is expressed mostly spontaneously and without fear, accessible instantly to all people, whatever their intellectual or cultural levels are. As such it is unique; as such it is precious; and as such it must be protected, and protected constitutionally, even with its inevitable exaggerations and white lies, like a frank talk between two good friends, or between two old social competitors expressing their reciprocal antipathy. The information of the Internet is basically divided in 4 parts. The first quarter is pure crap, phony and totally unreliable information. The second quarter is True Information all right, but of not much public interest, and without any meaningful utility to most people. The third quarter is a often a useless duplication of what we can find easily, and in a better format, somewhere else in the current mainstream mass-media, or in popular books. This fourth quarter however is unique, and most precious to everybody, as it is not only True Information, but True Hidden Information that cannot usually be found absolutely anywhere else in the mainstream mass-media. As such it is extremely useful to most people, particularly from an economic and political points of view, in order to ensure they can take their best decisions regarding their opinions, their choices, and the administration of their lives and country. And this True Hidden Information is available instantly, free of charge, albeit at the expense of loosing a bit of time searching for it, in the comfort and intimacy of one's own home. For this precious reason alone, the world should be grateful to the Internet and forgive it some of its flaws and sins. An EthoCracy certainly has this kind of gratitude and forgiveness, to the outmost degree, but only for the Internet. Every rule has an exception, and with regards to the constitutional policy of True Information of an EthoCracy, this is the exception, and the only one. That fourth quarter of the Internet information is a spontaneous outcry of the common people, as opposed to the elaborated views of professionals of the mass-media who, most of the time, force or twist the information to their own interests, following only the politically correct, and too often turn it into disinformation. As such the Internet must be protected to the point where, if it were to be blocked on an international world wide web basis (WWW), an EthoCracy would recreate it, as a constitutional right and duty, on the basis of a NWW (national wide web) basis. This ethocratic protection of the Internet comes from the new constitutional Syntagma and is further regulated in its FPL and in its National Charter of Rights and Duties. The common right of Freedom of Speech is much more limited than an Internet Freedom of Opinion. People using freedom of "speech" must still respect strict legal norms of asserted truth, or social correctness, if they do not want to be sued for reasons of defamation, racism, privacy violation or hate speech. An "Internet opinion", in particular from bloggers, is not so much concerned with truth, as known usually only by sophisticated or cultivated people, as much as it is with deep personal conviction on the part of simple next door people. This kind of conviction usually does not come from professionals minds, but from common sense, on the part of people who do not have much study time available before they express their opinion. These reactions of common sense, or gut feeling, are nevertheless usually right, in their assessments, and usually correspond to what most people think and feel at the very bottom of their hearts. It is thus important for other people to know this, and to take this into consideration in forming their own opinions and decisions. That kind of common sense conviction is the one usually expressed spontaneously between family members, friends or acquaintances in the intimacy of their private homes. If such opinions of personal conviction, not based on verified True Information, cannot be expressed in the mainstream mass-media, in an EthoCracy, they can be expressed freely on the Internet, as spontaneously as they can be expressed between friends talking on a balcony or a public square, but only on the Internet, in a written or spoken audio visual form. The main restriction that the FPL and the National Charter impose is the absolute duty of not exploiting that new FOLIPET on the Internet for a commercial activity, or other personal economic gain, through any kind of repetitious publicity or propaganda. Each of these Internet personal opinions has to stay as a kind of spontaneous and ingenious, maybe even malicious, "balcony-opinion", taken and accepted as such by everybody, for the good and for the bad, without the risk of any legal prosecution for things like defamation, racism, privacy violation or hate speech, that still apply normally to the more traditional right of Freedom of Speech. Apart from that imposition, the only other constitutional restriction, and duty, imposed by the FPL, has to do with the complete prohibition of using pictures of minor children, below age 18, while using FOLIPET, except when authorized by a responsible adult, or when the pictures already exist in the public domain of the mass-media, in or outside the Internet. This new FOLIPET right is also well in line with the meaning and intention of the new 4th power of the state, the InformArium, essential to an EthoCracy, whereby True Information is always publishable without penalty.  

    In an EthoCracy, the requirements of full transparency of all public officials operating only on RATAC budgets, and of equivalent full transparency of private persons receiving public money that has to be spent through BADAROTA bank accounts, limits privacy in may cases that have to do with the handling of public money. For example, as seen in the relevant reform on Full Transparency, there is no privacy applying to all sums of public money being disbursed to private citizens, for any purpose, even for routine things such as pensions being legitimately received: all disbursements of public money have to be published by the new InformArium, and rendered accessible to all through the Internet website of the GinfonArium.     

  6. REFORM 06/30
    Elections Only With Absolute Majority
    - In EthoCracy, governments can only be elected at absolute majority. In an EthoCracy, voting is also a duty, as opposed to only a right, and it is not an automatically universal right: some exclusions, permanent or temporary, may exist on the basis of the new Priority National Charter of Rights and Duties.  On the other hand, considering the easiness of voting with the new NEVoC system, not voting, for those allowed to do it, is an offense, for an unfulfilled constitutional duty, subject of a serious fine, or a taxation penalty. In addition, EthoCratic electors choose only a team of government for managing the Executing Power, and not any politician to sit in any Parliament. It is the role of the new type of EthoCratic Political Parties to express this Executing Power, in terms of a program, a candidate president, along with his team of executives at national, provincial and local levels, including a list of potential candidates as his eventual external consultants. Nonetheless, the Legislating Power and its political opposition, through the new OppositArium, are both reinforced, and the electors (not parliamentarians) have more power than in any other democratic system to influence the role of the expert legislators in the new ExpertArium, along with the role and performance of the Executing Power.

    In EthoCracy, there cannot be any more a silent majority, nor an oNoSilentMajoritybstructive minority sitting on top of it, paralyzing the efficiency of the elected government executing its Four-Way Binding Electoral Program. As a prerequisite, a majority election must always be achieved, through a second tour, or a third tour if necessary in particularly fragmented electorates. At the second tour, if no majority party has won, the new election takes place between the parties with at least 25% of the vote (or the 3 highest). At the third and last tour, if necessary, the election is then contested nationally between only the two highest candidates, and one necessarily gets the absolute majority. With the new NEVoC system, such tours of elections are most easy, without any significant inconvenience to anyone, and take place with no meaningful costs to the taxpayer. Such majority governments are then free to operate, but strictly on the basis of their specific Four-Way Binding Electoral Programs, without the unnecessary disturbance of a traditional type of opposition and within the boundaries of a NoNoNo Government and RATAC budgets. Opposition still exists, even reinforced, and exists in a new and improved form, as seen in the OppositArium reform. Candidate presidents in an EthoCracy can be as many as expressed by the population, normally within the framework of political parties. However, as seen in the reform about the New Role of Political Parties, only the candidates of the political parties with the 10 highest level of registered membership can participate in a national election. In addition, after the second or the third tour of a national election, only one can be elected, and only with an absolute majority. This is the only way for an EthoCratic President to be really in command and fully efficient but, as explained further down in many another reforms, there are many new and excellent means of control against any kind of abuse of power on his part, let alone the fact that he is strictly bound by a Four-Way Binding Electoral Programs and a form of NoNoNo Government.

  7. REFORM 07/30
    Elections Only At National Level
    - This means elections at national level, and appointments at lower levels by the elected national ExecArium. In an EthoCracy, there are elections only at national level. An elected President, with the help of his team, appoints Governors at the lower levels of provinces, if any, and at the level of municipalities. To ensure the Executing Power of the government is respected at lower levels, all Governors are appointed, and not elected. The President's list of candidate Governors is established and published by the relevant party in advance, before elections, with a choice of up to 3 possible candidates for each position, known with their name, DOB, picture and full curriculum on the InformArium website. This includes a list of potential candidates as eventual external consultants if and when required in various fields. As soon as this is done, the new GinfonArium of the new constitutional Informative Power comes into play for analysis and publication of True Information with regards to all candidates. Once the election of the President is completed, the selected Governors replace all the existing ones, within one month, or get reconfirmed if the elected President is the same one, and/or he chooses to do so. All these Governors become a combination of managers and inspectors at local level, to make sure that local administrations behave properly and that the government Four-Way Binding Electoral Program gets implemented effectively at all levels. Like the President, Governors have full power on their local administrations, to confirm or release any inefficient or corrupted official, or to increase or decrease subordinate staff. All 'permanent' local employees of provinces or municipalities are thus hired or released by the series of acting Governors over time, under the ultimate responsibility of their own acting Presidents.

    This system ensures full responsibility of both Presidents and Governors but, having no local elections, the system also ensures there is
    no possibility of any vote of clientele at local levels, thus eliminating, or at least reducing immensely the possibility of corruption, mercantilism, and nepotism at these local levels. The new Governors imposed from the top, by the President, as ProGovernors or as MuniGovernors, are fully in charge and without any close link or personal interest at the levels where they serve. Nothing prevents however a candidate Governors to campaign for their candidate President during an election, but they are not elected by anybody at that election, only selected as candidate Governors by their candidate President, and possibly appointed by him if he gets elected. The President through his Prime Minister has the power to substitute any of his Governors (like any of his Ministers) at any time, without appeal, as per the explicit terms of their appointing contract, as long as the new Governor being appointed is one of the three possible candidates at the time of the election of his President. The President can also move his Governors around, from city to city, or to a location where the Governor is not known at all, as Governors are really conceived as a kind of ambassadors of the ExecArium. In the absence of a candidate Governor from the original electoral list, the President can appoint whoever he wants, subject to the Yearly Confirmation Of Government described in another reform.

  8. REFORM  08/30
    A Fully Four-Way Binding Electoral Program
    - In EthoCracy, there cannot be anymore politicians campaigning saying one thing, and then governing doing something else. Electors are fully in charge of their destiny, without the risk, or the fear, of having to live with such old-fashioned politicians that were elected on the basis of lies that they do not even respect while in office. An elected government, the ExecArium, as we have seen in another reform, is really an "Executing" power, as opposed to an "Executive" power. This is why it is called the ExecArium. As such, it is strictly bound by its electoral program, in 4 cumulative ways, subject to immediate forced resignation. The four absolute and cumulative binding rules are the following. FIRST: the ExecArium can only "execute" what is in its electoral program, and nothing else. SECOND: it must also "execute" all of what is in its electoral program, nothing less and nothing more. THIRD: it has to execute all its program without new taxes, or only through the explicit form of financing mentioned, or explicit new taxes as put in the electoral program for any specific item, and of course all in a RATAC  way. FOURTH: the execution of the electoral program, by a president, can only be done with the help of the members of the list of candidates that were contained in his team, within his electoral program, including the names of potential candidates as eventual external consultants if and when required. Such an electoral program is a BEP. Be it clear that these four binding rules are to take force within the limits of an EthoCratic NoNoNo Government system (as seen in another reform: a government with No borrowing power, No debt and No surprise legislation or taxation) and a NoNoNo Information system (No hidden data, No hidden knowledge, and No hidden agenda). In the case of a conflict in the interpretation of the execution of the Four-Way Binding Electoral Program, the problem can be submitted by any citizen, or by the new GinfonArium, or by the new CorrectivArium, to the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman, if he agrees there is a conflict, consults the LeaderArium. If the LeaderArium also agrees there is a conflict, the Governor of the  LeaderArium can request the immediate resignation of the ExecArium. If the ExecArium refuses resignation, the issue can be passed to a senior judge of the supreme court for an un-appealable final decision but only if the majority of the LeaderArium concurs. HoweveHandOfHonestyAndTransparencyr, during a mandate, if a Government felt it has to take an initiative not planned for in its electoral program, or contrary to its program, it can attempt to hold an electronic referendum on the subject involved (most easy and at practically no costs again with the new NEVoC voting system). Such referendum, specifically on electoral program inconsistency, can also be ordered and effected easily, at any given time, through a majority vote of the ExpertArium requesting it (the only other thing the ExpertArium possibly votes on, apart from requesting a constitutional consultation on a project of law when required, or an amendment to the FPL constitutional annex mentioned below). In EthoCracy, a national leader, that is a President, is elected on the basis of a clear Four-Way Binding Electoral Program to be respected fully, subject to immediate resignation and new NEVoC elections (quick and easy) one month later. Any leader made to resign specifically for not having fully fulfilled his Four-Way Binding Electoral Program, cannot be allowed to re-submit his candidacy for at least another 5 years. Any leader certified by the Ombudsman and the LeaderArium, or by a court, as having done the contrary of what was indicated in his Four-Way Binding Electoral Program is prohibited from ever applying again as a candidate President.


    The main consequence of having a fully Four-Way Binding Electoral Program, being obligatorily accomplished by an Executing Power, is the requirement of confirming this is being done, on a yearly basis. Again, with NEVoC, this is most easy.  The new Electronic Voting System, as described in the first element of this package of EthoCratic reforms, makes the voting so easy, and practically so cheap in costs, that, in the second week of October of each calendar year, governments are submitted to a yearly confirmation of their good management, and their strict conformity to their Four-Way Binding Electoral Program for the part they have achieved so far. Any result below 50% in this special NEVoC consultation means automatic government resignation and the immediate election of a new President one month later.

    As seen other reforms, whereby an accomplished EthoCracy can only finance itself with No-Debt Money, and through a NAMA, if and when an item of a winning electoral program, like a brand new infrastructure, is to be paid for with new NAMA money, it has to be mentioned explicitly in advance, in the Four-Way Binding Electoral Program, and with an explicit indication of the new taxes that might be required down the line for the future maintenance of this new item, indicating a realistic time frame, in terms of months or years, and a realistic estimate of the expected costs.

    All items of an electoral program have to be numbered sequentially from one to infinite. A voter can very well still vote for his preferred candidate, and his overall preferred program, without agreeing at all on some of the items of that program. On the safely anonymous electronic voting ballot, after indicating the candidate he prefers, the voter has up to 10 slots where he can digit, if he so wishes, the numbers of the items of the electoral program he absolutely does not want to be executed. When counting the ballots for a candidate, these exclusions are also accounted for. If more than 55% of the voters of a candidate have excluded a particular item of the program of that candidate, this latter candidate, if elected, cannot implement this particular item during his mandate. That item is then excluded from his Four-Way Binding Electoral Program. This numbering is also most essential to another reform having to do with the Full Transparency Of Public Officials, and the related PIT system.

  9. REFORM 09/30
    A NoNoNo Government - This means a government with No Borrowing Power, No Debt, and No Surprise (in Taxation or Legislation) - This is what an EthoCracy calls  the NoNoNo Government System. It also matches and emulates the NoNoNo Information System of the EthoCracy. As we can see in other reforms of the package, an EthoCracy government, with No Central bank in a traditional way, and with the power of the Treasury to issue no-debt money for new real-economy value, can never, and must never, become indebted. In fact, constitutionally speaking, an EthoCracy government does not have any borrowing power. At all! This means it does not even have the right to issue government bonds of any kind. Like Edison said: "It is absurd to say our country can issue bonds and cannot issue currency. Both are promises to pay, but one fattens the usurer and the other helps the people". Having no debt, an EthoCratic government cannot either be faced with the payment of any kind of interests on any kind of loan. Paying any interests on any loan would be constitutionally illegal. In this way, the EthoCratic government has only two sources of money. First, the regular taxes. They serve to pay the current expenses of existing government services and can only be collected for the maximum amount of the currTaxWeightent expenses required for that purpose. Second, new money, printed and/or electronically issued. This new money serves only to pay brand new economy value, like new infrastructures planned for in a winning Four-Way Binding Electoral Program. These are paid for through pure new money that has no link to any kind of loan, debt or interests. It is issued by the government under strict legal control (that is: "printed" by the Treasury, as opposed to by a central bank that would have had to print the money anyway, and then would have charged interests, uselessly, on a commercial loan of this "thin-air" money to the government). This new money can also be created as much as needed to attend the most pressing needs imposed by a natural disaster. The above means that taxation and budgets are always kept at their lowest possible levels, but without preventing economic expansion or the attendance of emergencies, as required, through the Treasury emission of fresh, new, and no-debt-money for new economy value. Within these parameters, an EthoCratic government is also bound to pay all its committed expenditures responsibly within maximum 30 days. As for taxation, in an EthoCracy, no government can impose a new tax that was not part of its last winning Four-Way Binding Electoral Program. New surprise taxes, or laws, invented after an election, during an electoral mandate, are constitutionally impossible. The same principle applies to increasing an existing tax. Both would require a new and easy NEVoC election, or an easy ad-hoc NEVoC referendum, to take place. But the same logic also applies to all new laws: they cannot be formulated except if they were mentioned explicitly as a POL (Project Of Law) within the preceding general election, with an explicit mention of its objectives and main elements, including financing, within the Four-Way Binding Electoral Program. In addition, in an EthoCracy, taxation over 49%, assuming earnings were legally obtained because of the good talent and the best efforts of a tax payer, or through a company respecting the best interests of the country, is considered inadmissible, as a kind of 'theft of state', or hidden 'democratic thievery', whatever the amount of the legal income. However, in such cases of a bracket of 49% tax being paid, an individual entrepreneur or a corporation can be investigated by the ombudsman to see if the prices of products sold by them should not be decreased, or salaries of employees involved should not be raised. After a few years of EthoCratic regime, no level of government is expected to have any budget CiceroLessondeficit, and it is estimated that taxes in most cases would never exceed 25% of personal or corporate income. A maximum 25% of income tax is in fact an EthoCratic ideal objective for both citizens and corporations. Similarly, taxation paid to a Central Government for more than 49% of the total amount of taxes to be paid by any person or company, is also to be considered wrongly paid and reimbursable to the appropriate regional or local governing institutions. Tax payers must be able to see as clearly as possible where their tax money goes and be given a chance to be satisfied, hopefully proud, of how it is being spent.  At least 51% of all taxes is thus versed to non-central entities, like municipalities or provincial institutions. In turn, any level of government wanting to create new services, or increase existing ones, is prevented to do so if not only after an appropriate electronic referendum approving it (quick, easy and cheap under the new NEVoC voting system), and the consequent taxation increase, or the NAMA involvement for funding the new economy value with no-debt money. If any budget deficit existed when a new (first) EthoCratic government took power, it is also constitutionally bound to reduce it by at least 1% a year, subject to an appropriate NEVoC election or referendum confirming the temporary wavering of that legal requirement of the "Fundamental PhiloEcoSophical Law" (a flexible annex to the constitution, called the FPL, as seen in another reform) for the coming year. Old deficits inherited by previous non-EthoCratic governments can be handled by NAMA, over a few years, by substituting portions of debt-money with real no-debt-money, thus maintaining money reserves in commercial banks more or less at their existing levels. An EthoCracy state budget is basically managed like a good family budget and does not normally involve expenses bigger than the income, except after a clear consultation and approval of the majority of the persons involved in funding the expense through raised taxation or NAMA intervention. Governments must take open responsibility for all taxes they impose, and do it in full transparency. Consequently all taxes must be openly pre-discussed in a Winning 4-Way Binding Electoral Program and explicitly quoted to the citizens being taxed. Even the VAT cannot be hidden as included in the sales price and must always be stated separately and explicitly on both price tags and receipts.

    In many countries, there is an acute phenomenon of exploitation of men by men, directly or through corporations, let alone even slavery in many cases. This is impossible in an EthoCracy because of the interplay of many of the reforms of this package. However, even in the so-called best democratic countries, excessive or abusive taxation, and legislation not planned for through a Winning 4-Way Binding Electoral Program, often lead to a more subtle form of real slavery of the citizens concerned. If this is avoided through EthoCracy, this package of reforms nevertheless gives to its Executive government more power than in practically any other type of democracy. This is, as seen in another reform, the interesting effect of the real and double power brought in by EthoCracy, as the phenomenon that we called: People's Power over a Powerful President. As for taxation, in case of a minor conflict, a citizen may first attempt an informal conciliation through a PJM Taxation Protection process. In the case of formal auditing investigation of an individual, or a firm, by the tax office for suspected irregularity, all investigative meetings outside of a tribunal must include independent third party observers chosen randomly by the city Governor, from a list of locally retired citizens and journalists prepared to play that role for a minimal fee comparable to what is paid to the members of a jury in a criminal trial. These witnesses must be 1 to 3 in the investigation of a private tax payer, as per his desire, 3 to 5 in the case of a company, and up to 7 in the case of big international corporations. These witnesses are independent observers from the eventual proactive presence of any lawyer defending the persons concerned. Their role is to protect the tax payer against any kind of injustice or unfair aggression, let alone corruption, on his part, or on the part of the tax office. If the majority of them is not convince justice was done, they can, at the end of the investigation, after consulting a PJM free of charge, make their objections known to the CorrectivArium, or even public in writing through the InformArium, for due consideration and eventual intervention by a court of law. If the majority is convinced justice was done, they are bound by law to keep their opinions, and all the elements of the investigation, completely confidential to themselves. These rules, combined to the principle of Full Transparency mentioned in another reform, reduce substantially the mismanagement, or the loose management, of all public funds, along with its related corruption and nepotism, and thus produce additional resources for new projects developed for the best benefit of all citizens.

  10. REFORM 10/30
    An OppositArium With All Possible Forms Of Oppositions
    - The OppositArium replaces the traditional Senate. It expresses and registers all possible forms of Opposition and Public Opinion. It is an improved Opposition Power, but, first and foremost a National Public Forum, or a place to express and register public opinion like it has never been available before in any modern democracy. Similar to the replacement of elected parliamentarians with a limited number of nominated experts in an ExpertArium, the Senate becomes the OppositArium, as a public forum open to all citizens to discuss any subject of public interest or concern, even if not the matter of any intended new legislation in the ExpertArium. In this opposition process, citizens can enjoy all the power of the True Information provided by the new GinfonArium of the new constitutional Informative Power to prepare themselves. OppositionCitizens intending to speak at the OppositArium have to apply with the presentation of a clean penal certificate, the specifications of who they represent (any city, or association, or any group of at least 5 persons) and submit a brief one-page Executive Summary of their subject to be published and scheduled at least three weeks in advance. These summaries can also be commented and supplemented with True Information by the new InformArium. On the publication of the summary, all opponents, or interested parties, have a chance to also schedule themselves for counter arguments at least one week in advance of the intended debate. Any citizens, expert or not, having an interest in the scheduled subject, and representing at least 5 persons having the same interest, can apply to come in, assist to the discussions and be given time to present objections, suggestions, or improvements, to the concept, law, absence of law, or situation involved, up to the limit of the 200 seats available. As seen in another reform, even citizens with serious criminal records are allowed to speak during two special weeks in the course of any given year, even if they represent only their own selves, pushing the Direct Democracy to its Limits. A particular effort is made to encourage the younger and the older citizens to also take part together in the talks of the OppositArium, confronting and opposing each other on the same subjects: the younger than 30 (even minors) and the older than 70 years old. In fact, twice a year for a week (twice 5 working days), the debates are scheduled to confront only these two categories on new or old subjects already discussed during the preceding weeks or months, reviewing them with the particular point of view of these 'opposite generations' perspective. In fact, these two yearly sessions are called OGP sessions, or the weeks of the "Opposite Generations Parliament". Like in the ExpertArium, all discussions of the OppositArium are obligatorily public, led by an official Governor, steno typed, published in an official gazette, possibly substantiated by some True Information of the new GinfonArium, and televised live, nation wide, through special free TV channels and/or the Internet. The video archive is kept, and public, for at least 49 years. Discussions on any specific subject are limited to one to five working days maximum at the discretion of the Governor. Members who participated in the activities of the OppositArium as citizen speakers can be referred to as OppositArians in their curriculum, with relevant dates and notes.

    In the case of the OppositArium, citizens living outside town, and granted scheduled time in advance for exposing their views, can be paid a small per diem for their expenses coming to the OppositArium. The younger than 21, and the older than 70, are also paid appropriate and reasonable hotel accommodation, accompanied by an adult of their choice. Persons who have not complied to their duty to vote in the last election, and paid a penalty for that reason, as certified by the GinfonArium, may still be booked for speaking, but without receiving any kind of per diem. All these expenses, for both the ExpertArium and the OppositArium, amount to a tiny little fraction of what these two traditional chambers spend, give a much better representation of all points of view in formulating changes to current legislation or difficult situations, and achieve this objective with much more flexibility, and in also only a small fraction of the costs and time it usually takes by non ethocratic traditional chambers.

    However, the OppositArium and the ExpertArium together own a HotelArium. This is a nearby hotel with direct underground communication to both the OppositArium and the ExpertArium, with no luxury, but with perfectly functional rooms, where workers and/or scheduled visitors to these two institutions can be lodged for a small fee, or hosted free. When rooms are available, visitors to the OppositArium for example must use use of those, or receive a per diem for not more than the regular per diem of such rooms.

    Approximately once every two months, the OppositArium schedules a special session, of at least one full working day, where all Governors of all Ariums have to present themselves, all together, as an OppositArium Plenum. They come for a double confrontation, live on TV cameras of the InformArium. They first confront themselves and criticize the activities of each other's Arium, and then get confronted by all scheduled OppositArians from the general public. These special sessions are called the QuestionArium.

  11. REFORM 11/30
    EthoCracy as Direct Democracy Pushed to its Limits
    - The original democracy concept, as invented by Ancient-Greece, was not at all a "representative democracy", nor a "regulatory democracy",  like we know them today, but rather a real direct democracy, not to say a "Direct Meritocracy", with citizens expressing their opinions and voting directly on their own right at the assembly, instead of through a deputy, and decisions being taken by a majority of simple individual citizens instead of by elites of lobbies and powerful corporations. From this point of view it was all the opposite of what we have today as "regulatory democracy" and the terribly undemocratic mercantilism that inevitably comes with it. This original "Direct Meritocracy" is what EthoCracy tends to emulate as much as possible. With the advent of the era of the Internet, and new technology offering the possibility of a NEVoC voting system, like the one mentioned above as the first EthoCratic reform, along with the use of specialized TV stations, what could be done on a reduced scale in Ancient-Athens can now be emulated quite easily at the scale of much bigger cities, or even big countries. Citizens can now have direct voting power most easily, and the power of direct opinion expression at national level more than ever before in human history. This is what the new ExpertArium and the new OppositArium mentioned in other reforms are trying to emulate. Providing a clean police certificate from the CorrectivArium, and a signed sponsorship from the group they represent, free available seats in the ExpertArium or the OppositArium can always be proactively distributed to potential observers in the week preceding any debate, including groups from schools, hospices, industries, professionals, farmers, syndicates etc. A limited number of these ad-hoc observers at the OppositArium can also be allowed a few minutes for a personal intervention under live national cameras if the standing moderator offered this possibility before the end of a debate, because some time was still available within the normal limits of regulated discussion periods. In fact, twice a year for a week (twice 5 working days), the OppositArium is open also to members of emarginated groups, socially, politically or economically, even to, or through, representatives with serious criminal backgrounds. These two yearly sessions are called the "Emarginated Groups OppositArium". At time of special social tension, additional days can also be made available on an ad-hoc basis. During a special crisis period, some of the seats can even be assigned on a continuous basis (for the duration of the crisis) for the relevant groups and parties to take turns in the discussions with their representatives. Even prisoners can be brought in when required, to represent their co-inmates, and be given a chance to express a majority opinion or a protest. This ensures absolutely everybody can have a chance to be heard in public, through the OppositArium and its national TV channels, as a much better alternative than through organizing violent demonstrations, or breaking protests, in streets or public places, in order to get media attention and visibility. They not only get better public attention, nation wide, but at the same time they are much less disruptive for the other citizens in need of attending their daily routine life. This "democracy to the limit" can also prevent the declaration and the holding of the most disturbing or disruptive strikes for the public in generOffLimitsal. This, along with the other changes to institutions mentioned above for achieving an EthoCracy, pushes the process of direct and participative democracy to its outmost limits, like no other modern democracy does it at the moment. By the same token, Direct Democracy, and the consequent Meritocracy that usually sprouts more naturally from it, tends to eliminate all the intermediaries who, just too often, become the subjects of the worst political corruption in exercising their distant representational work. An EthoCracy is thus, first and foremost, a kind of Full InfoCracy, where citizens can not only get immediate and complete information from the InformArium, even exhaustive knowledge, on any question, but can also vote on the related issues more directly and swiftly than ever before, and have immediate access to effective means to express their opposition to some projects being discussed, publicly and democratically, even at national level, using the OppositArium, like never before in the history of humanity. 

    The direct democracy pushed to its limits, as mentioned above, in particular through its new OppositArium, has given to all citizens, even to those with serious criminal records, the best possible means of protesting democratically, with media attention and national visibility, more than in any other democratic system. Protesting differently, in particular violently, is thus off limits. In an EthoCracy, all protestors acting outside the extensive democratic means available to them, like wildly in public streets, must, by law do so with their full responsibility under the criminal code and the powerful intervention of the CorrectivArium. This means essentially two things. First, they must do so open face, that is without anything hiding their faces, not even any kind of regular motorcycle driving helmets. Protesting publicly with a hidden face is a crime sufficient for immediate arrest, for that sole reason, even if the protestor is not involved in violent action, and is the subject of the payment of a fine. Second, they become fully responsible for all the damages done during violent demonstrations, through either fines or reduction of their salaries for as long as needed, let alone possible additional jail sentences with accompanying free repairing social work in appropriate cases. If in particular a protester is arrested by the CorrectivArium because he is involved in violent or breaking activities, and cannot demonstrate he has used at least once the extensive official democratic means of protest available to him regarding his current protest, he cannot avoid at least a minimal jail sentence, or a period of part time or full time social repairing work without pay, independently of any financial fine or damage he may be responsible for.

  12. REFORM 12/30
    A Firm Separation Between Politics,
    Media and Money -  In an EthoCracy, this separation is firmly controlled, as complete as possible, and on the constitutional basis of the Syntagma. Politics is based on ideas, and concerted ideas through Four-Way Binding Electoral Programs accepted at majority, not on media or money power. Media in turn, as national media, under the influence of the new 4th state power, the Informative Power, is based on the dominant constitutional concept of True Information, without an inferred meaning of any censorship whatsoever, rather the opposite, and not on the interests, or even often the manufactured disinformation, of lobbies or corporations, nor on the influence of politics, except for media with an explicit political affiliation in its front page. Finally, money power cannot invade, in any dominant way, not openly nor surreptitiously, the independent fields of politics and media. The "Three Best Friends" of normal democracies (Politics, Media and Money), become the "Three Best Competitors" of an EthoCracy. Politicians exist to express ideas, let alone ideals, and have them accepted by a majority of voters through a fully Four-Way Binding Electoral Program, and through the full execution of that program once elected, lest be forced to resign. With current most sophisticated communications facilities, and the new cross-control ARIUM Structure of the government, this effort requires only limited public money, and no dominance of open nor hidden private money or media power. Money really comes into play in politics and media, only as a possible open second step, when these ideas have been accepted by a majority of voters, and need materialization, or when they are opposed by a majority of voters and OppositArium speakers. Money is not at all a 5th power of the state, and stays essentially in the private realm, albeit possibly making also its own recognized and legitimate private interest while helping the public realm, but definitely under the control of politics and the vigilance of independent media: the "Three Best Competitors". This EthoCratic separation of money, politics and media has a series of important cascading consequences that changes drastically what we know of most western democracies at the moment.


    In an EthoCracy, there is no more public financing of political parties except for the matching, with public funds, of the limited private contributions received from their registered members. These contributions can only come from individual physical persons with nationality and never from any association or any other legal body. They cannot legally come from non-registered members. In addition, these private contributions cannot exceed 25% of the last declared net annual income of the member. In any case, these contributions, per person, are also limited to the maximum of the average total salary of a local nursemaid (as established by the municipal Governor, for the purposes of another EthoCracy reform having to do with the social salary of a mother not working in order to stay at home to grow minor children and enjoy EFU or EFB benefits). All these legal contributions will be matched by public money, but only after election, and only if the party got at least 5% of the popular vote. Furthermore, political parties are limited to 10 in number. If 10 exist already, and a candidate president wants to form a new party, he has only two options: negotiate an amalgamation with one or more of the existing parties, or gather a membership, with which to form a new party, that will be higher, in registered members, than the membership of an existing party, as published by the InformArium, with the automatic elimination, for electoral competition purposes, of the party with the lowest membership one month before the next election. An EthoCracy can have any number of political parties, but only the 10 highest membership parties can participate in a national election, independently of the votes a particular party may have got in the last election, or even if that party won the last election. Membership maintenance level is the key for a party to be allowed participation in a forthcoming national election and, on the basis of the FPL, voters cannot legally be registered members of more than one political party at the same time. In return for this public money, and even if the party refused that public money, the party must provide  the records of a proper JanitoSecurity Reception service (explained below). The private financing can only be done in full transparency, with the names of the contributors being published openly on the Internet by the party, and equally openly, as True Information, by the new GinfonArium of the new constitutional Informative Power of the new Syntagma

    The delivery and publication of the records of a JanitoSecurity reception service of a political party, in terms of all the non-staff movements in and out of their official premises, is meant to protect the interest of the people who contributed private and/or public funds to political parties, in providing them with True Information about who associates with these parties. In order to have the best possible means to eventually verify possible illicit relations between politics, money and media, all political parties must deliver their JanitoSecurity records of the movements of all non-staff members at the  entrance of their premises. These records are then published by the new InformArium. This is however no/no kind of spying service, but only a plain ethocratic True Information service. The JanitoSecurity employees, or accompanying staff involved, only register, and report faithfully, to the InformArium, all factual movements in and out, of all non-staff persons, without commenting nor attempting any interpretation for the reason of these movements. Their records are sent daily to the InformArium, with a copy to the political party itself. The InformArium then publishes these reports on its website as what is considered strictly factual True Information that can be useful to the public in general, and to the voters of that party in particular, let alone possible eventual judicial officials investigating the party for any given legal reason. The JanitoSecurity receptionists involved are chosen and paid by their party, but receive their operational instructions, and protection for their independence, from the InformArium. They must receive full collaboration from eventual additional security guards that may be needed, and paid for, by the political party, at the entrance of their buildings.

    No non-physical person, like corporations or associations, can provide any money whatsoever to any political party, subject to criminal prosecution that may lead to a sentence of imprisonment and/or a fine of ten times the amount of money provided to the political party. The fine is, in principle, applied only to the persons responsible for the illicit donation, and against their personal property if they have no liquidity; In case of no liquidity nor property, the responsible illegal donators get a jail sentence, and the fine is turned in a subsidiary way against the liquidity and properties of the three highest executives of the organization they represent, or to them automatically if there is a doubt about who is responsible for the illicit donation. Following one of the principles of the FPL, punishment with imprisonment is always a subsidiary way when financial punishment can be applied, in terms of personal economic punishment of the managers at fault. This is why, in the case of financial institutions, of any type, in particular all banks, private or public, national or foreign, a CID must sit on their national board, and must report, when necessary, in this specific case, not only to the InformArium, but also to the CorrectivArium, as it is exceptionally nominated jointly by these two new State Powers. In an EthoCracy there just cannot be anymore any kind of hidden money power behind political or government action, nor even any open or hidden funding from non-physical-person entities. On the other hand, all interested parties in new legislation, including associations and corporations, have better public facilities than ever before in the history of democracy to express their views and concerns, let alone their interests, in the open discussions of the new OppositArium that is a major tool in the Direct Democracy Pushed To The Limits that an EthoCracy really is.


    In the same manner, no lobbies, as we know them today, can exist in an EthoCracy, subject to criminal prosecution. These lobbies can still exist, and act legally, and even act strongly, but only openly, under live TV cameras, within the public forum of the new OppositArium, or as registered speakers of the LegisArium. They cannot ever request private or hidden meetings with  Expertarians, in their offices or outside their offices, for the purpose of lobbying and influencing the legislators. Attempting to do so outside the ExpertArium constitutes a legal presumption of an attempt of corruption sanctioned by the criminal code. The punishment here is also applied first against the liquidity and properties of the persons responsible for the illegal lobbying, as per the same principles seen above regarding illicit financing of political parties. In particular, the FPL prohibits lobbies representing the interests of any foreign country, entity or person, even in the OppositArium, except if the government has already decided to give aid to a foreign country, or to oppose that foreign country one way or the other, in an explicit item of a winning Four-Way Binding Electoral Program, or has a conflict to resolve with a foreign entity. Foreign non-national residents can however register themselves to speak in the OppositArium, but on a non-priority basis with regards to nationals.  


    The new expert legislators, appointed and sitting in the new ExpertArium, called Expertarians, are all given an individual office to do their work. It is however a fully public space. Any conversation with visitors has to take place either publicly in these offices, always with the presence of at least one witness, be it their own secretary, or be postponed, if they are private, to be held outside the ExpertArium. Most Expertarians serve only for a few months at a time, and during that time, the space provided to them as office is fully reserved to their official work in consultation with the other Expertarians. A private visit in these offices, held without witnesses, is a criminal infraction. Expertarians meeting people who are known to them, inside or outside their offices, who insist in trying to influence their work, have to report the fact to the new GinfonArium, and invite these people to book themselves to speak and express their views and concerns at the OppositArium. Not complying Expertarians are punished under the criminal code, fired and refused to serve in that same capacity in the future, for the rest of their life.

    As seen above, the electors select, and elect, only a president with his fully known executive team. His program also contains the names of his executive candidates at provincial and municipal levels, let alone at international organizations to which the government already contributes public funds. All of these are thus indirectly elected with their names and their faces, and with all True Information available about them, provided by the InformArium, with regards to their competence and curriculum. There can be no surprises after the election, and all will necessarily make sure the Four-Way Binding Electoral Program is executed faithfully and completely at all levels of the country. The other great advantage, if not the most important one, is that all these candidates will not be forced to find money to campaign and to be elected, like it is the case in a non ethocratic country. These appointees will be nominated strictly for their merit and their loyalty to the President and his winning Four-Way Binding Electoral Program. This means that even poor candidates, but qualified candidates according to their candidate president, can become part of the executive power on their sole merit, even without any campaigning money at their disposal, nor any media power. This also means a further separation between politics, money and media, and the elimination of most of the corruption that is usually taking place otherwise. 

    In an EthoCracy, all national and non explicitly affiliated newspapers, and the like of wide distribution magazines, can be owned in majority only by a national person, or a national corporation, that has this ownership and management as an exclusive activity. There can be no mix at all, on the part of the owner, with any other kind of business activity, like a TV station or a manufacturing company, and the same owner can only own one such media. This 'no-other-business' requirement also applies to all full-time journalists hired by the newspaper. Journalists with a personal private business on the side cannot become full-time journalists of a newspaper, only external contributors. In turn, all external or part-time contributors, or collaborators, who also have a private business activity, have to identify the type of their private activity, as a short p.s. at the end of each of their written contributions. Private investors, who run a private business of any kind, and want a share in a newspaper, can only do it through a blind trust, and with an explicit mention of their share, as True Information, in a reserved place within the newspaper. Fulltime hired journalists can also do the same. If they acquire a business after being hired, they have to resign or place their newspaper share in a blind trust. No national newspapers, or magazines of any kind, affiliated or not, receive any public funds whatsoever, and all have to survive strictly on publicity and the regular sale of their copies. Newspapers affiliated to any political party, or any association, religion, or any other kind of legal national entity, have to make an explicit mention of the affiliations, be it in small letters, but on the front page, just below the name of the newspaper. National newspapers cannot be affiliated to any non-national entity. No foreign non-national entities can own any newspaper in majority in the ethocratic country, but they can distribute their newspaper freely, for sale in the country, as long as they identify explicitly, within the newspaper, who their owners are, and their eventual affiliations, and who their funders are, if and when they receive money from external funding sources. The same rules apply to all private TV stations, mutatis mutandis, and the owner, who cannot have one as an exclusive activity, must either sell it, or sell its other kind of business, be it even in the related field of mass-media. None of the above prevents companies or associations to have their own private publications, well identified as such on the front page, for their internal needs or for public information or publicity for who they are and what they do. All identification or affiliation particulars, on the front page of all media, of owners, contributors or funders, must be pre-approved and certified by the InformArium as True Information.     

  13. REFORM 13/30
    A Limited But Important Role of Political Parties - As seen in another reform, the Public Financing of political parties is extremely limited in an EthoCracy. Their duties are also limited, but nevertheless very important. Political parties, in an EthoCracy, are essentially dedicated to expressing a Four-Way Binding Electoral Program and a leader as their president candidate for the next national election. Because an EthoCratic government is a NoNoNo Government, with not only No debt and No borrowing power, but also No new taxation or law, all new laws have to be announced as a POL (Project Of Law) within a winning Four-Way Binding Electoral Program, with its explicit objectives and all its essential items, before an elected government can elaborate it, and apply it, during its mandate. These POL elaborations become just about the most important duty of political parties. From this specific point of view, political parties are in fact still vitally important because, not having a traditional legislative lower house with elected parliamentarians in the new ExpertArium, and having a NoNoNo type of government, the leaders they express, and the members of their executive teams, are the only real politicians that still exist in the country, and they have to control and manage competently the ExecArium power of the whole country, while all other officials of the elected government are employed technocrats and their technical support staff. Nevertheless, in an EthoCracy, political parties are still necessary, and a candidate president, in order to demonstrate his seriousness and a legitimate fellowship, cannot usually decide to go on his own, without affiliation to a party. Parties, when forming themselves, have only a well delimited constitutional role, albeit an important one. With the creation of the ExpertArium, traditional politicians as we know them today, sitting in a parliament, are unnecessary, because totally outdated, awkwardly dangerous through their incompetence and ignorance, and in fact, except for the executive power, they are inexistent. None can sit in any kind of parliamentarian chamber, as we now know them today, playing power games, and posing useless obstacles to government efficiency in executing its winning majoritarian Four-Way Binding Electoral Program, doing so at great and useless public expense, let alone possibly favor or enrich themselves through mercantilism and corruption in the overall process. Their main role is still very useful and important, but is limited to, and consists essentially in, working within the party for expressing a leader (a candidate President) with a Four-Way Binding Electoral Program and his team of Ministers and Governors for the next presidential election, supporting and proposing that candidate president like the beautiful supportive hand to the left. One of the three most senior positions of these political parties, or an appointed expert of theirs, can also sit in the ExpertArium by right, as an observer, in addition to the 100 experts (using 50 additional seats maximum, to be shared by all parties on the basis of their numerical importance in membership). The other senior management members of political parties can also freely sit, in turn, in the OppositArium, just like any other private citizen, but never for more than 49% of the extra seats available. Officials of the government in charge, can no more fall victims of obstructive political opposition members sitting in parliament, like it is too often the case in most modern democracies, in particular from parliamentarians who were elected but are, too often, characterized by acute ignorance and incompetence in relation to their legislative function. As long as they fully respect their Four-Way Binding Electoral Programs, governments, always Elected at Full Majority, are legitimately allowed to manage strongly and freely, undisturbed, with the help of a new class of Expertarians, albeit taking into consideration the possible opposition of the public opinion (in the ExpertArium, in the OppositArium, in the work of True Information of the GinfonArium and VinfonArium of the InformArium, and in the interventions of the journalists of the private press), and facing Yearly Confirmation or rejection of their management by the relevant yearly NEVoC process and/or the next general election. While doing so, in Full Transparency, and with purely RATAC  budgets, the President and his Prime Minister have the right to be respected and to enjoy full immunity from any judicial trial for the length of their mandates, except in cases of clear treason, or factually flagrant corruption, or criminality, well documented by the new InformArium and concurred by the LeaderArium.

    This is the only normal route for a candidate president to a national election. However, to ensure the best experience and competence of such candidates expressed by political parties, the constitutional FPL of the Syntagma requires that such candidates have first served successfully, for at least one term, at each of two inferior levels: as a MuniGovernor at municipal level, and as a ProGovernor at the provincial level. A candidate not meeting this requirement can only, if favored by a political party, be encouraged to present his candidature to that political party, and be accepted by that party as a sponsored president. If that sponsored candidate wins the election, he can then, if he so wishes, and if the party also still so wishes, become an official candidate of that party, and be their new candidate president, without having to meet the above requirements of the FPL anymore in future elections. 

    Nothing prevents a candidate President to propose himself for election without being affiliated to a political party. The FPL will allow it, but only if that candidate has been, in his past, either a successful MuniGovernor or a successful ProGovernor, and he accepts to do so formally under the force of a signed engagement in front of the InformArium, with a total prohibition to receive any private contributions from non-physical persons for his election, nor public financing of any kind, fighting the election only on the basis of his own money and popularity, and declaring to the InformArium the names of all his private-person contributors and the amount of their contributions. The InformArium will have the engagement signed formally by the independent candidate only after having found and published all possible True Information on the candidate, public and private, embarrassing or not, on its website, for the benefit of all citizens, at least one month before the national election. However, the requirements of a Four-Way Binding Electoral Program without the assistance of a political party will be particularly difficult to be met, but will still apply fully. 

  14. REFORM 14/30
    Full Transparency of All Officials
    (RATAC & PIT) - The word RATAC  is being coined here, and stands for: Records Accessible To All Citizens. PIT means Public Information Tag. In EthoCracy, only RATAC budgets can be managed by government officials. In an EthoCracy, as seen in another reform, the constitution, called a Syntagma, has a 4th state power called the Informative Power, being added to the three traditional separated state powers: the executive, the legislative and the judicial powers. With this 4th constitutional power, including its new GinfonArium, the hands of all public managers can only handle True Information, that is only crystal-clear business. This is the meaning of the symbol of the picture to the left. Everything of the public realm must be handled publically, in a fully-transparent-no-secrecy-way. To start with, all government actions not strictly related to immediate national security, or to discrete and current police investigations, must be handled in full transparency. Even in such cases, secrecy, when allowed, holds only until there is a danger of compromising investigations, or important foreign relations, through early transparency. As soon as that danger disappears, secrecy must also disappear automatically and retroactively. This full transparency also refers to all accounting books. All of them! Everything! At all levels of public government! No more routine confidential or secret data! No more, in particular, any reserved accounting transaction! Secrecy applies only in very few specific instances, well defined by law, and only for as long as strictly needed. In fact, in an EthoCracy, all levels of government can only operate on the basis of a RATAC  budget, that is with a firm policy of Records Accessible To All Citizens. The responsibility to publish faithfully all accounting transactions with public money falls on all public executive managers through the new GinfonArium. All members of the ExpertArium and/or the OppositArium, let alone the LeaderArium, and all journalists, or even simple citizen who desire it, can then have full access to all unclassified government information automatically, and all budget entry, in and out, instantly and freely, directly or through the Internet website of the new GinfonArium. The GinfonArium also automatically receives, as a constitutional right, copies of all government records having to do specifically with the disbursement of any sum of public money, and can verify such records and make them all public, along with the results of their analysis and research. They do not have a judicial role, but strictly an informative role, and constitutional duty, under the Syntagma, but what they publish as True Information can easily lead to judicial investigations on the request of any interested party. Full transparency, and full information, bring less secret bureaucracy, and less secret bureaucracy in turn, always brings less occasions of corruption and mercantilism, along with better services, and best possible justice, to all citizens. Last but not least, this full transparency principle also implies that, under the constitutional FPL itself, there is, by constitutional principle, no privacy applying to all sums of public money being disbursed to private citizens, even for routine legitimate things such as pensions: public money can only be spent publicly. As for more important sums of public money being spent by private individuals or companies, after winning a bid for public works, they can only be handled through a RATAC process, including an ad hoc bank account opened specifically for the purpose of the related public funds, and not through the private bank account of the individual or company that won the bid. Such bank accounts are called BADAROTA, another new word being coined here, and standing for Bank Account Data Accessible Read-Only To All. The acceptance of BADAROTA handling is a necessary condition for private individuals or companies to compete in bids that, if won, will be spending public money.


    Full transparency also implies a complete inventory of all properties and assets of all senior government officials, in particular the executing power, deposited openly and publicly with the GinfonArium, before the election or the nomination, as a condition to their appointment. The same rule applies to their vertical family members, and brothers and sisters on the horizontal line, immediately following their appointment, but to be kept, in this case, in full confidence and privacy in the hands of the Ombudsman. If the relatives concerned refuse to collaborate, the Ombudsman must recommend the cancellation of the appointment to the InformArium. In such cases, the InformArium may either decide to force the cancellation of the appointment, or alternatively conduct its own official research of the inventory of the properties of the relatives concerned, but keeping the information confidential until transparency may become required for any serious reason. The Ombudsman and the GinfonArium will necessarily also make a comparative assessment of the assets of these same officials and relatives, at the end of the mandates of the appointed officials, with all the relevant information being kept confidentially by the GinfonArium until there are reasons to do otherwise. Flagrant serious inconsistencies must be submitted by the Ombudsman or the GinfonArium, previous consultation and agreement of the LeaderArium, to the OppositArium for public discussion, with the possibility of a magistrate getting involved, on the request of the LeaderArium, in an appropriate investigation of inconsistency of apparent and suspected criminal relevance. The same principle of full transparency extends mutatis mutandis to all entities of public governing power, including Judges, Governors, Deputy ministers etc. In the specific case of the top 3 executive positions of each State Power and/or Arium, they must also declare to the Ombudsman, in confidentiality, all property acquisitions during the five years following the end of their public mandate. As for members of the LeaderArium, all must do it, and those who choose to act in this capacity until they die must then do so for the rest of their life.


    However, because of the need for a clear and powerful leadership in an EthoCracy, of the President and his Prime Minister, during their mandates, these two appointees enjoy temporary constitutional immunity until the end of their final electoral mandates, except in cases of flagrant corruption or criminal acts with at least 3 available witnesses. Ministers may also enjoy similar immunity, and also Governors, but only at the discretion of the President and his Prime Minister. In an EthoCracy, full responsibility of government institutions in relation to a Four-Way Binding Electoral Program, and full accountability in their actions and expenditures, is extended as well to lower levels of government, mutatis mutandis, like to Governors of provinces and municipalities. Copies of all documents pertaining to their actions and expenditures are also obligatorily given to the GinfonArium and published on an appropriate institution Internet website providing full transparency under the responsibility of the top commanding position. 

    In an EthoCracy, no anonymous company can exist or conduct any kind of business within the country, directly or indirectly. As seen in another reform, this rule also fits well with the principle that punishment for corruption or fraud is always applied first to the persons concerned, as faulty managers, as opposed to their companies, and, whenever feasible, as a personal economic punishment before any prison term may be considered. This non-anonymity rule applies eminently to all banks or all financial institutions of any kind. This includes bank transfers, in and out of the country, to any entity that has no clear executive management in terms of physical persons.

    In an EthoCracy, all public property must always be identified clearly with a PIT. In the same manner, all private property or activity financed or assisted partially with public money must be clearly identified with a PIT indicating the amount of public money involved. Whoever receives public money, as a private individual or company, must have a website identifying and relating clearly his name with the amount of public money received, even if it were only a simple one-page website indicating the details of the PIT. In the case of a company, the PIT must always indicate the name (plus level and function) of the person who received the money or who was specifically responsible for handling its reception and its proper use without corruption, plus the name of the owner or president of the company who is always associated to this same responsibility. Such company must also put a PIT inscription plaque at its entrance with the details. Such public money assistance must also have been the subject of a BEP (Binding Electoral Program), and its PIT must indicate the BEPID or the exact number of the Sequential Numbering of all Electoral Program Items. All public buildings, owned or rented, must also have a PIT at their entrance, indicating their annual maintenance costs and/or the amount of  annual rent being paid, and to whom responsible person it is being paid. When this is not possible, the PIT will only indicate "POP" (standing for Publicly Owned Property), like typically on a piece of furniture being moved around. In other words, all public property, and all private property or activity assisted with public funds, must all and always have a PIT. All cars owned by the government, directly or indirectly, must have a PIT sticker on their back window and persons often mixing with public officials using public cars, or public officials using their own cars, may well decide to put a "Private" sticker instead on their cars if they do not want to be associated with public property. In the same manner, all websites of people or companies receiving public funds must have a popup PIT screen, showing up automatically on opening their home page, that indicates the PIT and the BEP concerned, including an eventual BEPID, for the part of public money they enjoy.  

    Under the authority of the 4th constitutional power, the Informative Power, any single public penny spent by any public administration, including international organizations spending public money contributed by various countries, must be readily traceable, fully accountable, and publicly justified with appropriate documentation provided to the new InformArium authority, to be published and made available immediately and verifiable by any interested party, subject to the dismissal of the managers involved and/or prosecution in justice for consistent irregularities. International organizations spending public money, through national contributions, must also operate on RATAC  budgets, otherwise have their national contribution reduced by 25% in the first year, and by an additional 1% for each following year. The full details of all such financial transaction records must be readily copied to the new GinfonArium. All government officials of any power are personally responsible for proactively maintaining full transparency regarding their own operations at their levels, and they are also fully, and personally, responsible for all their mistakes. Private individuals or companies in turn, spending important sums of public money, after winning bids for public works, are all forced to do it in a perfect RATAC manner, through a BADAROTA banking arrangement and the relevant bank account mentioned explicitly on their compulsory PIT plaque, at the entrance of their offices, and on the popup screen of the home page of their compulsory website, long with the BEPID involved, as per the typical example provided to the right. 

  15. REFORM 15/30
    A Zero Tolerance With Corruption
    - Under the FPL, any member of the government, or any judge, or any member of the ExpertArium or OppositArium, caught in corruption, or caught not having denounced corruption he was aware of, or should have been aware of in his commanding position, is banished for ever from applying for any other public function, and punished accordingly on the basis of the existing norms of the criminal code. All official operational documents have to be efficiently signed by at least 3 levels of authority and, whenever a signature CorruptionStopappears on a document, and that document becomes evidence of corruption, there is a legal presumption that the official of this signature should have been aware of the corruption. The (top) third level of signature on a document is also legally mandated to take whatever action is needed to make sure the document becomes public knowledge through the RATAC  process of the InformArium, and is readily available for consultation by any interested party, including the media. This includes making also a copy of that document available in full transparency through an Internet website of their own when appropriate. Any document having to do with the actual disbursement of any sum of public money has to be automatically, and obligatorily, copied as True Information to the new GinfonArium of the new constitutional Informative Power of the Syntagma. On the private side, once a person or a company receives a contract from the government, or money for the partial or full payment of that contract, all the related documentation issued on the side of that person or company must also be made public in Full Transparency, with copies made available on the Internet website of the company, the RATAC  website of the InformArium, and  the appropriate BADAROTA of the appointed bank. A person or a company caught not abiding by these rules is not legally authorized anymore to bid for any new public contract in the following 10 years, even if their contracts so far have been executed in a completely honest way. 


    All bids for public work must be presented at a public meeting, and opened publicly at that same public meeting, in front of invited guests of the press, the ginfonalists, and any other persons who may have an interest in the bids after having become aware of the bid opening session pre-announced by at least 2 weeks on the RATAC  website of the GinfonArium. Each bid must include a standard opening executive summary of one page maximum, and that page is made available by the bidders, as a very first step, to all people coming at the bid-opening session, as a pre-requisite, before the actual bids are open with all their details. The full 3 lowest bids for important contracts over an established sum are then submitted to the OppositArium for a nation-wide public forum discussion during a day of the second or third week following the bid-opening day, with the proactive involvement of the new GinfonArium in the process for full or eventual additional True Information purposes, while bids for small contracts or provisions under the established sum can be attributed immediately to the smallest bidder. The government then takes consideration of these discussions for the bigger contracts, and decides sovereignly, in the end, to whom to attribute the contract, or to request a new bid contest. The final attribution may not necessarily go to the lowest bidder if the government can justify it. Once the contract is attributed, then both the government and the contractor are responsible for providing Full Transparency on the details of all payments made during the process, partial or complete, through an appropriate BADAROTA arrangement.


    Private works that are meant, or are likely, to be sold to the public at large (to more than one private individual), like the apartments of a new condominium building, are subject to similar regulations regarding (if not the price, at least) the specifications of the quality of the infrastructure and of the various main components of the work involved, all made available as RATAC, for at least 21 years on the internet website of the contractor, with a copy archived, and available, for ever, on the relevant city website and the database of the new GinfonArium

    The fundamental constitutional law in annex to the Syntagma, the FPL, is very explicit on the fact that corporations cannot lobby directly (in their private presence, and with the offer of attached favors or privileges) free independent professionals for the benefit of their own companies. In an EthoCracy, this is attempted criminal corruption. This applies to private professionals in general, like engineers, notaries, doctors, journalists or lawyers, but of course in particular to all fully public professionals, like judges, Governors, or any kind of government official at any level. The information work of these corporations can only be done indirectly, through their own websites, or other public medias, including the VinfonArium, and offer no privileges to these independent professionals, subject to prosecution under the criminal code and, in most serious cases, a possible suspension, or even withdrawal, of their charter to operate as a corporation within the country. In such cases, if the independent professionals involved have not proactively denounced, and rejected formally, these attempted interventions to the GinfonArium, they can also, even for this sole omission, be prosecuted under the criminal code, and possibly loose their practicing licenses, temporarily or permanently. In case of need of an encounter between these two parties, in order to avoid a potential conflict of interests, the meeting can take place only in the presence of at least two independent witnesses, and the VinfonArium can easily provide such witnesses or act as such.

    In an EthoCracy, under the FPL, corruption punishment may apply to a company, and be paid in part by the company involved, but it always also apply first to the persons in the company responsible for the corruption, and to their managers, for not having prevented it. The main burden of the penalty, whenever possible, has to be supported by the responsible persons involved, and not by the company. The spirit of this approach is that persons getting involved in corruption should know, ahead of time, that they are working for their own possible personal eventual full economic ruin, over and above the eventual damage or ruin of their company, including confiscation of all their personal private assets and properties if necessary, in priority over the ones of the company. Prison as a punishment is always reserved, by an adjudicating judge, in accordance with the constitutional FPL, as a secondary choice, after the primary personal economic punishment has been fully applied, or for poor faulty managers without assets. This is why, as seen in another reform, there cannot be any anonymous company existing or making business within the country, directly or indirectly. The corruption involving a private single person, as opposed to a company, is also punished on the basis of this same FPL spirit permeating all the laws of the EthoCracy. 


  16. REFORM 16/30
    A New Type of Extended Family Business (EFB) - The FPL establishes a strong policy of priority and incentives given, in all national laws, to small business, and in particular to the new type of EFB (Extended Family Business), as opposed to big companies, or even to small business that have no family foundation. EFB means businesses employing at least 90% of their employees as family members, or extended family members, and businesses where unionization is done only if all 100% of the employees request it at a general assembly. An EFB, like a condominium, has 1000 dwelling units divided in various shares. Members do not join as ordinary employees, but as a kind of 'partners', or rather dwellers, albeit maybe with different kinds of share of dwelling units in the business. The dwelling units serve only for voting purposes in the general assembly, and do not serve as a basis for establishing the actual salary of each employee. These small business are called ExFaBusiness companies (or EFB, standing for Extended Family Business). These EFB are expected to resolve their personnel and business problems through mutual negotiations, like in a general condominium assembly, without a right to strike, without any superior or inferior negotiating party, on the basis only of the shares of dwelling units of each member, and without external syndicate representatives, taking decisions at pure and strict majority of all dwelling units: one unit one vote. Members joining the company are hired through a contract with explicit reference to these EFB norms, and with an agreement on the redistribution of the overall dwelling units, just like when a person acquires some, or more, space in a condominium. Contrary to a condominium however, on the basis of an explicit clause of the hiring contract, if an employee does not respect the rules or the decisions of the general assembly, he can be fired out of the EFB without any appeal to an external judge, only with an appeal to a EFB general assembly. If such appeal is lost, there could be, in certain special circumstances of flagrant injustice, an appeal to an external judge.

    The conditions are very simple, but cumulative:
    -- To have the owner(s) as national citizens, and at least 90% of the EFB employees also as national citizens.
    -- To have 90% of its working employees as family members by blood or legal marriage relationship.
    -- To have all family members working in the EFB living in accommodation located in the same block of municipal streets, or at most in an immediately adjacent block. These private accommodations have to be in the same block where the EFB is, or with direct public transportation to that block in not more than half an hour.
    -- To provide a dedicated CFS (Common Family Space), in the form of an adequate and comfortable common daytime living area, fully equipped with kitchen, washrooms and basic infirmary devices, where all the EFB members, working or not, can meet at will, at any time, where old incapacitated or sick persons can be left easily with good care, where babies or young children can be kept under the attendance of a responsible non working adult, and where the whole EFB community can join, any evening, or over weekends, to spend good entertaining time together to reinforce its solidarity. A normal CFS must include other communicating areas, like an EFA (for Adults), an EFE (for Elders) and an EFK (for Kindergarten purposes). If the common area of accommodation of the workers is not in the block where the EFB is located, then the EFB has to provide the main CFS in the accommodation block, with a similar, even if smaller, back-up CFS reserved area in the compound of the EFB premises.
    -- To be registered as an EFB with the VinfonArium after signing a formal EFB agreement with the help of a PJM.


    At the above conditions, the EFB company can immediately benefit from a reduction of 10% of the company income tax, for the sole reason of being a registered EFB,  because it will likely never strike, and is not likely cause any public social disturbance with its operations. That 10% however must be redistributed, on a strict par basis, to all members of the extended family, working or not, of any age, even minor children, as a Government EFB Bonus of encouragement for maintaining the solidarity and the stability of the EFB, and to ensure the "dirty linen" of the EFB is washed within the family, be it the extended family, as opposed to through social disturbance. Alternatively, a general assembly of all adults concerned could decide, but only on a unanimous basis, to reinvest that bonus in the EFB for any urgent or important purpose. In addition, the VAT of an EFB is constitutionally limited to maximum 10%, like for all free independent professionals. Big corporations tend to want to command to the government, attempting to make the rules, or influence their formulation, let alone not respecting them with impunity, while small companies tend to obey more easily to the government directives issued on the basis of the constitution and to the objectives of a winning Four-Way Binding Electoral Program. They are also much more responsive to required change when the need arises on the basis of a winning Four-Way Binding Electoral Program, or more responsive to transformation, or to special assistance to their employees, in the case of an economic crisis, as they are built, and operate, on the basis of family solidarity. The ugly kind of mercantilism, and lack of employee solidary assistance, that characterizes many big corporations, has to be fought, and the EFB companies have to be encouraged and helped as much as possible. The basic income tax reduction of 10% that they get is separate from, and in addition to, the personal GCB (Growing Children Benefits) incentives for genitors, as exposed in the other complimentary reform on More United Families. Overall, these cumulating benefits of EFB and GCB are an irresistible incentive to create EFB companies, and live, and work, in the context of reunited extended families as much as possible. In addition, if these families reunify themselves in a close physical environment, within the EFB compound, or in the buildings of adjacent streets, it is expected that families with special problems, like sick or handicapped relatives, old incapacitated parents, or maybe simply with particularly difficult children, will find the best help, and all the help, they may need to face these situations in the best possible way within the EFB environment, without requiring special social services financed by public money. This means more living harmony, not only for the families involved, but for society in general, and the country as a whole, and with less need of the government to try to intervene with public programs and funds to resolve these social problems.   

  17. REFORM 17/30
    More United and Contented Extended Families
    - This reform has to do with the formation of Extended Family Units (EFU) enjoying Growing Children Benefits (GCB). It is a complement to the other reform on Extended Family Business. On the basis of the constitutional FPL however, these benefits can only apply to a EFU with nationality. The biggest source of problems of our society at the moment, in the western world in particular, is the extremely difficult situation of many young families through a combination of factors: working parents with children and no free assistance through their extended families, the consequent very low birth rate, the growing factor of separExtendedFamiliesated or divorced families, and the endemic lack of the educative presence of genitors and grand-parents in the daily life of most children. If we want our culture not to disappear, or our civic environments not to fall into decadent ruins, and women to not be deprived of a working life, we have no choice but to take drastic measures to ensure the problem is resolved. In addition, in extended families living together, difficult children, or children in serious conflict with their genitors, one or both, always have a better chance of finding one 'extended' member of the family to help them grow, psychologically and civically, more harmoniously, and not to move, as easily as it is the case now, to a world of growing micro-criminality in their adolescence. Consequently, an EthoCracy gives irresistible financial incentives and benefits to legally married national couples with children, who decide to stay married and live together, with their children, whatever the difficulty, as mother and father, until their youngest child is at least 16 years old, even if this means, hopefully in only a minimal number of cases, an explicit mutual agreement of the couple for having a formal DEDLA (Discrete Erotic Double Life Agreement) for separate sexual relations purposes, outside the view and knowledge of their minor children, or alternatively use the informal WLEW (White Lie Erotic Weekend) tacit understanding. Both the WLEW (White Lie Erotic Weekend) and DEDLA (Discrete Erotic Double Life Agreement) strategies, if used in complete discretion, are better than a separation, much better than a divorce, from the children's stability point of view, and allow to keep the many ethocratic benefits attached to this reform, for having more united families to grow children with more harmony and love, let alone to rejuvenate the population and reduce the horrific amount of abortions in the country. For the formal DEDLA (Discrete Erotic Double Life Agreement), an appointment with a PJM is sufficient to sign the agreement, in an hour, and at no fee. The special legislation developed to help these situations establishes various social GCB (Growing Children Benefits) bonuses for many national genitors growing children in certain conditions. These irresistible benefits, to most couples responding to these parameters, include a reduction of the income tax of national families by 10% for each child in the family. Having six children for example involves a 60% reduction in all family income tax, but only, and strictly, under the constitutional FPL, for married nationals of the country with a "1/x" code (as opposed to "0/x") for nationality on their NEVoC national IDs, and only for up to the limit of the average salary of the municipality of residence, as the top possible income to be considered in the calculation. These are strict constitutional parameters, including the "1/x" nationality factor on NEVoC for the genitors. One such mother with two children less than 16, choosing freely to stay home as a fulltime mother and housewife, also gets a small and un-taxable social salary, issued by the state in her own name, equivalent to 50% of the regular basic salary of an average Nursemaid working in a public hospital of her city of residence, with corresponding pension contribution paid by the state for 100% of the salary average of the local nursemaid. With only one child, her salary would be only 25%, but still with full pension contributions. With 3 or 4 children, the average would be 75%. With 5 or more children, the average would be 90%. City Governors establish the average salary of local nursemaids, and the percentage of limit is in consideration of the fact that these women do not have to go out to work, have a tax-free social salary, have pension contributions fully paid, and the family also enjoys a reduction of taxes of at least 10%, and possibly up to 80%, with 8 minor children, of the average salary for their municipality. Such families, with 2 national genitors, and with at least one child, also get financial or taxation assistance for re-grouping themselves with the grand parents, or, in their absence, with alternative candidate relatives, in the same building, or an adjacent one, or in a bigger house: moving expenses are entirely paid for, in such cases, and interest-free loans can cover the eventual increase in real-estate space necessary to be acquired for the re-grouping. In the case of no grand-parents available, or willing to participate in the re-grouping, an alternative choice can be allowed, like one sister of the genitors involved, even a non-relative woman if necessary, at the same conditions, but with the obligation to stay together in the same building premises for at least 10 years, and to participate actively, on a daily basis, through no outside daytime work, in helping the family with children and household maintenance. In such cases of alternative "extended family", if the candidate is not working, but is of working age, she will not receive a social salary but she can get pension contributions equivalent to the ones paid by the state for a mother. Any eventual financial retribution in such cases, comparable to a social salary for the helping woman, has to be worked out between the working genitors and the caring woman involved. Extended Families with nationality, who have succeeded in regrouping themselves in the same city block, or within adjacent blocks, can register legally with a PJM as a new EFU (Extended Family Unit), to facilitate their access to all the above government benefits. A EFU can also receive the right to have, and run, its own private school, as an EFS (Extended Family School) for primary and secondary levels, as long as they respect the official studying programs for these levels and other eventual norms of the FPL. If they also have, or want to start a business, they can also register as a new EFB, and enjoy the additional benefits.  

    As seen in another reform, the one of the constitutional FPL, the Syntagma expresses many ethocratic fundamental constitutional principles to be respected by all laws and public institutions of the country. Two of them are: 1) help nationals of the country in high priority over non-nationals, and encourage a strong sense of nationality through all laws and institutions of the country; 2) help national genitors living in the country to grow children in a context of unified extended families as much as possible. On the basis of these two fundamental constitutional principles, all the incentives and benefits mentioned above are cut in half if one of the genitors of the families described above does not have a "1/1" nationality code on his or her NEVoC. If the two genitors are non-nationals, none of these special ethocratic benefits apply.  

    Within the context of the new EFB (Extended Family Business, a separate Reform in the package) legislation, it is expected that help for growing children, on the part of working mothers, can even still more easily be found. The precious EFB benefits can all come to reinforce the ones of this reform. A working mother of an EFB, with or without the father in the EFB, has the right to choose to continue working part-time, refuse the GCB social salary of this reform, and get a percentage of her current salary from the EFB, based on the same percentage of the working hours she still provides to the EFB, without the EFB being legally able to decide otherwise, except if it is to make the percentage of her salary bigger than the percentage of the working hours she still provides, after a decision accordingly by a majority of the general assembly. Her part-time replacement however has to be another member of the extended family. Her alternative is to abandon her job, become a full-time mother, and receive a normal GCB social salary as described above. A working mother in an EFB is already an EFB partner and, depending on her salary, she will likely decide to prefer the percentage of her EFB salary, instead of the GCB social salary of the previous reform, because she knows she will most probably find easy, and fully trustworthy, help for growing her children, within the context of the extended family, through non working members of the EFB, like grand-parents, or other family members who have decided not to work and may live in, or close to, the EFB compound. On the other hand, the EFB itself, being family-based, will most likely find easily another trustworthy non-working member of the extended family to supplement the percentage of non-working hours of the mother involved, without legally having to hire the supplementary person, except if it is on a clear temporary basis, until the working mother decides otherwise. This, by definition, makes all parties happy: the working mother does not quit completely her job, or career, if it was considered rewarding to her; the EFB does not have to hire formally a new and complete outsider in the company, with all the risks involved; the replacing person of the EFB, who was not working, most likely voluntarily, will be pleased for the partial salary for a while; the extended family reinforces its solidarity, in particular through the services and activities of the CFS (Common Family Space) of the EFB; the state does not have to pay any social salary in the meantime; and there are a few more persons and businesses living and operating more happily around the country, and helping raising children more harmoniously, and thus bringing them to majority with a better potential for contributing more extensively, and more positively, to the improvement and Kallos Beauty of all our civic environments.           


  18. REFORM 18/30
    Holistic and Meritocratic Schools With an Agricultural Area (EthoSchool) - In an EthoCracy, public schooling is provided entirely free of charge, up to the end of university but, because it is a meritocratic system, only the real best ones can reach the top levels, similar to what happens in the field of national sports, on the basis of best natural talents and efforts. Schools also obligatorily teach and apply civic education, up to, and including, university level, impose severe internal discipline, compete between themselves for attracting and producing the best students and, in the process, select only the best, orTeacher most meritorious ones, for university studies. Again, it is a process similar to the one of the selection of the athletes of a national sport, ensuring that the very best ones get to the highest national team level. In addition, all ethocratic schools have an integrated, or connecting, agricultural area to which all students in turn must participate, for a short half a day a week, in growing plants or harvesting crops, and/or in caring for various kinds of animals. These school agricultural areas are not full farming environments, like in the case of Prison-Farms, but they must all integrate an agricultural land area, with appointed agricultural staff, from which students are expected to learn and to help produce efficiently and proudly part of their subsistence food in a perfectly biological way. Regular teachers, in collaboration with the agricultural staff, are also expected to supervise this agricultural participation, and grade the students accordingly on this new compulsory subject matter of their curriculum. The EthoCratic schools also base their education on the principles of what is in our pages on the Pythagorean Man Emulation, regarding the formation of the Human Tetractys: they provide a holistic education, and thus they do not only 'instruct' the 'intellectual center' of students, but also 'educate' their 'emotional center' and form their 'physical center. All schools are also managed through an SOS approach (Social Olympic Spirit) mentioned at the beginning of this page, that is like the various levels of teams of a national sport, where the best ones get naturally to the top, because of their best efforts and natural talents, and the other ones find each their just niche, or level, that correspond to their merit: their best aptitudes and their best level of honest dedication. In other words, schools are more selective, but not on the basis of an elite due to the social or economic status of the family: only on the basis of the objective merit of each child, independently from his family. Fair and constructive punishment is also applied for repairing mistakes or stimulating better performance and achievements. Plain "no-punishment", as it has been "politically correct" since the pseudo-revolution of 1968, is plainly "Politically Incorrect" in an EthoCracy. Ethocratic schools must give good training in all subjects of the curriculum, but they must also, first and foremost, provide good education, civic education, and just punishment for mistakes or irresponsible conduct is pat of all good education process, albeit maybe concurred with the genitors involved when at all possible. In an EthoCratic country, there are 10 years of 10 months of compulsory public school starting on September 1st. Children must show up at age 6 (or 5 if they will become 6 during the last four months of the calendar year). These 10 years are followed by a year (of 10 months) of compulsory PPS (Patriotic Paramilitary Service: see below) for all children, males and females, during which year, among other things, they are helped by professional counselors with their best choices for future schooling (professional, technical or military), or for technical or unqualified work after their PPS. Then follows non-compulsory but still free (no-fee) public school, either as technical school for 4 years or university for 6 years. The 6 years of university include, to start with, 4 years of essentially theoretical and cultural study, and then 2 years of essentially practical study related to the first 4 years, independently of any additional years of further specialization, practical or theoretical, that may follow. University students not reaching the passing mark for two years of university in a row are forced to leave and revert to technical schools, or private universities, or professional military enrolment. The same fate touches the ones who reached age 28 and have not yet completed their 6 years of university study. Technical schools however are always open to candidates of any age except again that those who do not reach a passing mark for two years in a row must leave, and offer their services to the labor market without technical qualifications. These technical schools for apprenticeship, in various professional skills, are mostly practical study and they admit honorably students not capable of, or not fit for, more intellectual professions at university or post-university levels. Students of the first 10 years of public school never double any given year because of poor grades, but their average grade during these first 10 years is the base for the selection of those destined to technical schools or to university. Children can then improve their 10 year average grade, compensating 'bad' years with 'good' years in the course of their 10 years. The opposite, of course, is also true. In principle, universities receive the top 25% of them, distributed between all universities, but taking into account the preferences of the students involved as much as possible. Universities also have to compete and produce best employable professionals, in particular through an appropriate use of the last 2 years of practical study at university. In turn, severe penalties are imposed on public universities producing, in majority, still unemployed professionals (in their own profession) at the beginning of the third year following the end of their university studies. All this information is followed and made available to the public as True Information by the GinfonArium of the new Informative Power. Those public universities with poor records can see their quotas of students reduced, and their budgets lowered accordingly, with the possibility of even their charter being withdrawn in most serious cases, and sold to the private sector. The global indicative quota of 25% for university students can be adjusted over the years, up or down, as per the needs of the time, in order to avoid major crisis of unemployment. This way, each child in the school system finds its best position and niche, or type of working life performance, just like in the management of the various levels of teams of a national sport, where each athlete finds its just place and level. In EthoCracy, public universities produce much better professionals, and there is, for all of them, also much less unwarranted and unnecessary unemployment than there is now. This is "Merit" applied to the field of national education, a situation not less unfair, nor more unpleasant, than what happens at the moment, quite spontaneously and naturally, in the field of national sports. Private schools and universities can still exist, but receive no public funds. They however operate on the basis of a government charter. They must also teach civic education in the same manner that public schools do. They must be inspected yearly and compete with public institutions in producing best employable professionals, with their charter possibly being withdrawn if their record is particularly poor, not only in terms of instruction, but also in terms of civic education as defined for the needs of the public schools. Because of the major importance of the quality of all education being provided in the country, their performance is closely scrutinized by the GinfonArium, and all relevant True Information is published by the new Informative Power on a continuing basis, as allowed by the constitutional FPL, even if they are not public institutions. Foreigners, or non-national residents, have to pay a student fee, and comply to the normal civic education requirements of all ethocratic schools, at all levels.

    The constitutional FPL of the Syntagma expresses many ethocratic fundamental constitutional principles to be respected by all laws and public institutions of the country. As seen above, one of them is to do whatever possible to reinforce the positive figures of father and mother, let alone the concept of authority, and the concept of the natural "Beautiful Difference" between males and females, in front of students, while attending ethocratic schools. This means that although schools below university level are mixed environments, and children of both sex attend the same schools together, all normal classroom sitting lessons are provided to males and females separately, in different rooms, and with teachers of their own sex. However, all other activities and times at these same schools are, in principle, spent normally in a mixed environment. The same segregation applies in practicing sports, with rare occasional exceptions. Other exceptions are made in studying some compulsory subject matters. National Economy Concepts is a compulsory subject matter for all males, while Domestic Economy Concepts is a compulsory one for all females, even if each can follow also the subject of the other, on a non-compulsory basis. In the spirit of the inventors of holistic education in Ancient-Greece, wrestling is a compulsory sport for all males, while swimming is a compulsory one for all females. This does not prevent a male to do also swimming, nor a female to study also national economy concepts, but on their own free time and without being compulsory. On the other hand, Civic Education is a compulsory subject for both males and females. Good civic behavior grades are awarded to all children, every month, like in all other subjects, and these grades can help, or damage, the child average school grade for the overall 10 years of compulsory schooling, and thus have some significance on access to university studies. The concept of Civic Decorum is also dear to the ethocratic FPL, and consequently all students must attend public schools with the full school uniform, including shoes, paid by the student family. The price to pay for the uniform is minimal, and certainly less expensive for the genitors than using a continuous change of new clothes during the school year. With paid uniforms, families thus end-up saving money on clothing for their children. The wearing of the uniform is compulsory until the children are handed back to their genitors, and must be maintained impeccably by the genitors, subject to a penalty on the Civic Education grades of the child. The FPL is also very clear about the necessity of public education to be holistic and very selective on a purely meritocratic basis. The implication of this constitutional principle are many. Students cannot receive only instruction, or pure instructive knowledge, as future competent professionals, but must also receive holistic education as good human beings, and as future good citizens. In turn, teachers cannot act as teachers on the basis of only their knowledge, but have to be trained as graduates of special teachers schools, as soul educators, make their students also "learn how to learn", learn themselves how to teach and be educators, before they can be hired and act as teachers transmitting knowledge. In an ethocratic country, apart from having special dedicated schools for forming teachers, many universities also offer faculties with this specific specialization. Once teachers are in position, they have a double role, and they must act not only as traditional teachers, but also as coaches of best meritocratic behavior, somewhat like good sport coaches do quite spontaneously, as much as they act as good knowledge transmitters, at all levels of schooling, including university. They are not concerned only with the formation of the intellectual center of the students, but also with the formation of their emotional center, let alone their physical and artistic skills, and grade them on a holistic meritocratic basis. As much as student must come out of the public education system as good technicians or professionals, they must first and foremost come out as good human beings and good citizens.       

  19. REFORM 19/30
    A New Patriotic Paramilitary Service
    - As seen in another reform, the constitutional FPL of the Syntagma expresses many ethocratic fundamental constitutional principles to be respected by all laws and public institutions of the country. One of them is the reinforcement of a good sense of patriotism. In an EthoCracy there is no traditional compulsory military service, but only a professional military service, as a freely chosen long-term career. In turn, there is a Patriotic Paramilitary Service (PPS) that is compulsory for everyone, all citizens, and those non-citizens who are permanent residents and not forced to a compulsory military service in their country of citizenship. It applies equally to males and females, of whatever sex orientation, and it lasts for 10 full months. They have to present themselves for PPS on the first of September of the year they get to be 17 (or 16 if they will become 17 during the last four months of the calendar year), or delay for a year, at their choice, but without any exception for further flexibility, except of course for seriously handicapped children not having attended normal schools. They must wear the "EE" Uniform [Similar to the one on the picture to the left, with the EE standing for EthoCracy and EthoGloso patriotic service] full time during the service, including when circulating outside the encampment during authorized days of leave. Males and females sleep separately in isolated dormitories. Their training is done partly separately and partly together, on the same paramilitary campus. The education they receive includes a thorough review of the national history, special training for the command of their official national language, in both speaking and writing, civic education, good manners, EthoCracy philosophy and principles, with a concentration on its main concepts of decorum, merit, ethics, and philoecosophical values. Their overall PPS formation also wants to reinforce in them a strong sense of patriotic pride for their nationality (or their country of permanent residence in case of legal immigrants who still do not have citizenship), along with the development of an equally strong sense of oneness responsibility at planet level. In addition, they enjoy full time availability of expert counselors regarding their personal life, the development of their aptitudes and talents, and their choice of a job, a profession or further study at university, or at technical or military schools. The discipline and the respect of authority on the campus is very strict, similar to what happens in the best traditional military campuses. Arms training is minimal and limited to the handling of defensive strategies and tools for eventual participation in the appeasement of violent civic unrest or the protection of areas of disaster. At the end of the service, the PPS issues a PPS Certificate that includes marks of level of performance, and of good behavior, that might be helpful or detrimental for eventual job opportunities, just like any other normal school certificates. Be it clear however that being "Patriotic" in attending the PPS does not mean being "Nationalistic", certainly not in the bad "Nazi" sense of the word that the politically correct usually gives it today, but only "Patriotic", in the best traditional sense of the word. In these EthoCratic paramilitary campuses there is never any activity expressing any form of a sense of national superiority or supremacy, but only a good sense of loyalty and pride for belonging to one's country, and a desire to know what is needed to preserve or improve the best culture of that country, including the quality of its national language(s). To compensate and better develop also a sense of internationality, and an EthoPlasìn sense of Planet Oneness Responsibility, EthoGloso is also taught on the campus, as an IAL, in order for its citizens to be equipped with the best tool available for easy routine international communications worldwide. All this certainly has no connotation of any racial pride, nor any nationalistic pride, but only normal and natural patriotic pride in the good sense that was given to it in the culture of Ancient-Greece. Of course it is the kind of good patriotic pride that can, and should, be cultivated by all nations, each in their own way, without any intent of supremacy, for the sole purpose of maintaining the integrity of each their own special and beautiful historic culture, not to mention their own particular basic values, traditions, language, and social, economic and spiritual interests.


    In an EthoCracy, for the candidates chosen for the EthoPlasìn Academy, the PPS can be done within the Academy. In such cases, it involves a double effort related to achieving the combined objectives of the regular PPS program outside the Academy, and the additional and special objectives of the Academy for its First Stage year of preparation for the formal  entry at the Academy (as explained in section 4, called The Difference, of our home page).

  20. REFORM 20/30
    Only Legal Immigration and Least Possible Multiculturalism
    - Cultures and races are beautiful, each with their own unique beauty. They have to be preserved and protected like precious jewels, or noble wines, of various kinds. Like wines however, they cannot be mixed extensively with types that are too different from their original nature. You can quite successfully mix together a lighter with a darker red wine, both of a red color, but you cannot mix wine with beer, not even a white wine and a red wine together, or a wine with a champagne, let alone beer with both red and white wines, without producing the degradation and the loss of all your original precious components. Doing so, you produce a little disaster, loosing not one, but two or more, precious entities. Looking back at the last century, from our present perspective in this second decade of the 21st century, affirming that multiculturalism has only produced disastrous results in the western world is only affirming a real and sad fact. The inevitable "melting pot" of the USA, but also the highly planned and desired "mosaic" of Canada, and the politically correct "multiculturalism" of Western Europe, have all produced only negative results and incredible loss of original cultural beauty. Many great cultures, countries and empires have been destroyed in the past essentially because of multiculturalism. The Roman Empire is probably the most notorious example from the past. France and England are probably the most notorious examples today. This old negative phenomenon is repeating itself today in Europe and North America. The beauty of the culture of each, and most, western countries is being completely dismantled and disappearing because of forced or tolerated multiculturalism. The only country that appears to be a clear exception is Israel, strongly implementing least possible multiculturalism and most possible integrity of their culture, even the purity of their people as a race, through the strong enforcement of appropriate racial Jewish marriages. From this specific point of view, Israel can only be taken as a good example to emulate as much as possible in the rest of the western world. As for immigration, an EthoCracy makes a clear difference between a legal immigrant and an illegal migrant alien. Immigration is never a right of the migrant alien, but a right of the receiving nation to grant it or refuse it. It can become the right of a regular immigrant, but only after due selection process of the receiving country has taken place and granted that right. A country is like a home: no stranger has the right to force his way in, and establish, without being invited. Legal immigration is desirable and useful, but forced immigration, or illegal immigration, or a flow of vagrant migrant aliens, is a dangerous iceberg on which too many civic environments and cultures are already crashing at the moment, some of which with the near certainly of sinking completely in the next generation or two, like Holland, Belgium, France and England, to name only a few in Europe, and the most visible ones at the moment. Under EthoCracy, no country is forced to accept illegal or clandestine migrants who, most of the time, once in, are themselves forced to become street beggars or peddlers, let alone new additional alien micro-criminals being added to the national ones. In an EthoCratic country, only legal immigration can take place. In the sameImmigrationControl spirit, only national street beggars are given a special ID, and accepted as such by the population, and only when there are no better alternatives offered by charity or public shelter organizations, or when the national beggars themselves forcefully refuse these facilities. Non-national street beggars and non-national street peddlers, as well as all the foreign migrants working illegally, are gently, but swiftly and firmly, deported to their own countries, hopefully at the expense of their families or of the countries involved, like in consular repatriation cases, or at the expense of their national employers (firm or household) in the case of those working illegally. The same rules apply to illegal foreigners in self-invented jobs, like abusive parking lot 'managers' of otherwise free public parking areas, or car windshield cleaners at street corners. The illegal migrant flux must stop, and the regular immigrants must be selected and chosen; The costs for doing such selection are much less than the costs for not doing it, and the advantages are to both parties: the migrants themselves and the country receiving them. Chosen immigrants are then accepted as such, as desired regular immigrants, by the receiving country, prior to their arrival, based on a strict set of rules related to health, security and job offers not filled by nationals. Citizens giving employment to illegal foreign workers commit a serious offense, under the criminal code, that is payable through a high fine plus all the costs of detention and deportation of the illegal involved. Renting accommodation to an illegal has the same kind of penalty. Giving house work and free accommodation to illegals pending refugee status is acceptable, but only if it is done in agreement with the relevant refugee determination institution involved. Sleeping on the streets or in public places is illegal for foreigners and they are forced to go to cheap commercial or charity hostels with proper registration with the local police for appropriate identification and action. National street peddlers in turn are allowed to sell their goods, but only in areas appointed officially by the municipality Governors for such purposes, usually in, or by, flee-markets, or other kinds of public and open street markets. In an EthoCracy, nobody, national or foreigner, can enter the country without showing an identity document, and foreigners must have sufficient money for their intended stay. Showing an ID, for quick association with the face of the bearer, is the minimum requirement, and the only one inmost cases, but an absolutely essential minimum one. This is why, to reinforce this orderly admission process, and minimize inconveniences to all concerned, as seen in another reform, an EthoCracy uses new Reinforced Consulates Abroad, with a brand new role regarding immigration. If a foreigner is caught in the country without an ID, the loss of which has not been formally and quickly denounced, it is assumed, as a legal presumption, that  he has committed the crime of destroying his own national ID within the country, and as such, he is not allowed to claim refugee status. This crime prevents that foreigner from having access to any refugee status institution, forces him to a CSH (City Safety Hostel) for temporary detention until identification, and renders his deportation automatic after identification. If clandestine workers, or illegal migrants with IDs, appear to claim legitimately that they cannot return to their country of origin, fearing for their life or their integrity, they are then referred to the UNHCR centers, or a CSH in the meantime, to verify their identity, and to be processed and distinguished, either as illegal migrants or as convention refugees. They are maintained in the meantime in appointed holding centers, and eventually returned home safely, as soon as possible, if they are not refugees. UNHCR is however famous for having overly relaxed criteria for the recognition of refugees, and for granting too easily refugee status to thousands of economic migrants that are not at all refugees under the specific terms of the convention. The UNHCR needs to be drastically reformed (like its mother institution, the UN, that should become an UEN, as seen below, and commented further in the relevant paragraphs related to the UNHCR in our hot page on Immigration Issues). Until it is reformed, the final recognition of a refugees thus always belong to the national country in which the migrants happen to be, after its own additional scrutiny corroborating, or not corroborating, the one of the famously irresponsibly slacked UNHCR.

    The constitutional FPL of the Syntagma expresses many ethocratic fundamental constitutional principles to be respected by all laws and public institutions of the country. One of them is that, until nationality is acquired, the residence of a non-national can never be considered permanent, not even the one accepted as a refugee, or as a stateless person or as a legal immigrant. Until the acquisition of citizenship has been acquired, that status of residence has to be reconsidered for extension, or rejection, every 5 years maximum, and after each criminal infraction of the non-national concerned. The FPL is also openly anti-massive-multiculturalism, as it has only caused social and economic disasters in the history of civilization and in particular in the last century. Consequently, all applications for immigrant status, or residence status, will be considered with a clear priority, but not an exclusivity, given to foreigners coming from countries with the closest possible culture and religion to the majority of the citizens already in the country.  

  21. REFORM 21/30
    Prison-Farms Connected to Homeless Hostels and Animal Shelters - According to the FPL, in an EthoCracy, all new jails are built to become self-supporting "Countryside Prison Farms" (CPF), self-sufficient at least for the production of their own food, and the food of their twinned CSH. All existing city jails in turn are gradually converted into new "City Safety Hostels" (CSH), and also made self-supportive for their food through the free provisions of a CPF with which they may be twinned. A CPF in turn is connected directly to at least two kinds of public adjacent logging spaces: a hostel for homeless people (a CPFH: CPF Hostel) and a shelter for abandoned dogs and other animals (a CPFS: CPF Shelter). Some CPF also have a connected infirmary for mentally ill people who are abandoned by their families, without resources, but are basically autonomous within a friendly accommodating shelter, except for basic vital needs like their alimentation and their showers (That kind of infirmary is called a CPFI: CPF Infirmary). These 4 accommodating components (the countryside CPF with its adjacent CPFH, CPFS, and an eventual CPFI), are physically directly connected to the CPF, and closely linked in their basic vital subsistence for food purposes. That CPF is also expected to provide food for a 5th component, a CSH to which it may be twinned, producing and ensuring delivery of all its food, free of charge. In addition, the prisoners, along with eventual collaborators from the CPF two hostels (the CPFH and the CSH to which it is twinned), and possibly also, on a voluntary basis, from its CPFI infirmary, are also responsible to take care of all the animals of the CPFS shelter. Prisoners are even encouraged to "adopt" at least one of the animals, and take care of them in a particular personal way, and possibly even to take some of them in their cells overnight under certain conditions. On request they will also train dogs for special purposes for outside persons who want to adopt them. These potential adopters are welcome to come to the CPF, at established places and times, to see the animals and decide which one they want to adopt. Healthy hosts of the hostels are also expected to give some helping attention, or care, to the unhealthy or handicapped persons, and possibly also to some of the animals. Prisoners become basically working farmers, producing sufficient food, for themselves and other social institutions, and taking care of animals, in particular abandoned dogs. All the persons involved, accommodated free of charge, in all the connected components of a CPF, are expected to collaborate like a big extended family in all aspects of their basic survival and happiest possible lifestyle. Within the wider enclosed space of these huge countryside prison farms, all good behavior persons are circulating freely, during the daytime, but wearing a locked GPS bracelet tracing their movements if and when required. During the night, there is a curfew with strict sleeping time, in locked cells, or in other controlled areas. Basically, being self-supporting for food, even if not necessarily for each individual inmate, becomes a required civic duty for prisoners under the constitutional FPL of the Syntagma. In addition, the food production of a CPF must, and can only, be strictly biological. If that duty of producing self-supporting food is not met by the prisoners, then their rights, in terms of various forms of facilities and comfort, are proportionately reduced, or temporarily limited, up to an eventual bare essential level, including food. The state provides free accommodation (jails, hostels, shelters, infirmaries) but, as much as possible, certainly in the case of most prison-farms, not free food. Prisoners have to maintain themselves, farming efficiently for at least their own food and their attached components. Other expenses of a CPF, like staff salaries, are excluded from this constitutional requirement of self-sufficiency, and paid by the state. The prisoners refusing to collaborate are placed in special aisles with minimal food and commodities paid for by the state, until they decide to collaborate. In turn, those who provided an exceptional collaboration, for a good period of time under surveillance, may be moved to a CSH, as employees in various capacities, working for free, but with permission to get out into the city for a few hours a week with a discrete GPS bracelet.

    This strong approach however, on farm prisoners, is partially compensated with a small economic benefit: the prisoners do not receive any salary but, if and when the CPF produces sufficient food not only for itself, but also for all its connected components, or alternatively for a school or a poor old-age hospice within the municipality, the farming prisoners receive basic pension contributions paid for by the state for their time in prison, on the basis of what a regularly employed farm hand would receive working legally for a farmer employer in the area. These contributions are basic, but they include both the part that would be normally paid by such an employer and the part paid by such a farm hand.

    EthoCracy is particularly more severe than other forms of state with regards to many types of criminals who must be treated as serial killers for their sole criminal activity, even if it is not directly demonstrated that they may personally have killed one or many persons. Illegal drug importers, dealers and sellers, are all included, as their illegal activity is typically, and inevitably, the cause of hundreds of deaths of young people down the line. The list also includes illegal arms traffickers, be it producers, sellers, importers or exporters. Producers, sellers, importers, exporters and users of dangerous chemicals that are known to be often spread on food plantations, and are provided to non authorized handlers or users, in the country or abroad, are also included. They are all considered as a kind of serial killers. On the other hand, EthoCracy is more lenient than other regimes with healthy, and not-dangerous, criminals who could, and can, become civic workers, or friendly assistants to city police officers, or internal guards at City Safety Hostels (CSH), or can be authorized to work part-time out of jail during daytime (for free, or for earning a basic income, helping society in various ways, and possibly paying contributions to their eventual pensions). All good candidates are encouraged and helped to do so. For more details on this harder/softer approach, please refer to the examples of the relevant paragraphs in our hot page on Socio-Economic Issues.

    An ethocratic country wants, in principle, all foreign criminals given a final jail sentence in the country, to be expelled to their own countries, and serve there their jail sentence when at all possible. They are put to jail only for the time it takes for the two bilateral consulates to make the necessary arrangement for secure expatriation. In principle, each country should take care, and support the economic burden, of its own national criminals, especially for long term inmates. Exceptions can be made, but not for any humanitarian reason, only for a conviction of the judge that the inmate may be unduly set free in his own country, or not serve a jail sentence for the same crime in his own country. The judge is not concerned with the fact that the jail sentence in the home country of the criminal might be of a different length. An EthoCracy will reciprocate, and receive its own criminals, as long as the prisoner does not have also the citizenship of the country of origin. This is a new role of the new type of Reinforced Consulates of an ethocratic country.   

    This approach gives first the prisoners the important psychological benefit of having a much better self-pride in their social recuperation process. They also do not feel like useless parasites and, in any case, this approach definitely reduces the amount of hardcore parasite-criminals maintained at entirely public charge. All this means more human recuperation and important financial savings for the state. It also mixes all sorts of persons in need of assistance and social recuperation for one reason or the other, and creates a positive atmosphere of mutual assistance. It also mixes animals and persons in need of help and affection. It means the disappearance of the most ugly dog pounds, with beautiful dogs suffering terribly, for months and years, in small and dirty cages. It gives city centers much better decorum, by not having to cope with too many abandoned persons and animals, giving both categories decent shelters, in secure places, and a chance to live closer to nature, while still having lots of people and animals around them with whom to share help and affection.

  22. REFORM 22/30
    Better Integrated Holistic Health, Food and Agriculture - This includes the legal status, in an EthoCracy, of many types of AHM (Alternative Holistic Medicine). Health and food, along with all ingestible substances from agriculture, are closely related. In an EthoCracy, food and health management, within the national borders, receive a very special, and constitutional, attention, along with the consumption of any kind of ingestible products. Food is of primary and vital importance for all citizens, more than anything else. Controlling the quality of food production outside national borders, is not only difficult, but more costly, and untrustworthy in most cases when done by foreign distant technocrats, or by the producers under the assumed bureaucratic direction of such technocrats. Controlling it internally, and at the source, is easier, less costly, and much safer, as national producers can be more closely watched, and more readily held legally responsible for their mistakes. A democracy cannot ensure that its citizens live with good clothing, or housing, not even with excellently nutritional food most of the time, but an EthoCracy must ensure, as a minimum, and as a constitutional duty, that all its citizens live at least with good biological food, and safe ingestible substances from a health point of view. The FPL encourages national production of food, as much as possible, and as close as possible to the consumer, as opposed to importing food, and wants to push this national production to an ideal point of self national sufficiency. It authorizes imports only on a basis of confirmed scarcity, and only after special national import controls. The FPL also encourages the personal production of food, in particular vegetarian food, in little private gardens, or in orchard balconies, to be consumed, or bartered at officially designated open markets for bartering purposes (free of VAT in this case), within the limits of a municipality or an adjacent one, by individual persons not providing it to any store or commercial market. This personal bartered production however can only be fully biological food. Eventual personal overproduction of such food that cannot be bartered, can only be given free, to social entities, like City Safety Hostels (CSH), schools, charity organizations, public orphanages, or poor public old-age hospices for old people. The rest of an eventual personal overproduction, if sold, can only be provided to same-municipality bio-markets or stores through normal VAT taxation. One of the constitutional principles of the FPL is that food, in spite of being biological as much as possible, should travel as less as possible, and be taken from the ground, or from the plant, as close as possible to its normal time of full bloom and maturity, and as close as possible to its end consumer. This means a clear treatment of favor, in all related laws, given to micro-forms of agriculture that lead to self-sufficiency, as opposed to industrialized forms of agriculture, starting at the personal level, and up to local, municipal and regional levels. This also means least possible degree of imports from distant areas, or in particular from foreign countries producing it with no easily controllable standards, except for reasons of temporary emergency or serious local scarcity. As for meat, the FPL prohibits totally the growth of animals, for massive food production, in cages, or in other torturing forms of animal life maintenance before butchering. Animals must live a life as normal as possible while alive, and butchering must be as quick and painless as possible. The FPL also includes very strict limitations for anyone handling or using dangerous chemicals in food production and, as such, users of such chemicals can be considered, by Justice, as serial killers, under the criminal code, in various circumstances, for the sole fact that they have used such substances, independently from the number of persons that might have been affected, in their health or their life, by such chemical products. As for National Health, the FPL of an EthoCracy allows the existence of natural Alternative Holistic Medicine (AHM) to be studied, practiced, and to be used, as a free choice, by anyone, from licensed practitioners. These AHM practitioners work exclusively with natural bio food and/or plants, for alternative cures to most diseases, but they cannot ever reduce their services to blind sales, or to only issuing natural drug prescriptions. They must, and must always, attempt to treat patients in a holistic way, which implies a psychological medical intervention as much as a physical intervention. New university faculties train them accordingly, as a kind of mix of three professionals:  a psychologist, a modern drug prescription issuing doctor and a specialist in medical botany. Their medicaments are strictly natural, most of the time personalized on the basis of the holistic analysis of the patient. They involve no kind of non natural botanical substances, and are produced without any industrial process, mostly freshly prepared on request. In fact they are produced by the AHM themselves, directly in their offices, or by countryside AHM laboratories with skilled artificers. AHM laboratories cannot sell directly to patients, but only to the licensed AHM practitioners, on their guidance and on their request. An AHM doctor however can also have a private outlet with an assisting employee, but directly attached to his office, not open to the public at large, where the regular clients he has been following for some time already can come, without having to pay a visit fee, to pick-up an already established dosage or mix of an already established potion or medicament for their holistic medical treatment for an agreed time.  

    In an EthoCracy, only best AgroEcological Farming is permitted. This means a type of farming that, in principle, is not reliant on external chemical fertilizers, nor pesticides, except for a minimal part in case of unusual emergency, but rather on internal natural means, like controlling pests and disease with natural predators, mixed crop and livestock management, and agroforestry (inter-planting of trees and crops). Chemicals and pesticides cannot be used except on an explicit permission from the government after a consultation of agreement with the InformArium. The external beauty of the agricultural products may decline, but their healthiness, and thus their internal substance beauty, is preserved to the maximum degree, along with an eventual long-term increase in production, for the best benefits of all consumers in terms of health and availability. 

    This is a reform where the VinfonArium of the new constitutional Informative Power of the ethocratic country comes into play with a highly important role. The basic role of the VinfonArium is to provide Valuable Information to all citizens of the country, as True Information, in a proactive and in a reactive way, with regards to the private business activity within the country, as opposed to public government activity (which is of the similar concern of the GinfonArium). Under the FPL, both the AHM Practitioners and the AHM Laboratories involve a special kind of new professionals who cannot use any kind of publicity for their work and medicaments. Any information on the nature, production, use and utility of their medicinal products can only be provided to the VinfonArium who, after the appropriate research and analysis, provides all the necessary related valuable True Information on their website for all citizens, and in particular for eventual clients of AHM practitioners, for them to be informed as best of possible on that non-mainstream commercial business activity. As for food production in general, the VinfonArium also provides similar valuable True Information, for both national and eventual imported food in cases of national scarcity. Finally, the VinfonArium provide as much valuable True Information as possible, with regards to all other ingestible products, through mouth or other parts of the human body, like water from various sources, for drinking or bathing purposes, commercial drinks, mainstream medicinal products, vaccines, perfumes, cigarettes, soaps, cloth detergents, lotions and creams that can be body absorbed etc.

  23. REFORM 23/30
    Private Justice Helping Public Justice, Tax Collection and Family Issues - In an EthoCracy, all retiring lawyers, magistrates and judges, who are at least 50 years old, and have at least 25 years of experience in legal practice, can, if they so wish, apply to become a PJM (Private Justice Mediator), in order to stay professionally active for few more years, while in pension, and maybe supplement their pensions with reasonable tax-free fees, pre-established by law, paid by the JudicArium, to resolve the personal private conflicts arising between two citizens. For the conflicting parties, there is a real incentive to use that PJM, as it is entirely free if they meet an easy condition related to VAT transactions. On the state side, there is also a big incentive, as the costs of general tribunal administration and maintenance in this case are not only cheaper, but really inexistent, as the PJM works from his personal home, or from his chosen WatchdogPressprivate space. In an EthoCracy, public Justice becomes subsidiary to private justice, as a first step, but only for conflicts between two single physical persons, without involving any lawyer, or any formal court of law with regular magistrates, nor judges with tribunal support staff. This form of primary private justice applies, at certain simple conditions and, in principle, only to conflicts between two individual physical persons, and not when one of the parties in conflict is a company, or a legal entity, except if that company is owned by a single free professional (including possibly his legally married spouse and children), with not more than 5 dependent support staff as opposed to company partners. When such private persons sign any kind of personal contract, or get into any kind of interpersonal business, or receive any kind of services from a free independent professional, the FPL asks them, as a constitutional duty, but without forcing them, to register that business relationship immediately with the JudicArium. There is no immediate penalty if this is not done, only down the line, if and when private free justice may become requested by persons who have not registered. This registration can be done very simply, with the submission to the JudicArium, by simple email, of a copy of the first original official fiscal receipt issued in the context of this contract, or professional service relationship, on the basis of which VAT taxation was paid, or is being paid, or is to be paid. If there is a formal contract involved, the submission of the fiscal receipt should be accompanied by a summary of the contract, on a simple one-page form of the JudicArium, that can be downloaded instantly from its Internet website. The submission goes to the JudicArium, through a normal PJM dedicated email address, with ONLY the NEVoC number of the sender in the subject line (the 3 blocks of 3 letter digits followed by the 3 blocks of 3 numerical digits). The attachments are in the form of a simple scanned copy of the VAT receipt and of the NEVoC of the submitter with matching names. That email becomes the official confirmation that the registration was done. The JudicArium replies immediately, and automatically, with a PJM registration number for that registration. The communication system so far is completely automated. All successive communications, if any, on the same business relationship, only have to mention that registration number, in the subject line, and only that number, instead of the NEVoC number, and provide the new attachments, like possibly copies of receipts of further VAT payments, or the form summarizing a contract made in the meantime. This submission is archived immediately by the JudicArium on its database, for no further immediate action, and hopefully for no further action at all in the future if a conflict does not arise between the parties in relation to the original business agreement. For the interested sender, it is sufficient to keep a copy of the documentation, with the PJM registration number written on it, to be covered eventually with private justice assistance, in principle at no expense at all, if a conflict were to arise between the two parties regarding that specific business or relationship. The only time there would be a fee to pay for the PJM process would be if, down the line, the raiser of a conflict is found, by the PJM, in final analysis, to have submitted a totally preposterous claim, with no foundation. The persons engaging in any kind of private contract, or even informal work collaboration, who do not respect this FPL constitutional duty, do not have, in principle, any legal recourse to private justice to resolve their eventual conflict, not even in a normal court of public justice, or at least not an easy recourse through public justice. If they nevertheless insist to go for a trial, using normal public justice, their case will be heavily penalized in terms of priority for being heard by a normal public court of law. This is the first penalty for not having registered such private contracts in due time, and it is in terms of time to be heard in a public court. In such cases however, the magistrate who first receives the documentation may, as his first step, if the documentation demonstrates that the VAT was paid for the whole contract, still offer the two persons in conflict to go for an easy and faster PJM resolution, but not for free this time. This is the second penalty for not having registered the private contract originally, and this time it is in terms of money as a fee for the PJM. The JudicArium would indicate the penalty as a PJM processing fee payable to the JudicArium, because of an unaccomplished constitutional duty under the FPL.  That fee can vary in each case, possibly be quite heavy, but probably still much cheaper for the parties than using a lawyer in a normal public court of law. In other words, for this type of personal business conflicts, the system encourages the parties until the very end, and as much as possible, to use cheap and fast private justice as opposed to expensive and slow public justice. The parties then decide which way they want to go. It is to be noted however that, in a normal case, there is no PJM fee to be paid by the clients for the services of the PJM (who in turn receives a tax-free fee from the JudicArium for his mediation), but if there is the necessity of the involvement of independent specialists for technical clarifications related to a damage done, these expenses will be temporarily covered by the JudicArium but, in the end, may be reimbursable in part by the client, up to maximum half the amount. In a normal registered case, when a conflict arises, regarding a particular contract or service that has a PJM register number, the offended party asks the JudicArium for an appointment with an available PJM closest to his living area. The PJM is appointed on the request of that first offended party, and cannot be refused by the requestor nor the other party, just like a judge cannot be refused in a public court, except on claim of clear conflict of interest. The appointed PJM convokes, or visits, the parties, gets all the relevant details of the conflict, and produces a final decision within two weeks maximum if he wants to receive his tax-free fee (2 weeks plus reasonable time for a documented eventual request for external technical consultations, from specialists, about the exact nature and quantity of a damage done). That final decision of the PJM has the normal value and force of a regular trial in a normal public court of law. As a perk, the Private Mediation Justice has a original innovation. On the InformArium TV station, the IA3, there is a regular TV program where normal PJM cases can be heard live. The InformArium offers the most representative cases a chance to be heard live on TV, and claimants can also ask for the same kind of opportunity. Both parties in the conflict would have to accept to do so if it were to happen. In such cases, if they both accept to go live, the total VAT documented as paid, in relation to the conflictive contract or professional relationship, becomes, for the winning party, a full tax reduction of the same amount, on his next annual income tax report, and/or the following ones if necessary, but not a cash reimbursement. Another originality is that, if a free professional registers regularly an established minimum number of VAT receipts, or a client of many free professionals does the same, they both receive a JudicArium Ticket (one each so many registrations) for a right to a free private consultation meeting with a PJM, to receive legal verbal advice, on any subject matter, independently of the subject matters of the registrations made.  

    An EthoCracy is in great part a subsidiary form of government. Al long as people and corporations respect the FTL, they are pretty much left alone, with as less legislation as possible interfering with their activities. Big corporations who do not respect the FTL are quickly reminded by their integrated CID (Civitas Interest Defender) and, if no corrective action is swiftly taken, the CID must report the company to a Corrector of the CorrectivArium for appropriate corrective action. Private citizens in turn, when they feel they are suffering a damage, or that their rights and interests are violated by another person, or by a corporation, may request a meeting with a PJM (Private Justice Mediator) for evaluating their legal situation, for a consultation free of charge, and take their best decisions accordingly. In attempting to resolve the most difficult of these conflicts, the PJM can seek the help of the Correctors of the new CorrectivArium if a constitutional right is involved. Correctors will also provide a CID with temporary office space in their CSH if necessary, in particularly difficult cases involving aggressive conflictive parties that could put the security of the PJM into question.   

    In assessing conflicts, a PJM has an additional constitutional duty under the FPL. He will have to give a PCR mark (Private Contract Rating), from 1 to 10, with 10 being the best mark, to privately contracting people, reflecting the degree of respect they have had for the terms of the contract involved in his mediation, with a separate PCR note for each of the two parties on both side of the contract. These PJM PCR ratings are provided to the VinfonArium and made public knowledge on its website, but without mentioning the details of the contracts involved. People, in this way, develop a good, or a bad, PCR mark, for the degree of respect they have had so far in executing their contracts that ran into conflict, and only for those that ran into conflict. Consequently, when third party citizens intend to enter into a private contract with anyone, they can consult the VinfonArium database to see if there is, and, if so, how many, and what kind, of PCR the person they intend to deal with has had in the registered conflictive contracts. This can help tremendously good raters gaining additional business, and prevent simple people to enter into any business relationship with the bad raters, let alone have these bad raters gradually run out of business if their PCR record is particularly bad.    

    To encourage the spontaneous voluntary payment of the VAT by free independent professionals, in dealing with clients or with other non professional persons, their VAT is constitutionally limited to maximum 10%, just like for all EFB (Extended Family Business) activities. All citizens, free professionals, or companies, if and when they have regularly registered VAT receipts with the JudicArium, have an automatic right for the free protection of a PJM, if and when they run into trouble with the national taxation office wanting to audit them for any reason. Those who do not meet the conditions related to VAT registrations may still request PJM protection, but for a fee. In such cases, the role of the PJM is not linked anymore to only a physical persons. It is also extended to all legal entities or companies. However, the role of the PJM in all such taxation auditing cases is not one of defense, but essentially one of a neutral legal observer to ensure there is no corruption involved, offered or pretended, on either side, and that the tax payer has at his disposal best legal advice during all sessions of investigation. For more formal taxation auditing, citizens or corporations can enjoy, in addition to the defense of their lawyers, the protection of special witnesses, as their pairs, guaranteeing No Government Exploitation of any kind regarding them and their assets.

    In most democracies the government has extreme difficulty having VAT paid on all private business done between a free independent professional, like a plumber or a doctor, and his private individual clients. This is, in most cases, first, because VAT is usually too expensive, and, second, because there is no incentive to make the payment and not easily cheat the tax office. EthoCracy resolves, in great part, this kind of interpersonal business relationship with two means. First, the VAT on such personal transactions is constitutionally stable to maximum 10%. Second, it has a new system of MRV (Mutual Receipt Voucher) that incites both parties to issue a mutual receipt because it can become an important lottery ticket at a monthly MRV draw, live on TV. Most of the free professionals involved, when receiving the VAT, issue a receipt, using booklets of pre-printed receipt forms, adding simply a date, an amount, a justification, and a signature. Under the MRV system, clients paying the VAT also use similar forms on their side, and each party issues a mutual form. The printing costs, for these booklets of receipts, become a full income reduction on the next annual income tax report. The side receiving the money issues a Receipt, while the side providing the money issues a corresponding Given money voucher. Each form is pre-printed with the persons full NEVoC residence code on it: the 9 digits in 3 blocks of 3 letters (for the Nation, Province and City), and the 9 digits in 3 blocks of 3 numbers (forming together a unique personal residence code), followed by the “1/x” Nationality Code. These booklets of pre-printed forms all come in the exact size-format of paper currency, with a sequential VSTN (Vat Sequential Transaction Number), with a tick mark choice of either "R" (Received money receipt) or "G" (Given money voucher), and in self-producing carbon-copy duplicates (of at least two, or more as a choice). Each party in the transaction, at the time it takes place, adds simply a date, the "R" or "G" tick mark, an amount, a justification, a signature and a first name that may, or may not, be their real ID first name of the issuer in a Nickname Box. The pre-printed NEVoC code by itself, already pre-printed on the form, knows all the particulars of the users, independently of the nickname on the form. For fiscal purposes, it is only the NEVoC code that counts. The nickname placed on the form, will only be used for the MRV lottery draw on live TV in due time. Each party exchanges, and keeps, the original MRV received from the other party. Then each party, puts in the VSTN of the other party in the designated rectangle of the duplicate copy he was left with on his side of the transaction. This closes the VAT transaction loop and allows participation in the monthly MRV Lottery. Then each party can drop his own duplicate copy in any street mail box, without the need of a postal stamp on it. These forms are well known to the post office, and directed automatically to the national MRV office, where they are accumulated in a huge full glass-wall room of the VinfonArium, waiting for the monthly lottery draw. In the meantime, as a pre-requisite, when the issuers had their first MRV booklet printed, and only that first time, they had to register on the Internet with their NEVoC residence code, and provide phone numbers, if they so wished, and a compulsory email, where they can be reached, at the time of the live draw, using only the Nickname written on the transaction. At the live TV monthly draw, made from all MRV forms accumulated for that month, 10 tickets are extracted, in front of the watching TV cameras and some public, and under the control of a PJM. If phone numbers were provided at registration time, an attempt is made, by the PJM, to contact the winners by phone directly, on live TV, to advise them that they are a winner. If so, winners are free to talk openly, identifying themselves, or to keep everything in privacy, through using only the Nickname appearing on the MRV. In any case, the 10 tickets are immediately published on the VinfonArium website and the winners are discretely advised by the VinfonArium. After the draw, still live on TV, the MRV forms, that have a standard currency size, are all gathered by the assisting public and put into money counting machines to be counted. The first ticket drawn gets a prize, in basic national non-fractional currency unit, like 1 Euro, equivalent to 10% of the number of MRV counted in the glass room for that month. The second prize gets 20% of the counted MRV, and so on, until the last one, who gets 100% the amount of MRV. As an example, if there were 1 million MRV tickets in the glass room, the 10th ticket drawn gets 1 million Euro. After the draw, the acting PJM has the responsibility to destroy safely the content of the glass room for that draw. Members of the public helping in the count  and in the destruction of the forms were given a special ticket on arrival and one will receive a consolation prize before departure of 1% of the counted forms, which would be 10.000 Euro in our example. To withdraw the check for his prize, pre-issued in the following week by the VinfonArium, on the basis of the winning NEVoC particulars, the winner has to contact the VinfonArium and concur an appointment with an appointed PJM of his area, at least two weeks after the draw, come in with a chosen witness (or reject a witness formally in writing in front of the PJM, who then provides his own witness), and present the original MRV form of the other party in the original transaction, showing the same date and amount appearing on the copy of his own winning MRV, the sequential transaction number of the other party, and his own original NEVoC. The PJM then releases the check to the winner for 90% of the prize. He then takes the NEVoC data of the partner in the transaction and arranges for him to be advised and get the other 10% of the prize. Only NEVoC holders can withdraw. However, in the spirit of the constitutional FPL, giving incentives in all its laws to nationals of the country, as opposed to non-nationals, and to EFB in particular, the winners with a non-national NEVoC code for nationality have their prize automatically reduced by half, but the national winners registered as EFB double their prize. All prizes are attributed tax-free, but the money for the prizes comes from only a very minor part of the brand new income the state has acquired by the incentive of the MRV system and lottery for encouraging more virtuous VAT payment and collection. Otherwise, all that new state income would have been subtracted to the state by evading VAT tax payers.  

    Choosing a conflict resolution mediator who is not a PJM, for those who do not want to use public justice for any reason, nor a regular PJM, is a strictly private matter under the full legal responsibility of those doing it, and in which private matter the JudicArium has nothing to do. However, an EthoCracy wants to encourage private conflict resolution as much as possible, in order to decongestion public justice as much as possible for all the cases that really do not need full public court hearings. If individual persons, or even companies in this case, want to resolve a conflict this way, choosing their own mediator, assuming the two parties fully and formally agree, the state will request that they also get a PJM as an independent observer in the resolution process, but for a reasonable fee this time. The parties cannot legally decide otherwise. The PJM in such case is not party in the negotiations, and will not participate in the negotiations nor take any decisions. He will only observe, and comment only if and when he believes some law is not being respected or, from his perspective, corruption is being suspected in the process. In such cases, he will provide written comments to the parties, copied to the JudicArium, but not necessarily for any further follow-up from the JudicArium. The only condition to receive a observing PJM is that this mediator should be a person with no/no legal or judicial background, in order not to enter himself into conflict with the PJM, and be only a person who knows particularly well the parties and the details of the conflictive contract involved. If the chosen mediator is a lawyer, or has any judicial background, the parties have no choice but to follow the course of normal public justice resolution, or take the full legal responsibility and risks of their potentially illegal initiative. If that kind of mediation is found, in the end, to be totally unsatisfactory, and was handled without an observing PJM, an eventual public court case to further attempt to resolve the situation will be heavily penalized with a lack of priority for a public court hearing. 

    In a typical example, a PJM can intervene in minor family problems, like for signing a DEDLA (Discrete Erotic Double Life Agreement) for married couples in serious difficulty, from a love point of view, who want to maintain the ethocratic benefits attached to growing children in a united natural family, as seen in other reforms, be it a simple EFU, or an EFB, and thus agree to continue living peacefully together with their children, but decide to have a double life in complete discretion for sexual relations purposes. Of course a PJM can always be used for the resolution of any kind of personal conflict between members of the same family. If a family conflict involved a constitutional right, the PJM may suggest the involvement of a Corrector from the new CorrectivArium.         


    Public court justice is inaccessible to most individual persons, plainly because of its costs, and consequently most of them never get justice done for this sole reason. But full justice through public courts is also totally unnecessary in the majority of personal conflicts. This is why an EthoCracy offers free subsidiary Private Mediation Justice in the easiest and simplest of cases of conflict, as long as the parties involved are in order with some aspects of their taxation responsibilities. Such clients can get entirely free private justice. The State also offers full public court justice in a much cheaper way for tax payers as, in thousands of cases, it does not use anymore the fully staffed courts of law, and thus also saves an incredible amount of public funds that would otherwise have to be paid by the tax payers. Justice is also administered much faster, both on the PJM side, usually in maximum two weeks to one month, but also on the public side, because of the high reduction of the number of cases using public courts. The lineup to be heard in public courts is much shorter. In the meantime, the VAT tax is being paid much more often, and much more fully, than it is the case in the absence of a PJM system, and the state, this time, not only saves money, but increases it entries by substantial sums money on a yearly basis. This encouragement to virtuous VAT payment is also further provided through the new MRV lottery system under the protection of a PJM. Citizens in general are overall much happier about the administration of Justice in general within the country and about their elected government, and receive important prizes for more virtuous taxation practices. More citizens can also receive free legal advice from a PJM, on any subject. Finally, more persons and companies can receive free observing protection, from a senior judicial official (the PJM), if they run into trouble with the tax office who wants to audit them. 

  24. REFORM 24/30
    The Construction of National EthoCratic City Areas
    - In an EthoCracy, when a city looks for the development of new urban living areas, it must establish at least one National EthoCratic City Area (NECA) within its borders. A NECA is a very special city area, like probably none exists at the moment anywhere. Living in a NECA has obviously many important advantages but, as one of the fundamental principles of EthoCracy is that each charter of rights must be accompanied by a corresponding charter of duties, all these privileges are in fact accompanied by a series of binding duties through a formal contract. It would be an utopia to pretend to impose strict rules of decorum and civic behavior to all people in a country as a whole. In a NECA, as a brand new and special development for that purpose, it is not only possible, but must absolutely be so. People living in a NECA buy a public property at cost price, which is probably only half of the commercial price for the same kind of space outside the NECA. In addition, they get at least double, in advantages offered by that property, compared to a similar living space outside the NECA. They thus buy their property at about not more than probably one quarter of what they would normally pay on the non-NECA commercial market for the same space and advantages. The difference in "price" however has to be "paid", for the real full value of what they get, but it is not in terms of money; It is in terms of commitment to a strict EthoCratic life style, and severe rules of civic education, on the basis of a binding NECA Contract (or: NECAC). Those who do not like the terms of the NECAC are free not to apply to live in the NECA, and to find a property outside the NECA, like most people do, at the normal commercial price for real-estate in their area. 


    By definition a NECA exists and functions on the basis of the ten following fundamental principles:
    Because of its particular requirements, for both land and buildings, a NECA can only be a brand new city area, or suburb directly linked to the center by metro, built from scratch, brand new, by the municipality;
    From an ecological point of view, it is obligatorily built on the basis of the best PhiloEcoSophical Principles of EthoCracy. It is a completely self-sustainable, and self-survival, environment for both food and water, in particular the local production of its own vegetarian food. Each apartment also includes a specially equipped orchard-balcony watered automatically with the accumulation of roof rain waters; The NECA itself includes many green spaces with beautiful homesteads and farmsteads. In a NECA, bartering vegetarian food is encouraged, perfectly legal and entirely tax free, with designated reserved places for this purpose. Internal food markets can only sell, or barter, internally produced biological vegetarian food. The rest of the vegetarian food, if needed, is only sold outside the limits of the NECA. Non vegetarian fresh biological food cannot be imported or introduced for sale inside the NECA, subject to severe criminal punishment. No type of non-biological food can be sold within the NECA. Meat is also produced within the NECA, but strictly biological, and only from animals grown normally on land, and fed on their natural diet. In case of internal scarcity, biological food from outside can be introduced, but only if its source is certified from the same, or an adjacent, municipality.   
    The construction of a NECA is a public project that cannot be the subject of any private price speculation of the kind that is usually the case with normal commercial property in a normal city area outside a NECAPrices are fixed by the NECA and protected from inflation by special NECA adjustment.
    Similar to an EthoCratic country that has controlled national borders, a NECA is a perfectly enclosed area with security guards at each entrance and regular 24/7 municipal police surveillance inside its confines. Living in a NECA requires carrying a picture NECA ID card at all times for easy identification. Invited guests staying overnight are also issued a simple card with their basic particulars and the name of their NECA host, to be rendered on departure;
    A NECA includes no individual houses but only multi-story NECA Buildings, residential and commercial, with 5 reserved floors: two underground (for parking and storage), the ground floor owned by the Municipality (albeit with building entrances maintained by each condominium), the first floor reserved for various condominium facilities and activities, and the roof floor; Above that second ground level, there is up to seven floors of apartments to be sold to private owners; Some of the wider green areas can possibly include each a farmstead given (not sold) in priority to extended families willing to work and produce vegetarian food to be bartered internally or sold in priority to the inhabitants of the NECA at little above cost price.
    Apartments are sold to approved buyers strictly at cost price but can only be resold after that, or given in inheritance, to vertical family members, at the original purchase price (plus the value of the inflation for the years of the residence of the selling owner, as established by the NECA, minus damages) or sold back to the NECA at that value; Buyers cannot rent their property except to NECA approved candidates signing their own NECAC
    All the land, including the one on which buildings sit, and the ground floor of each building, always remain the public property of the NECA;
    Living in a NECA is a free choice, with a life strictly regimented by a severe NECAC , signed in freewill, that can exclude inhabitants from the NECA, if they do not respect its rules of the contract, and force them to find alternative accommodation for themselves outside the NECA, let alone be expropriated if necessary (with parents taking full responsibility for the infractions of their minor children, as if they were their own infractions, until each child can sign his own NECAC as an adult); In short, from a social point of view, its inhabitants must live and behave on the basis of best decorum, accepting that their right to live in the NECA is strictly based on, and severely linked to, a meritorious contractual agreement;
    A NECA is not only a strictly a no-religion area in all its public living spaces, but it has no intention of promoting a modern multi-cultural environment; Rather the opposite, as it is built in part for these two specific purposes; It is by definition an essentially mono-cultural (or at least "analogous-cultural") environment capable of reflecting and promoting the best set of EthoCratic values, applying universally, in terms of civic education and ethics but, of course, as adapted to the best national and patriotic tradition of the country in which it is built; This is done in the most positive way, without any implication of any anti-religion bias, nor any ugly "nationalistic" connotation, as too often intended by the word "national" in the dominant media defining the politically correct; Global multiculturalism, in the way it has been promoted, in most western democracies, in the last century, has only produced social disasters and, consequently, a NECA uses only a minimal common denominator of multiculturalism, in that it includes only nationals of the country (those who own a national passport, but independently of their country of origin or of their owning a second nationality) and citizens who accept the rules of the same basic culture and life-style of the NECA and its NECAC
    Finally, living in a NECA not only requires carrying a picture NECA ID card at all times for easy identification, but also for enforcement and sanction of infractions to NECA EthoCratic Rules of proper behavior. Sanctions go from various levels of fines to forced exclusion, including possible expropriation in exceptional cases, all on the basis of the NECAC quadrilateral contract signed and accepted at time of admission for living purposes. A constitutional provision also protects a NECA from being overruled easily, without very serious justification, in implementing its special NECA contracts and enforcing them.  
    The NECA Contract involving the 10 principles mentioned above can vary slightly in its details from NECA to NECA, in particular from country to country, adapting it to their own national cultures, like for example in standards related to the way to dress in public, but the ten fundamental principles remain basically the same. Here is an example of these NECA principles as they would typically apply to a NECA built in a central European country in order to respect its best culture and tradition of decorum.
    First of all, the NECA is a new suburb that is necessarily connected to the center of the city with efficient and direct underground public metro transportation. All its street buildings are NECA Buildings, or NECAB, with a series of EthoCratic characteristics. For example, none have synthetic wall-to-wall carpeting on their floors, only natural wood, marble or tiles. They are built to collect rain water for flushing toilets, washing floors, or watering gardens and parks (until exhaustion). Each apartment has one orchard-balcony for gardening, and each building roof has well hidden (from street level view) solar panels for subsidiary electrical current purposes (until exhaustion). Streets, sidewalks and surface parking areas are all built exclusively with breathing stones or tiles, with no asphalt or cement. Distributing drinking water is done using best bio-piping with bio-sensors, through an entirely different circuit, and dedicated house taps, separate from the water circuit for sinks, washers, bathrooms and balconies. The NECA also uses a triple underground circuit for collecting and filtering waste liquids: one for natural biological waste (like toilets), one for mild house chemicals (like normal soaps and detergents from sinks, showers or washers) and a dedicated one for less recyclable toxic liquids collected through a dedicated build-in sink in each apartment (for things like used kitchen oil or special cleaning products). When a NECA is close to the sea, the biological waste water circuit is managed through sea salt water, with buildings equipped with appropriate facilities. All apartment buildings are also built to encourage harmonious family growth and reunification, with appropriate mobility incentives for this purpose from building to building, and with adjacent apartments predisposed to be opened and connected easily on request. Buildings all have at least two privately owned underground floors for parking and storage. Then they have a ground floor owned publicly by the NECA (except for the entrance, which is owed by the building), with space for safe children playing grounds outside with domestic animals, and space for few eventual NECA rented small street stores at the ground level. All street level stores are public property of the NECA, and are rented by the NECA in agreement with the condominium of the building involved. Above the ground level entrance, in each building, residential or commercial, there is a first floor owned as the common property of the condominium building and reserved for condominium facilities, like meeting rooms, a small area for resident servants, including a mini-dormitory, recreational rooms for various ages, a gym, a clinical space for the temporary handling of persons with special handicaps, and a few small bachelor apartments that can only be rented by the condominium, to people signing also a NECAC, to help reduce their condominium expenses of the building. Above that reserved first floor, from the second floor up, buildings have maximum seven floors of apartments, and a common roof area terrace for condominium family recreational purposes, partly covered and partly open, owned by the NECA but maintained by the condominium. The covered part of that roof terrace sustains well hidden solar panels for subsidiary electrical current. Accessing an apartment involves first a NECA Key, or NECAK, provided by the NECA Administration, programmed electronically to open 2 doors: the entrance of the building of work or residence, and the entrance of the corridor of work or residence, along with a third private key for the apartment. The apartments have from one to five bedrooms, but all are constructed to possibly connect internally when required, or be completely isolated easily and safely on request. All buildings are also equipped with an outside sliding well chute, at the back, for fire escape emergency. Balconies also all have small magnetic doors for domestic animals to go out freely, in the absence of their masters, for their natural needs. Each building has a normal Condominium Building Fee, plus a corresponding additional, but minimal, NECA Fee, of NECAF, for things like the NECA Administrators nominated by the municipality, the NECA Security guards controlling entrances and the enforcement of NECA rules, and the maintenance of common parks, barn and sports facilities. The streets themselves and other "public" areas are maintained by the municipality like in any other areas of the city. All combinations of two parallel streets have a wide common pedestrian path, dividing them at the back of the apartment buildings, where people and animals can circulate freely, walking, jogging or bicycling, without car traffic at surface level. Car traffic intersections with these pedestrian paths are all lowered underground, with widened spaces at that lower level for internal NECA bus transportation stations, or NECAT. At these lowered intersections, there are direct accesses to driveways leading to the private home parking slots, from under the pedestrian paths at the back of each two rows of buildings, as streets are never a legal parking place except for few slots in front of each building reserved for guests, emergency or delivery purposes. A NECA is without any ugly electrical wiring outside, and all electricity and phone/Internet components, public and private, are maintained easily through direct access, without the need for excavation, at the upper part of the walls of the underground driveways behind two rows of buildings.  The same goes for all tubing and piping installations, all located at the lower parts of these underground driveway walls, with clean water on one side and waste water and liquids on the other.

    [The basic outline of an ideal NECA could be very similar to the design up to the left, as one of the excellent models of futuristic cities drawn by the Institute of Vedic City Planning of Maharishi University. In a NECA, each little green square of that Maharishi design would itself resemble the chessboard-like sketch we provide, up to the right, where each black line is representing a street, and each dotted line is representing a back pedestrian path between parallel streets (at surface level) and parking driveways (at the lower level). That chessboard is delimiting a total of 60 property lots of 50 square meters each, for constructing various types of buildings, and 4 lots at the corners reserved by the NECA. At the surface level, the 4 reserved corner lots are for eventual decorations or things like common ovens or BBQ facilities, or newsstands. Underground, these same 4 corners all have space for stops (by car or truck) for perfect garbage recycling and collection, along with a four-loop cloverleaf of  car traffic like the red drawing to the right. At surface level, where needed, street intersections with lights are usually all replaced by roundabout points, with no traffic light, causing an uninterrupted traffic flow with moving-out priority. The 240 "chessboards" of the NECA would thus offer 14.400 construction lots. The central square of the drawing up to the left would certainly include NECAL, with the leaders administering the whole NECA, and the central NECA Mall, or NECAM, assisted by 4 smaller malls equally distributed towards the 4 corners. The overall design would include 32 additional green spaces, represented by the 32 bigger green squares, to be used for various sports, and for the enjoyment of citizens with their children and domestic animals, including the horses of the barn of the NECAL. Such NECA could easily accommodate at least 1.500.000 inhabitants in an ideal NECA setup of 8 square kilometers. Then nothing would prevent starting with a quarter of that space (as an attachment of 2 square kilometers to an existing city) or combining full NECAs together in various ways to build a brand new an independent NECA City of a bigger size, with lots of additional pleasant land space around it, like in the beautiful octagonal arrangement down to the left].


    Most, if not all, the above features, related mainly to NECA Buildings, are new to current city planning as we know it today, but the real novelty is first and foremost the NECA Contract , or NECAC, that has to be signed by all adult inhabitants. People buying a home or an office in the NECA, or renting or working in the NECA, or living-in as adult children, have to sign a formal quadripartite NECAC (involving: 1) the condominium of the building of residence or work, 2) the NECAL Administration, 3) the municipality and 4) the person concerned), certifying that they are fully conscious of, accept, and will respect all the established EthoCratic rules, or be required to sell their property and/or leave the NECA, let alone be forcefully expelled and/or expropriated if and when required. This is the so-called binding NECAC Contract, compulsory for living or working within the NECA. Children becoming adults must sign their own personal NECAC. For an adult being condemned with a final jail sentence, for a violent crime or for corruption, even if the facts happened outside of the NECA, involves the same kind of forceful and permanent exclusion from the NECA, even if the penalty is condoned. The NECAC also enforces strict decorum rules for various purposes, including the proper way to dress and behave, on the basis of best civic EthoCratic neatness, when circulating outside of one's own home (like, certainly, no shorts or mini-skirts in public areas, but certainly no chador either, nor any other ugly, or highly foreign-or-religion-qualifying items, or unorthodox body marks, or dressing apparels, which would typically include, in our present example, things like piercing, punk hair or aggressive skinheads, grossly exposed tattoos, burkas, kippah skullcaps, low non-natural-waist trousers, finely interweaved African hair braids that cannot be readily opened for thorough daily washing, Asian turbans, clerical shirts, cassocks or soutanes etc. For that matter, even the sloppy jeans of cowboy origin would be completely banished from the main NECAM mall, the NECAL, all NECAR restaurants, and all the NECAS schools. As for exclusively natural-waist jeans, they are only tolerated in public, reluctantly, in the rest of the NECA, like in the 4 smaller decentralized shopping centers and the local street stores or coffee shops, or when there is no better alternative on the basis of what one is doing, like for dirty manual work). That same good decorum prohibits all publicity and heavy metal music in all public places. The NECA has also a strict no-smoking and no-drug policy in all the NECA compound, be it outside or inside, with these same rules applying to visitors or invited guests under the responsibility of the inhabitant hosts. All junk food outlets are also banished from the NECA and only regular seated coffee shops can serve 'semi-fast' or slow food, albeit only from a biological source, and never to be consumed outside, while walking on sidewalks or streets. The consumption of alcohol drinks by themselves, including beer, without accompanying food, is never allowed in public places. EthoCracy is not against any religion but a NECA has no church of any religion and, as per the binding quadripartite NECAC , no public expression of religion practice whatsoever is allowed, in its public areas, within all the confines of the NECA, outside of the intimacy of private homes. Each NECA must also include a special NECAL center, in the central mall, for recreational, and cultural purposes, where all inhabitants can meet for various purposes and where the dominant language, in particular when communicating with foreigners living in the compound, is EthoGloso. Free EthoGloso courses are being offered by the center on a regular basis. An internal NECAN (newsletter) must also be published in EthoGloso, on a weekly basis, with the contributions of all who want to participate. The NECAL center includes an Olympic pool, a meeting hall that can also be rented for evening entertainment, a dormitory for invited outside guests, play/sports grounds with eventual additional pools, and a barn where domestic animals can be cared for when needed, or used for entertainment, mainly horses, dogs and cats. It also includes a special NECAS for the primary and secondary education of all youths of the compound, where students attend strictly in uniform, and accept (through the NECAC of their parents) to follow few courses, in addition to their regular curriculum, regarding subjects like: civic education, good manners, ethics, Meritocracy/EthoCracy and the EthoGloso IAL language. Those attending special or foreign schools outside the NECA are bound to also follow these additional courses at the NECAL center, at agreed convenient times, and to attend these outside schools while wearing, with pride and responsibility, the NECAS uniform (except if these outside schools force them to use their own uniform). NECA residents are strongly encouraged to practice at least one sport, and to be vegetarians, as much as possible. Apart from the small personal orchard-balcony-garden of each apartment, each residential building must also include an appropriate bigger space outside, maintained by the condominium, for an additional NECA Gardening Area where citizens can grow, if they so wish, their own vegetables, in a biological way, along with various kinds of plants and flowers. Additional space for personal biological gardening is also available in some of the bigger green public areas of the NECA. Right in the middle of the enclosure of the NECA, there is a central NECAM, with only certain types of stores being allowed to open, under strict EthoCratic NECA Contractual Rules. That NECAM has an entrance leading outside of the NECA, underground, through moving sidewalk belts, to an attached city metro station. This adjacent metro station includes an appropriate parking area, a mini-incinerator for garbage, a fire station, a NEVoC voting booth, and a heliport. The NECAM can also direct people to various underground passages with moving sidewalk belts leading directly to the 4 mini-mall areas. The NECAM always includes at least a professional building, a clinic, a multi-room cinema, a dry cleaning and washing area, a carwash, a central post office, a NEVoC voting booth, a small market area where residents can sell their own fabricated products, and the cultural NECAL center. People who are not living, working, or invited in, cannot enter the NECA at any given time without authorization from a NECA host responsible for their behavior. The alternative is, for non-guest visitors, to enter "freely" after accepting to carry a special GPS-controlled Telepass for their car, or a GPS bracelet for pedestrians, to be forcefully rendered back on exiting the NECA. The cars of all inhabitants can, and must, come in, and go out, completely freely and automatically, through a reserved gate, using an appointed non-GPS electronic NECAP Telepass. No peddlers or beggars are ever allowed in. People living in, can all move afoot underground, from various parts of the NECA, directly to the city center, without using a car, through the adjacent metro station, and connect normally with all other public transportation means at appropriate stops.


    All persons circulating within the NECA are subject to heavy fines issued by the municipal police patrolling the NECA 24 hours a day, for infractions to the EthoCratic rules of the NECAC . After 3 fines, an inhabitant receives a Warning of Caution. After 3 such warnings within a year, an inhabitant receives, from the NECAL, a Pre-Expulsion Notice if any further infraction will be notified to him within the following 12 months. If this happens, expulsion becomes mandatory, including expropriation if necessary. An inhabitant's NECAC also states that parents take full responsibility for the infractions of a minor child, as if they were their own infractions, and that if the child becomes an adult and refuses to sign his own binding NECAC, parents will be forced to move out the child, or move out as a family with the child, find separate accommodation outside the NECA, and they will not be able to sell their property to that child, nor give it to that child as inheritance. Certain categories of inhabitants must pay automatically one yearly fine going against their record for their right to live in the NECA, and this applies for example to able people below age 75 who are not registered to practice any sport (be they only members of a group walking at least half an hour a day), or mentally sane obese and anorexic individuals refusing treatment. Inhabitants committing infractions can repair, and erase some of these infractions from their record, by doing social work, like assisting isolated old NECA people or caring for sick animals at the NECAL barn. Living in a NECA is a freewill choice, contracted formally in order to enjoy its many advantages while complying to its corresponding duties. Nobody is forced to live in a NECA and those who do not like its EthoCratic rules being enforced are free not to contract their moving-in, or are free to leave on the basis of their contractual engagements. 


  25. REFORM 25/30
    A National System of Award for Civic Education
    - As seen above, the constitutional FPL of the Syntagma expresses many ethocratic fundamental constitutional principles to be respected by all laws and public institutions of the country. One of them is to have compulsory civic education in all schools, and a national rewarding system for good civic behavior in an appropriate meritorious way. The rewarding system is called ACE (Award Civic Education). In fact, the ACE system is precisely the formalization of the legal obligation of teaching civic education in all schools of an EthoCracy and the obligation of all other civic institutions to sanction the duty of good civic behavior of their members at least in a minimal and positive way. As seen in another reform about the Charter of Rights and Duties, in an EthoCracy, citizens do not have only rights, but also duties. Just like voting is a duty, as seen in the NEVoC Reform, good civic behavior is also a duty. Civic education is intended here in terms of good behavior in relations not only towards other human beings, but towards the beings of all kingdoms: human, animal, vegetal and mineral. And civic education is also intended as a loving process, for all beings, and not as a restrictive process. In an effort to encourage the formation of better civic environments, an EthoCracy has an established ACE System to reward citizens in various ways for their good civic conduct. The system is based on environments where people know each other well, like schools, industries, residential buildings and offices of all sizes. It is then ramified up, at municipal, provincial and national levels. In an EthoCracy, all offices or institutions have a mandatory elected ACE representative, with an ACE budget, and all ACE funds and contributions are kept in an appropriate account managed at the highest applicable level, be it a NECA dedicated account, or a national or world ACE institution if any already exists. Like we explain in our 'hot' page on Micro-Criminality Issues, starting with schools, public and private, all parents must pay a small symbolic yearly fee, called CEF (Civic Education Fee) if they have one (or more) child at the school. That fee is the subject of a yearly negotiation between the school and all the parents involved, and the poorest families can be made to pay only a very minimal one, but a fee is obligatory. Parents cannot be indifferent, nor ignore from laziness, nor be left alone, in the essential civic education of their children, be they children of public or private schoolAcess. A symbolic fee raises their will to better attend the issues. The same applies to teachers, and they too are subject to the mandatory fee paid from their pocket. Both parents and teachers must feel the symbolic burden, and the push value, of the objective, and feel embarked in a process of obligatory collaboration with the payment of a small fee. Good civic environments do not come free and demand the related reflection through the feel of a related burden, as symbolic as it may be. Good conduct school marks do not only exist in an EthoCracy as a mandatory study subject matter, but they are made public on a monthly basis to all the parents of all the children of each class. Quarterly meetings of all the parents involved, once with their children and once without, are scheduled for compulsory attendance, subject to the payment of a fine equivalent to a duplicate of the CEF fee involved for that year. At the third absence, or after 3 fines paid, parents are invited to attempt to find another school for their children or pay yet a multiple of ten times the yearly fee as a higher fine. At those CEF meetings, all the civic conduct marks for the class are reviewed and discussed as a group, like the matters of a good condominium, along with all other relevant issues of good conduct and civic education. Half of the comprehensive CEF money is reserved and given each year as a prize to the three children with the best civic education marks of that school, in order for them to attend summer courses, or an educational vacation or trip of their choice with an accompanying parent or tutor. The second half is submitted to the municipality that will match it with an equivalent sum for all its schools. Half of the municipal contribution in turn goes to similar awards to its best citizens from a civic conduct point of view on the recommendation of their co-citizens. The other half of the municipal contribution goes to a provincial ACE fund for other more important awards at that level. The same goes on between provinces and the national level. What schools do, all other small living environments do: residential condominium buildings, industries, offices etc. These also vote for the nominations of citizens of their working or residential environments for awards at the municipal or higher levels. ACE citizens receive ACE certificates. In an EthoCracy, all employers are forced by law to give the necessary time off to their employees to attend school ACE meetings on a quarterly basis. Condominiums are also forced to have the ACE subject on their agenda, and its eventual related problems, included as one item for discussion at all their meetings. This ACE system is to force citizens to be concerned with civic issues, reinforce the spirit of good civic conduct in all environments, and ensure the proper rewards to their best ACE citizens on a meritocratic basis. ACE awards in turn become part of a normal curriculum and may be most useful to the citizens concerned from a new job opportunity point of view. All offices and institutions in an EthoCracy have the duty to issue an ACE Certificate , or an ACEC, when requested by a member. This can typically be an employer, the director of a school, the Governor of a city, the administrator of a condominium, or the president of a professional association. As per the choice of the applicant, the ACEC can be issued without details, but always with a possibility of zero to four aces, or with all relevant details relevant to the number of aces on the ACEC. Prospective employers have a right to request it from a candidate employee, and if so, the prospective employees have a duty to submit it. A Zero-ACE certificate by itself does not mean bad civic behavior, but it certainly means no outstanding good behavior from a civic point of view. A Minus-Zero ACEC means there are serious infractions of the citizens against the provisions of the regulations regarding civic behavior. A Minus-Zero ACEC stays has a minus certificate for one to 5 years, depending on the civic infractions. Typically for example, being caught by municipal police not recycling house garbage would mean a fine but also a Minus-Zero certificate being issued by the NECA or city Governor if requested in the following 12 months. Being caught throwing used car oil, or plastic containers, at sea or on country land, involves a five year Minus-Zero ACEC, independently from the corresponding fine or the possible criminal penalty. Torturing an animal also involve a five year Minus-Zero ACEC from the city or the condominium to which it may be requested. The ACE System is thus an excellent means to help fight the present psychological nihilism, the rampaging micro-criminality, and the growing bullying behavior in most public places and, by the infusion of the right culture, also in most private environments. In the long run, it helps immensely to reduce the levels of these negative factors in all our environments, be they civic, educational, ecological, political, or institutional. The ACE hierarchical system is, in the end, the way to get an ACE Medal, as a world award this time. It is the WACEM prize (World ACE Medal). This is a prestigious prize, similar to a Nobel, to which is attached a scholarship or a money award, issued each year to the three best ACE performers in the world, based on the initiative and the recommendations of all the issuers of ACE certificates worldwide. Like for the PytHarmony prize (issued for EthoCracy promotion but reserved to EthoPlasìn members), the best candidates chosen for WACEM are three but, this time, not necessarily EthoPlasìn members. Internally, if a WACEM is won by a member, it is called a PythACEM prize. The (two) series is (are) graded, as per the procedure in the Olympic competitions, and the winners get a Gold, Silver and Bronze medal. The WACEM prizes (like the PytHarmony prizes) can be issued for outstanding contributions for the improvement of any of the natural kingdoms from a Pythagorean or an EthoCratic point of view. They can be related to achievements regarding the Human Kingdom, the Animal Kingdom, the Vegetal Kingdom (including land and sea plants) or the Mineral Kingdom (including land, air and water). The corresponding medals, Gold, Silver or Bronze, are thus distinguished by a corresponding "H", a "A", a "V", or an "M" in their center, below the WACEM mark on top, and the year for which it is granted at the bottom. The issuing authority processing the ACE candidates and issuing the 3 WACEM prizes each year, at an official ceremony, is the ElinArium ('Salon de Philosophie') of the PythagorArium. In this overall ACE program, the new GinfonArium of the new Informative Power has a major role in gathering the information and informing the country about the processing of all the awards. 

  26. REFORM 26/30
    Natural Resources NAMO & Production NAGCO
    - The word NAMO stands for NAtional Majority Ownership. The word NAGCO stands for NAtional Goodness Code. All persons or corporations, national or international, exploiting natural resources, must comply to this constitutional NAMO rule of national majority ownership. This principle is enshrined in the new Syntagma. In an EthoCracy, this includes banks and currency but, as seen in another reform on  a new NoNoNo Information System, it also includes mass-media. It certainly includes eminently all natural resources that must all remain national, certainly mostly national, for at least 51%, and mostly into private hands, except on a subsidiary way for temporary legitimate purposes. As for real-estate, bare non-residential land can only belong to a national citizen in majority, as well as land intended to be constructed for residential purposes. Foreigners can buy real-estate freely, in full exclusive property right, but only in the form of a condominium for personal use, be it for purposes of their own private residence or their own commercial activity. If the foreigner ceases such personal use or activity, the propeHandsSupportingrty cannot be rented, not even to a national, but must be closed, or sold to a national, or to another foreigner for his personal use. A foreigner cannot, for example, come in, buy a condominium apartment, then rent it and leave the country. If so, it remains closed, and after 5 consecutive years of being closed and unused for more than 11 months per year, it must be sold to a national at a public auction. Foreign companies are all corporations that must own a renewable NAPBUC (NAtional Private BUsiness Charter) for their national business activity, owned in partnership by NAMO capital. As such, they can freely buy buildings for their commercial operations, with their supporting land, including an adjacent land lot of up to a maximum of 5 times the perimeter of the buildings concerned. These foreign companies cannot own any land not meant to host these buildings, nor any bare land, nor any natural resources not meant to be exploited by their operations in collaboration with NAMO capital. The NAPBUC  of all corporations or companies, be they entirely national or in partnership with a majority of national capital, is renewable on a 5 year basis, after demonstrating, in front of a judge, that they are operating for the good of the country. If they fail this demonstration, their charter can be withdrawn, or subjected to heavy fines until corrective action is taken for the good of the country, with possibly a complete, or a partial, or temporary restriction of importing any product they may need for their national operations. Similarly, foreign companies that want only to bring their own foreign-made products in the country must also own a NAPBUC, renewable every year in this case, demonstrating, in front of a judge, that their products have a good NAGCO, or that the products are well made and serve the good of the country. National importers cannot import foreign products from companies who do not own a national NAPBUC for that purpose. The renewal of all business charters is well publicized in advance by the InformArium, and opponents can book their opposing intervention in front of the acting judge. Foreigners already owing real-estate property improperly in majority, as from before these ethocratic restrictions, can only sell it to nationals, for any use they wish, or to another foreign person or company that will use it for its own commercial activities, or their operations in the country with NAMO capital. As for natural resources, foreign companies can come in, freely, to exploit national resources, on the basis of a legal contractual NAPBUC agreement with a national entity of the EthoCratic country, but never own these natural resources except on a minority share basis. If private national capital cannot be found to buy the majority share of the national resources to be exploited, the government has to come in, if it so wishes, when it corresponds to a national interest, with a public investment to ensure the property of the national resources remain NAMO. The only alternative, and the one always chosen in preference by an EthoCracy, would be a contractual agreement for strict exploitation purposes, without even a partial ownership of the foreign company, on the basis of a renewable NAPBUC, after demonstrating the exploitation will be, is, or has been, done for the good of the country. As for currency, it can only be national and (as seen clearly in the reform related to the EthoCratic reform of the Central Banking System) fully under the control of the treasury of the national government, and not under the control of any central bank owned by private share holders or by a supranational central bank. At least 51% of all the profits made by foreigners, or foreign companies, through national operations related to the exploitation of national resources, must be reinvested in the country, while in relation to commercial activities having nothing to do with the direct exploitation of national resources, only 25% must be reinvested internally. Regarding natural resources, if a foreign company with an old full property wants to sell, or cease its activities, and recuperate all its investment, it can only sell to a national entity with NAMO capital, eventually in partnership with the government, if necessary and appropriate. If it sells to another foreign entity, it will only recuperate its basic investment, along with its legitimate share of exportable profits, but not its share of required reinvestment of 51% of its annual profits in the country. That share will become temporary government property as a new public share in the business. However, such government share, or partnership, on the part of the government, can only be temporary, until another suitable private partner is found to buy it, be it a national or another foreign entity. 

    The product National Goodness Code, or NAGCO, is a fundamental constitutional requirement of the Syntagma. The implication is that the government, or any politician, cannot promote the investment of any foreign company directly, but only indirectly, by promoting the production, within national borders, of a product that the new Informative Power has already assessed as having an excellent NAGCO, or an excellent potential NAGCO at certain conditions. And the NAGCO analysis can only take place through the InformArium, through the open and public exchange of True Information between all the parties concerned, including the active participation of potential competitors to the investment, and the public in general, in favor or against the investment, and in particular the verbalization of the opinions of the population most directly concerned with the intended location of the investment. Once the Informative Power issues its clearance, with the documentation of its rationale and the conditions involved, then, and only then, the Executive Power and/or the relevant ministry, can legally get involved in facilitating and promoting the foreign investment. 

  27. REFORM 27/30
    No Fed-Type Central Bank but a National Autonomous Monetary Authority (NAMA) - In western democracies, there is a central bank that issues/prints new money literally out of "thin-air", not on the basis of a gold reserve, nor of any real new value being created in the economy, and without being fully controlled by anybody: not by the government nor certainly by the citizens electing the government. In addition, most of these central banks are owned in majority by private shareholders, or are under the full control of these private shareholders, even when they appear to have been "nationalized", like in England or France, without, for all practical purposes, the national governments, let alone the Constitution, being able to really control the actions of these private shareholders. This is tantamount to a right of "legal forgery" for open money printing granted to some undeserving privileged and usurious private individuals. The best example of this ridiculous and unjust situation is the Federal Reserve central bank of the USA, where a handful of private individuals can print trillions of dollars out of nothing and, to add insult to injury, turn around and lend them to the government with interests, while most other private American citizens struggle to make ends meet on the basis of few hundred dollars. We repeat: this central bank lends that "thin-air" money to the government, directly or indirectly, but to be reimbursed by the government as "real debt", not "thin-air debt", and with interests, all coming, capital and interests, from the taxes of the taxpayers, and of course from the inflation the process creates. This is tantamount to "legal usurious moneylending" by a private corporation (not to say, more explicitly, an uncertain kind of subtle legal cover, gained through fraudulent mercantilism, to what is really "inflationary money laundering" by private individuals). This "thin-air" process, if not totally unconstitutional, in the countries where it is used, is certainly unnecessary, undesirable, and most unfair to both the government and, in particular, the taxpayers. In an EthoCracy, there is no such fed-type of central bank but only a National Autonomous Monetary Authority (NAMA) through which the treasury of the government, not any central bank, controls the printing of new money, albeit under full transparency and full Legislative Power control. However, legally, the EthoCratic government can force the printing of new money through NAMA, but only for the exact value of the new infrastructures it had in its Four-Way Binding Electoral Program and that it needs to put in place, and pay, for better servicing the population. The government then pays these new infrastructures with new money that did not require any tax collection (to the full advantage of the taxpayer), and that  does not need to be reimbursed to any bank, let alone with any kind of interests (to the full advantage of both the Government and the taxpayers). This way the government only puts new money on the market that is not inflationary, because the new printed money corresponds to a real new value created in the economy for the benefit of the country in terms of brand new infrastructures (and only the ones planned for explicitly in a winning Four-Way Binding Electoral Program), along with the explicit value of the creation of their directly dependent additional services: it is certainly not any more just "thin-air-debt-money with interests" like the money that is being printed by a conventional central bank system. Through this process, the Government achieved three important objectives: it saved millions in inexistent debt (capital and interests), it improved the infrastructures of the country at no expense from its current budget, and it did it all without creating inflation nor raising taxes. For anything else but the above process of implementing new infrastructures, planned for in a winning Four-Way Binding Electoral Program, the National Monetary Authority is completely free from any political interference and can play its independent role of controlling the activities of all private commercial banks. The National Monetary Authority is thus a compromise: in some ways it is like a traditional Central Bank and, in some of its functions, it is submitted to the political power gained from an EthoCratic election. Finally, in an EthoCracy, because of the inexistence of a central bank, no legal dealings can be allowed, on the part of any bank in the country, with any non democratically accountable financial international institutions like the IMF, the World Bank or the World Trade Organization: only elected governments can handle such dealings, if and when required, and only on a specific mandate from an explicit Four-Way Binding Electoral Program item of the last NEVoC election, or of an ad-hoc NEVoC referendum. In turn, of course, all the money the government needs for the current routine operations of existing services and infrastructures cannot be "printed", and must be obtained from regular tax collection in agreement with specific requests placed in Four-Way binding Electoral Programs. In other words, existing services that may be increasing in operational price or maintenance, as opposed to new infrastructures (with the creation of their new dependent services), cannot be financed with new NAMA money.

    Having public central banking however, through a NAMA, is not enough by itself to necessarily resolve the problem entirely. Some important countries are already in a similar situation, and seem to work better than most others, in terms of financing more successfully, and more easily, their economic development, but still have not resolved the problem completely because, in the background, private "Money Power", with its internal and external ramifications, still controls these governments through mercantilism and corrupted politicians. This is probably the case for example, in great part, of China, India and Russia at the moment. This is why an EthoCracy also requires a package of other cumulative reforms supporting the success of the NAMA. This includes eminently the major reforms on A Firm Separation Between Politics, Media and Money and a A NoNoNo Government, but also the assistance of other subsidiary reforms, like A Limited Important Role of Political Parties, A Full Transparency Of All Government Officials, A Zero Tolerance With Corruption, and of course, last but not least, the proactive backing of the brand new type of Syntagma Constitution with a fourth and a fifth powers of the state, the Informative Power and the Corrective Power, working independently from the 3 traditional ones, the Executive, Legislative, and Judicative powers, providing True Information helping the total pureness of the system for the benefit of all citizens and ensuring the correct, or even corrective, application of all constitutional rules. 

    In an EthoCracy, commercial and investment banks can be both public or private, with no mix, and both compete normally for attracting clients and rewarding business investments for the benefits of their clients. Both can use only limited fractional reserve lending: a maximum ratio of 3 to 1 for public banks, and maximum 5 to 1 for private banks, as opposed to the current legal ratio of 10 to 1 (or often much more, illegally) that is applied by all banks in most countries at the moment. No private bank is guaranteed by public money in case of failure, and public banks are only partially guaranteed. Only private insurance can cover the risks and the gaps. On the other hand, no public bank can have any secrecy in administering its funds, and is only obliged to maBankintain privacy on the amount of money contained in each personal account they open and maintain, just like in private banks. However, this same privacy does not apply to accounts in public banks for companies or organizations of any kind, private or public. Private banks can decide differently or even offer a choice of accounts with or without privacy for companies and organizations, on the basis of the contractual agreement made in each case between the two interested parties. Except for these few limitations of privacy, all banks, public or private, must operate and manage their assets on the basis of the full transparency, full accountability and full legal responsibility inherent to EthoCracy, subject to serious fines (primarily to their managers, as opposed to their banks), and possibly more serious penalties, like dismissal of responsible staff without severance pay, and possibly the confiscation of their personal property, and/or even imprisonment as a last resort. All banks balance sheets must also be submitted to the new GinfonArium for scrutiny and publication as assumed True Information, with or without reserve, for the benefit of the public at large. Within this framework, in an EthoCracy, a private bank failure is not guaranteed in any way by any public money, as this would be anti-constitutional from the point of view of its Constitutional Annex called the "Fundamental PhiloEcoSophical Law" , and in particular unconstitutional in that an ethocratic country cannot have public debt of any kind, and certainly no new debt for assisting private irresponsible business. In the case of public banks, the full public cover of a failure applies only to the private personal bank accounts of nationals of the country, with new NAMA money, while the cover applies to only half of all the non personal accounts, or the personal accounts of foreigners. In the case of a bank failure, private or public, all management staff of all levels is obligatorily, and definitively, released without any severance pay, nor any other bonus of any kind, and, for the sole reason of the management failure to which they belong, independently of their individual direct personal fault in managing the bank, with a fine of one full year salary, while their bank is submitted to a complete investigation that may result in all sorts of more serious penalties for its top management, up to full confiscation of property, and years of imprisonment for basically destitute managers. All public banks must be only national banks. All foreign international banks are considered private banks, fully submitted to national laws, for all their national operations, in particular in the case of a failure. In order to help bank clients assess their situation and the risks they take, all banks, including foreign banks operating in the country, are forced to publish their balance sheet on a yearly basis, and the details of all their investments or loans to non private persons, on a monthly basis. The GinfonArium must receive copies of all these report for scrutiny and publication, and all the clients of these banks must also receive this essential information in the form they prefer, on a monthly and yearly basis, even by email.

    As seen in in another reform, the constitutional FPL of the new Syntagma expresses many ethocratic fundamental constitutional principles to be respected by all laws and public institutions of the country. One of them is to reinforce a good sense of nationality, patriotism, and full transparency in all aspects of the public life of the country. The 4th power of the state, the Informative Power, was established in part for these purposes. As such, on the basis of the FPL, an international bank transfer crossing the national borders is considered, in principle, for this sole fact, an affair of  public interest, and no more a strictly private matter. One of the consequences for all commercial banks is that all international bank transfers, over an established minimum, in and out of the country, crossing national physical borders, one way or the other, have to be made known to the VinfonArium of the new constitutional Informative Power, and not known anymore just to the banks and the clients involved. Contrary to the banks involved, the VinfonArium does not want to know the justification for the transfer, but only the details of the transfer in terms of amount, persons and banks involved. Such cross-border transfers cannot either be kept in temporary holding accounts owned by the banks, but only make their direct way from a personal account to another personal account. In principle the VinfonArium will keep all outgoing transfers in full confidence, but only as long as they are made by nationals, independently of the amount. To the contrary, if they are made by non-nationals, the outgoing transfers will all be made public automatically on the VinfonArium website, independently of the amount. However, in case of a criminal investigation by a magistrate, for suspected corruption or illegal money recycling, all the details of the outgoing transfers will be made immediately available to the acting magistrate or judge, even for nationals, with details provided as they were received by the VinfonArium, as True Information in their possession. In case of incoming transfers, over an established minimum, for national or non-national receivers, the details will automatically be made public as True Information on the VinfonArium website. In all cases, the communication to the VinfonArium does not ever have to be made preventively, but has to be made immediately after the fact, the same day or the next working day at the latest, with full details of the sender and the receiver, in terms of both persons and banks involved. Bank account numbers are obligatorily made known to the VinfonArium, but not make public; they can be made available only to a magistrate in an official judicial investigation. Payments made by credit cards, or by any other means of money movements across national borders that are not regular bank desk transfers, in and out, over the established amount, follow the same rules, mutatis mutandis, on the part of the persons, companies and institutions involved. In any case, all money transfers outside national borders are subject to a special capital exportation tax levied automatically by the bank involved, albeit at only a minimal symbolic level in the case of small amounts of money for personal use withdrawn through personal debit cards while travelling abroad.

  28. REFORM 28/30
    No More Permanent Embassies, only Reinforced Consulates
    In an EthoCracy, ambassadors are only ad-hoc and temporary nominations for the time of special and very confidential missions abroad. They are basically home-based specialists send abroad temporarily on diplomatic status, but only when really required. In our contemporary technological and global world, because of the globalization of the "world village", there is really no more need for full embassies abroad but, by the same token, because of this same globalization, there is a new need for reinforced consulates abroad. With the advent ConsulatesOnlyof the era of Internet, and instant, sophisticated and safe video telecommunications worldwide, not to mention the incredibly good and exhaustive information provided by the world press (printed and multi-media, official and/or alternative), bilateral embassies, as we know them today, are completely outdated as a system. In countries of the location of the HQ of important international organizations, like for example in the cities of Paris, Geneva, Rome or Brussels, with a multiplication of bilateral embassies by a factor of 2 to 5, in the same city, this outdated system is so redundant that it is plainly ridiculous. Their maintenance also requires the expense of tremendous resources of totally exaggerated and unnecessary costs, in terms of staff, properties, security measures, and a long series of unfair privileges, of all colors and shades, being provided to a caste of public servants that, for the most part, is totally incompetent and often dangerously useless. These staff being rotational, and often very poorly trained, they are also mostly unprepared and incapable of serving effectively in a foreign country, except maybe a bit more so by the time of their departure, when it is too late to enjoy their services fruitfully. What makes things worse, most senior embassy officials spend most of their time, in their expensive offices abroad, reading and summarizing in writing, in their national language, the local foreign newspapers of their country of accreditation, which is, today, with current technology, something they could do as easily, and as well, if not better, while sitting in front of their computers at their home base. In addition, while abroad, the majority of them do not even speak the local language sufficiently well to do this 'job' on their own, and they need the constant and costly help of translators and interpreters that they could find as well at home, or at home from abroad online. Certainly, not more than probably about 5% of these diplomatic officials master the local language sufficiently well to understand the important nuances of the newspaper articles they read, or which ones are facetious or dis-informative in their content, or which of their local interpreters are incompetent or biased in their translations. In other words, as well put in evidence recently by Wikileaks, most of what they do, reporting it back home, at great costs to produce it, and even greater costs to protect it for years in a confidential way, is mostly useless, sometimes potentially dangerous, and usually not much more revealing than what one can find in good official international mass media in his own language, let alone an incredible amount of valid alternative media. Of course this extensive reporting is the cause of an incredible loss of time and money also on the part of some of their well paid supervisors, at their offices back home, who spend hours reading the useless reports, and do not want to even think of questioning the uselessness of the whole process, because they only hope their turn will soon come to be posted abroad, in a posh embassy, to do the same useless work, and finally also enjoy themselves the long chain of unmerited privileges attached to that position. The process, with its numerous unnecessary privileges, is thus most unfair to all the tax payers who paid to produce and maintain the useless mass of staff and documents. As mentioned above, in an EthoCracy, ambassadors still exist, but they are only ad-hoc nominations for special, temporary, and unusually confidential missions, that sometimes do require a very trusted representative to travel physically abroad, meet foreign government contacts most discretely, conduct secret bilateral negotiations, and report back home, during and/or after their missions.

    In an EthoCracy, as seen above, there is no need for traditional embassies. By the same token, in an EthoCracy, Consuls must not only still exist but their role is even much reinforced in three ways. Their basic primary role is, and remains, to help their co-citizens, within their foreign country of accreditation, when they run into trouble while abroad. This role is mostly irreplaceable by foreign nationals and it must continue. This basic role however is reinforced in three ways.
         a) First reinforcement - With the wild movements of vagrant illegal migrants worldwide at the moment, new EthoCratic Consuls are requested to play a much more important role than traditional consuls, in helping to pursue the legitimate objective of accepting only legal immigration whenever possible, and only real refugees under the convention whenever possible, as mentioned in another EthoCratic Reform on Only Legal Immigration and Least Possible Multiculturalism, not to mention the suggested reform of the UN and its dependent UNHCR in particular. This way, through the accrued role of consuls abroad, appropriate pre-selection of all potential immigrant is made abroad, before the arrival of the prospective immigrants to their desired country of destination and, by the same token, the huge wave of illegal alien migrants, for the most part, is prevented from flooding the country represented by the consul. This avoids useless hardship to the prospective immigrants themselves, and useless additional micro-criminality to the receiving country, because of huge and unchecked movements of illegal migrants without status nor legal work. Of course, this kind of pre-selection process also impedes, in great part, the arrival of many undesired potential immigrants or migrants, Icebergfor various legitimate reasons, and of false refugees who are only economic migrants. Most countries at the moment neglect completely this important task of immigration pre-selection and cause this way some irreparable damages to their own civic environments, and unfair harm to floods of vagrant illegal migrants. In an EthoCracy, in front of any real or potential right that immigrants and refugees may have, there is the constitutional duty of the receiving country to select them. Neglecting this duty, like most receiving countries do at the moment, means the very probable collapse of the present type of life, not to say civilization, that the majority of their citizens enjoy at the moment, and logically want to maintain. This collapse is already very much on its way in many non-EthoCratic countries of the western world. Unless formal pre-selection starts taking place, as mentioned abroad, this cultural collapse will inevitably happen against their will, in the coming two or three generations, after having collided, frontally and fatally, on the terrible iceberg of illegal immigration, out of pure negligence. In turn, this illegal movement also causes a terribly damageable absence of essential manpower, and a dramatic brain drain, to the countries of origin of these illegal movements of migrants. 

         b) Second reinforcement -
    The second way consulates are reinforced is with the reversed migration movement of their own nationals, those who become destitute, or illegal vagrant migrants, in the host country of the consulate accreditation. In an EthoCracy, the police of the host country has the legal duty to gather the illegal destitute foreigners, and to force them to the door of the consulate of competence for assistance, or to a gathering center agreed to, in a bilateral agreement, but again for assistance by the consulate of competence in these gathering centers, and at the expense of that consulate. Under an amended convention on consular relations, the consulate is legally responsible to assist its own citizens, either temporarily, in placing them in designated centers at their expense, or permanently, through repatriation at their expense. Each country, in all justice and fairness to taxpayers, has enough of its own destitute people to assist, and should not be forced to also assist thousands of foreign migrant nationals.

         c) Third reinforcement - The third reinforcement is in terms of ensuring temporary physical protection and accommodation, within a special area of the consulate, if and when necessary, even with call-in food when required, and offering total and free modern communications facilities to destitute, or seriously harmed, or distressed, citizens who ran into serious trouble while visiting the country of accreditation of the consulate. The consulates must have at least three safe rooms always ready, for this purpose, within the consulate itself, and agreements already made, with outside accommodation providers, for rooms to be used by such nationals in difficulty, under a guarantee of full payment of the related expenses by the consulate. Such expenses however, made by the consulate, must in principle be eventually reimbursed by the nationals involved, after their return home, with the confiscation of their passports in the meantime. During the period of consular assistance abroad, the consulate must also offer private cubicles, within the reception area of the consulate, with full, and fully free, instant communications facilities, with both the home country and the country where the consulate is located, or any other country if needed, to ensure citizens can resolve by themselves, as much as possible, as if they were at home, all their problems from, and within, the host country. If necessary, the consulate employees will intervene in the process, for interpretation purposes, and use their special access rights to also arrange online meetings with officials of the 2 countries (host and national), and pass them on to the distressed citizens for appropriate discussions and clarifications, without having to go outside the consulate. Non-national residents running into trouble while abroad, must address themselves to the consulate of their own nationality for any kind of financial assistance. If they have a NEVoC identity however, and are residents without the nationality, they can nevertheless take advantage of the full communication facilities of the consulate, to communicate with their home-residence families, persons of their own country of nationality, or national business contacts anywhere in the world, in order to resolve their distressing problems in the most possible efficient and expeditious ways, but with no accommodation rights for overstay within the special rooms of the Consulate itself.       


    Operating and managing foreign operations this way, with only reinforced consulates instead of full embassies abroad, and considering the cheap information technology available today, and the immense savings in related resources, even taking into account the additional costs for immigration pre-selection, or pre-control of migrants abroad, this reform means spending only a very small fraction of the budgetary resources used today for maintaining redundant diplomatic employees and properties abroad and thousands of illegals at home. The overall approach results in incredible savings. The reform also improves immensely the decorum of civic environments of both the host country and the country of nationality, reduces the levels of micro-criminality, reduces equally immensely the false hope and hardship of illegal migrants and false refugees, and improves the social justice of the tax payers currently paying, more than ever before, the exorbitant and unnecessary costs of outdated and redundant diplomatic operations, and of unnecessary assistance to huge and useless movements of illegal vagrant migrants. In the meantime, distressed citizens, while abroad, are assisted with more efficiency than ever before. As seen in the other reform about Countryside Prison Farms, an EthoCracy tries, in principle, through its reinforced consulates, to also Expatriate All Foreign Prisoners to their home country, as it should not be responsible for the related economic burden, in particular with long-term inmates.

  29. REFORM 29/30
    All Non-Elected International Organizations With No Secrecy (NEIO) -
    This applies to all NEIO (Non-Elected International Organization) financed through contributions of public tax payers money from various member countries. These include supra-national organizations, like the EU, the UN, the World Bank etc. Such NEIO entities cannot have any secrecy regarding any of their deliberations, nor any of their budget items, lest loose their contributions from an EthoCracy member country. Such bodies must, inprinciple, just like all ethocratic governments, use strictly RATAC budgets and documents lest loose their contributions. The very few exceptions to secrecy are always very temporary, for only as long as strictly required, with a maximum limit of 3 years, and have to be justified and pre-approved by the new Informative Power of the contributing EthoCracy member country. However, the secrecy then applies, for the approved period, but only to the deliberations, and not to the corresponding budget expenses: the spending for reserved operations can be given a temporary code name for the same period, corresponding to the code name of the reserved operation, but the amounts of money being disbursed must be indicated sequentially, and in a clear RATAC way, for all contributors, country or citizen, to follow easily, under that code name.  Just like EthoCratic governments, the NEIO entities also have to be governed by a strict NoNoNo Management, mutatis mutandis, and NoNoNo Information, lest loose their contributions, all or part of it, from their ethocratic member countries. As far as budgetary expenses are concerned, and as seen in the ethocratic reform on Full Transparency, international organizations spending public money, through national contributions, must always continue to operate on RATAC  budgets, otherwise have their national contribution reduced by 25% in the first year, and by an additional 10% for each following year, with no retroactive recuperation once their accounting has been brought back to full RATAC standards. This is quite a little revolution imposed by EthoCracy, but a necessary one. In particular, this means that supra-national organizations, like typically the EU, cannot anymore just impose, downwards, criteria of good administration to their members, but are also subject to corresponding criteria of good administration, coming upwards, from their ethocratic member countries, in terms of Full Transparency and No-Debt Management. EthoCracy requires that public money be handled, all and only, through NoNoNo Management and only fully RATAC  budgets. An incredible amount of public money is being spent badly at the moment, by many international or supranational organizations, if not most of them, for all sorts of useless, or even often damageable programs and projects, and to maintain the huge, expensive and inefficient bureaucracies that elaborate them, and pretend to manage them, supposedly, for the good of the world populations, while doing it in fact in great part, if not mostly, for attributing their respective castes, in the process, and in various ways along the way, all sorts of expensive and totally unmerited privileges. All of this is done at public expense of contributing tax payers, and is simply inacceptable, not to say outrageous. An important portion of this financing also ends-up in the private pockets of corrupted handlers and leaders of many foreign countries. Just like the national bureaucracies and governments of an EthoCracy have to be kept under better control, with least possible expenses, and no public debt, by a series of reforms like the ones mentioned above, all international or supranational organizations that receive the national money of an ethocratic country have to be controlled in a similar manner. Doing it directly however is practically, and legally, nearly impossible. There is only a correct practical way to do it, and it is an indirect and fragmented way. An EthoCracy will not contribute, not blindly nor directly, to the general global budgets of such organizations, but will pay its fair share of their expenses through financing specific projects that are estimated vitally important, by the national ethocratic government, for implementation within the national borders or abroad. The new InformArium power of the EthoCracy will research the various projects of all the NEIO entities wanting national contributions, request detailed information from them, on their operations and their costs, and, if and when satisfactory True Information has been obtained for these projects, all of it will be published on its GinfonArium or VinfonArium websites. After that, any candidate President, in a national election, will carefully consider that True Information, choose from it the projects that he and his party find most useful for the best of the world population, and politically most agreeable to his objectives, and put the financial amounts he decides he wants to contribute for these projects in his Four-Way Binding Electoral Program. If he wins the election, the public money will be contributed accordingly by the new ExecArium. In case of an emergency, the same kind of proposition can be done through the yearly NEVoC reconfirmation process of the President's mandate. All of this however has to be done on the basis of the new constitutional arrangement of the ethocratic country that is governed by strict NoNoNo Government  and NoNoNo Information policies: it has no borrowing power, cannot have any public debt, and cannot use any surprise taxation or law that has not been explicitly approved by a NEVoC election. In addition, all its decisions have to be taken on the basis of True Information. Last but not least, in relation to national concerns for the advent of EthoCracy, as seen briefly in conclusion of this page, the UN in particular would need a major reform to become a UEN (United Ethocratic Nations). 

    In an EthoCracy, there cannot be any non-elected representative of the people sitting in the Executive Power. This applies first to the ExecArium of the country, at national level, but also to the representatives of the government at any NEIO entity, or any other type of  international organization, like the UN, along with all their parent organizations, to which the ethocratic government provides financing contributions from its public money. Representatives are not nominated by the national ministry of Foreign Affairs, but by the elected president, after an election, and only from the names of candidates he has chosen and included in his Four-Way Binding Electoral Program for this purpose, and only for the time of his mandate. Once nominated, these representatives have a double duty under the FPL. First they represent the country normally, as most non-elected representatives do it now from non ethocratic countries, but strictly from the point of view of defending the principles of the national FPL and the National Charter of Rights regarding foreign aid or international collaboration. Second, they have an extra duty, made known explicitly in writing to the organizations involved at time of nomination, of collaborating closely with the national InformArium for providing all possible True Information regarding the activities of these international organizations, and for insisting that their operations be conducted with no debt and the least possible costs. The same principles apply, mutatis mutandis, to the nomination of external consultants at any level and for any purpose: if their names are not included in the list of a President who won the last majority election, in his Four-Way Binding Electoral Program, they can only be appointed after a new national election, or after a NEVoC process of Annual Confirmation of government activity in the meantime. If it is done through a NEVoC, the new InformArium has to have had a chance to publish all possible True Information on the candidates at least one month before the NEVoC. In the cases of non-national consultants, the InformArium will still publish all necessary True Information on the candidates, and may condition some of its funding in the case of inacceptable candidates. In all cases of such nominations, for representatives or consultants, the nominees must have no spouse and no first-grade vertical or horizontal relative in any existing executive position of the elected president's list at any level, nor in existing positions of the executive staff of the organization concerned that will hire them as consultants, except if approved explicitly as such in a NEVoC process.

  30. REFORM 30/30
    A National Auxiliary Language
    (EthoGloso) - An EthoCracy definitely and firmly promotes the use of its international auxiliary language (IAL) within the country. In fact, it promotes its own, EthoGloso, as the best Universal Auxiliary Language. It also promotes its use abroad, as a universal IAL, as much as it can. Because of its easiness, people can, at a cultural level, concentrate better on, and improve, their own national languages (instead of loosing so much time and energy, most of the time quite uselessly, learning many other difficult foreign national languages) but, at the same time, through their IAL, they become able to communicate easily, and perfectly, at a practical level, with any other citizen of any other city, or even country, with whom they come in contact, at home or abroad. An IAL can certainly also improve tremendously the communications in all the international organizations, and save a great part of their budgets in useless simultaneous interpretations and written translations. It can also save many persons, intellectuals or not, from the psychological difficulty they may have, let alone the possible shame in some cases, for feeling that in order to achieve success, they are forced to learn the dominant language of another country that, to them, may not be particularly friendly, like it is often the case with English, but also with French and German. Esperanto is the best known such IAL at the moment, but not at all the best alternative. Consequently EthoPlasìn has developed a better alternative, called EthoGloso. At its basic level, it absorbs most of the Esperanto vocabulary, albeit with a different spelling in order to be able to use only the 26 regular unaccented letters of the English keyboard. From this point of view, it is like a kind of Super-Esperanto. This IAL allows the possibility of holding easy conversations worldwide on routine daily subjects, and the most easy switch of the existing worldwide Esperanto community to EthoGloso. At its more advanced level, EthoGloso provides a lot of additional new vocabulary, mainly for sophisticated writing and speaking at more cultural or professional levels, equivalent to what could happen in most national languages. All the new vocabulary, over and above what is absorbed from Esperanto, is based on Latin and Ancient-Greek, the two ancient languages at the very base of most occidental modern languages. In an EthoCracy, EthoGloso becomes compulsory study in all schools, up to the end of university. EthoGloso does not of course prevent anyone from learning any other foreign national language for their own pleasure or culture. For more details, see our page on EthoGloso


From a National Perspective -  In EthoCracy, all powers are more balanced and bring more justice to all its citizens through more merit, better ethics, improved decorum, strong philoecosophical values and a sense of planet oneness responsibility. In particular, as seen above, its constitution has become a Syntagma that transforms the arrangement of the state in 5 separated powers, instead of the traditional 3, as a new "Pentas Politica" providing more True Information, and fuller transparency, on all activities of the state, at all its levels, thus guaranteeing best possible democracy, least possible corruption. The 4th power, the InformArium, sits at the very foundation of an EthoCracy. In addition, there are no more traditional parliaments nor traditional government institutions as we know them today. There is not even anymore a traditional type of opposition: no more traditional ignorant and incompetent parliamentarians or senators being elected, thus the impossBalancedPowersibility of such individuals to make purely obstructive opposition, or change political party during a mandate, and possibly force this way the early fall of an otherwise perfectly performing government (Executive Power) on the way to realizing its exact Four-Way Binding Electoral Program. Electors only elect a government, or better, a team of executing leaders, at national and local levels, with an absolute majority, and these same electors have easy and complete power over these elected leaders. Electors thus elect a President with his program, his team of ministers and his list of local Governors: the 'Executing' Power. Electors do not elect parliamentarians nor senators in the traditional way anymore. Electors also make sure that the Executing Power is in a position to manage and fulfill its fully Four-Way Binding Electoral Program, by electing it at absolute majority, not because the government will need any majority vote in any parliament, but as a symbol of the clear will of the majority of people to have the winning Four-Way Binding Electoral Program executed without useless obstruction. There are no more local elections, only national ones. This does not only mean simplification, but also an immense reduction of electoral costs, not to mention the reduction of electoral clienteles and their related corruption. The elected president in turn appoints all his local Governors at lower levels (provinces or municipalities) from the list of candidates known at the time of his election campaign. Opposition still exists however and, in its new and stronger form, democracy is even much better served by it. In addition, there is a new constitutional Informative Power that controls the government much more independently than traditional accomplice oppositions in whichever form they may exist. The new Parliament of Experts, the ExpertArium (the Legislating or Legislative Power of the new Syntagma), deals with new legislation in the most effective way, entirely at an expert level and strictly tied to the winning Four-Way Binding Electoral Program. The National Public Forum, the new OppositArium (ex Senate) plays the role of an opposition, but much better than now, in particular when combined with the new Informative Power of the new Syntagma. In an EthoCracy, opposition can be expressed by any citizen, chosen by any pressure group, or by competent experts, all better informed than ever before through the True Information provided by the new Informative Power, but without having the possibility of paralyzing government efficiency through obstructive political opposition, while that government is only clearly fulfilling its Four-Way Binding Electoral Program. Such opposition only has the possibility of influencing the public opinion, on its own or with the help of the new Informative Power, and thus influencing both the next annual confirmation of the current government and influencing also the vote for the following general election of a new government team. The Judicial Power in turn only applies the law and verifies its constitutionality when requested by an interested party; It clearly has no chance of interfering proactively, or unduly, in any way, certainly not publicly, with the Executing and the Legislating powers. There is thus a real and complete separation of the 5 powers to an absolute degree, certified by the constitution. Finally, the new LeaderArium (the council of ex Presidents and ex Prime-Ministers) has an important conciliatory and consultative role for counseling all the new institutions and resolving their potential conflicts. In the meantime, combining all the above EthoCratic reforms with the new structure of government institutions, all sectors of the civic life are better informed and better administrated, with more selective schools (thus much less unemployment), more stable families (thus more equilibrated children for future generations), improved handling of criminals (thus much better civic environments down the line), no clandestine or illegal influx of migrants (thus better regular immigration and much less micro-criminality) and an engaging set of philoecosophical concerns and initiatives affecting all new legislation (thus better living conditions on our beautiful Earth, based on a stronger collective sense of Planet Oneness Responsibility). All citizens do, in the end, get more justice and a fairer personal 'lot' from improved institutions, on the basis of their merit, and enjoy better environments from a civic, institutional, ecological, political and cultural points of view. This is more than flat responsive representative Democracy and even better than proactive Meritocracy: this is EthoCracy. 

From an International Perspective - UN to UEN - From an international perspective, the first thing to do to respect the EthoCratic spirit is to go from UN to UEN. In light of all the above government reforms taken as a package, we have to go from a "United Nations" organization to a "United EthoCratic Nations" organization: from UN to UEN! An EthoCratic reform at national level, in a growing number of countries, on the basis of what we call the EthoCracy Reforms Package, definitely cascades the need of corresponding reforms at the level of all the main international organizations. The UN (United Nations) for example is at least as corrupted, and certainly more inefficient, than most of its democratic and undemocratic member nations. It is clearly totally inefficient and incapable of resolving most serious world problems. In spite of this, its caste is full of undeserved and very costly privileges. In many of its initiatives it is dominated by too many representatives of undemocratic, or even dictatorial, countries who are allowed to scandalously sit on, or even head, important commissions like the one on human rights, the one on the status of refugees, or the one on the status of women. In this respect, the present UN is literally and plainly "ridiculous", with no better word to qualify this inacceptable behavior, and a careless, if not often destructive, super-national structure. The same kind of comments can also be made, mutatis mutandis, about most other international organizations, like the EU, FAO, UNHCR, UNESCO etc., not to mention other less obvious TaxSpoilones, like the Arab League or the African Union. Even the top commanding HQ of the most important churches or racial organizations would deserve similar comments, like the World Council of Churches, or the World Jewish Congress, all factually known for all sorts of abuse of power on simple people internationally, in light, or in spite, of their non democratically elected mandates for the most part. Similar comments can also apply to the biggest financial organizations, like the World Bank, the FMI and the WTO. In addition to ridiculous initiatives, similar to the ones of the UN mentioned above, they also all constitute, and serve furtively, a caste of individuals, useless and incompetent for the most part, with huge salaries and highly inadmissible privileges, not to mention their too often hidden agendas, all at the expense of  the poor citizens who pay the taxes of the nations who finance them, or of the nations they have contributed to indebt. A very good expert literature exists on this subject and consequently it is useless to add more details on this webpage. To return to the subject of the UN, thinking of excluding undemocratic countries from the UN, or ask them to quickly become democratic in the short term, is an utopia; but exclude them for this sole reason would also be a mistake. For good or for bad, they are deeply involved in world affairs and consequently they must also be brought in at the important discussion tables, and involved in the activities of an organization created precisely to resolve world problems. Certainly, as a starting point, the undemocratic member countries of the UN must not be allowed to hold any leading position in the type of UN commissions mentioned above, having to do with citizens rights, until they at least commit themselves formally to pursue long term objectives of democracy and they demonstrate, through their work and opinions in other important commissions, that they are engaged seriously in a definite process of gradual democratization. As for the democratic countries however, the situation is not much better. Most people will also admit that simple democracy, in the deflated way we know it at the moment, in most of the so-called democratic countries of the western world, is not either without terrible flaws. To name only the main problem, rampaging political corruption is nothing but endemic, and consequently taxation is way exaggerated in order to palliate for the  revenues "lost" in private pockets and in various banks of complacent countries generally known as fiscal paradises. This causes incredible damage and injustice to the citizens of these democratic countries that are sometimes not less unfair than the damage and injustice caused to the citizens of undemocratic countries. Again expert literature is equally abundant on this subject HemicycleSchoolPythagorasand there is no need to add more on this subject in this webpage. In other words, most countries now, most of the democratic ones and most of the undemocratic ones, are so flawed that they do not meet the ideals, not even the basic objectives, that are theoretically at the foundation of an organization like the UN for the purposes of the best management of world affairs. The meritocratic spirit and values animating an EthoCracy, reinforced by the new Informative Power of its Syntagma, can help tremendously to ensure that only the best representatives of both democratic and undemocratic countries are allowed to reach prominent positions of leadership in an organization like the UEN (just like it happened through the influence of the famous Hemicycle School of Pythagoras shown to the right, in the government institutions it reformed in many excellent cities, kingdoms and republics for few centuries, starting some 2500 years ago). Someone has already suggested to recreate the UN, and rename it the UDN (United Democratic Nations), but that is too much to ask to most of its undemocratic members, as they would not be able to meet its definition nor its entry standards, at least not in the short term. One could then suggest to call it UMN (United Meritocratic Nations). This would probably facilitate somehow the admission of many undemocratic countries, as a country can probably be quite meritocratic without necessarily be fully democratic. It would also force the democratic countries to correct some of their main flaws and become more worthy, through the choice of more meritocratic representatives, for sitting in prominent positions of power, like the main ones at an organization like the UN. This could theoretically be a good middle-way position, and maybe force both undemocratic and democratic countries to improve themselves, at least look more honorable, and become somewhat more effective and more fair in attempting to manage world affairs and resolve world problems. However, in our present culture, the words "Meritocratic" and "Meritocracy" are pretty much annoying to many people as they often have a derogatory meaning, or connotation, of inequality, ugly social elitism, even sometimes of an idealistic utopia, let alone being concepts that define vague objectives that are difficult to pinpoint in practical terms. In front all these difficulties, it becomes quite clear that all the practical government reforms mentioned above, in the EthoCracy Reforms Package, even taken as a package, are no utopia at all. They certainly require a drastic change in mentality that might be difficult to accept at the beginning, as they disturb many well established interests, let alone the privileges of a huge caste, but they are quite feasible. The best part is that they can also be adapted quite well, and quite easily, with some reasonable progressive flexibility, to satisfy the needs of improvement of both democratic and undemocratic countries now sitting in the UN. The package can certainly help improve the management of all countries quite drastically in many ways, without the democratic ones loosing all of their present liberal pluralism and without the undemocratic ones loosing all of their present authoritarian power. With such compromise, with EthoCracy, both sides can certainly improve quite substantially. If both the democratic and the undemocratic nations follow the suggestions of the EthoCracy Reforms Package,  they can both collaborate strongly in creating a new era of "Better Decorum, More Merit and Planet Oneness Responsibility" (the EthoPlasìn logo). Both sets of countries, the democratic and the undemocratic ones, can then become, or be proactively in their way to become, an "EthoCracy". A new UN recreated for pursuing these objectives can then be renamed UEN (United EthoCratic Nations) and finally be in a much better position to resolve world problems more fairly, not to say manage world affairs more honorably, and bring more justice, more ethics and more peace to most world populations, thus more happiness to a growing number of people on our beautiful Planet Earth. Such a world would probably not be a paradise, but it would certainly be a much better world, managed by much better world leaders. From our point of view, it would become a New Era of EthoCracy finally come true, led honorably, in the best possible way, by a new UEN.

From a Planet Oneness Perspective - The EthoPlasìn logo at the base of the EthoCratic philosophy is: "Better Decorum, More Merit and Planet Oneness Responsibility". From a  sense of Planet Oneness Responsibility, the new Fundamental PhiloEcoSophical Law (FPL) mentioned above ensures the very best possible effort of each country for the preservation of our beautiful Planet Earth in its best possible state, not only from an ecological point of view, but from the perspective of all living environments, subject to extremely severe penalties.

From the Perspective of Democracy - An EthoCracy is authoritarian in some ways but also more democratic than any other regime, with real direct democracy at its best, and the possibility of its governing power being lost as easily, and as quickly, as it was gained. An EthoCratic regime appears, at first glance, to be quite authoritarian, and it is. Authoritarian, but both ways: from both the point of view of the government and from the point of view of the people who elected it and control it like never before. It is authoritarian for example in that it requires a compulsory NEVoC ID with unequivocal biometric features; itNevocPower 'forces' citizens to vote in all national elections, subject to a fine; It puts into power only powerful governments with an Absolute Majority and full capacity to realize their exact Four-Way Binding Electoral Programs completely undisturbed by the opposition if they so wish; It accepts only legal immigration etc. However, this authoritarian character is perfectly well balanced with democratic means of incomparable force in any modern democracy at the moment. The EthoCratic systems requires a yearly confirmation of a government, subject to an immediate new election, thus putting down a government more easily than in any other system by a kind of spontaneous referendum. It is a Direct Democracy Pushed To The Limit, and consequently it allows more citizens than in any other system to be heard easily at national level in defending their rights and requests. It also has a system of opposition more powerful than ever before, readily open to all citizens who want to take advantage of it, albeit only in an educated civic way, within the new OppositArium, instead of through breaking demonstrations in public streets: an opposition available to even minors, criminals, prisoners or persons with ideas that make them potentially violent individuals, all with granted national media visibility through the relevant TV channels and the Internet. In particular, because of the new 4th power of the state, the Informative Power, citizens can be informed with True Information like never before in any democracy, and consequently take better decisions and vote more easily than ever before. Overall, a clear Four-Way Binding Electoral Program that electors voted for, at full majority, becomes a pledge, a solemn undertaking, to which there can be no deviation. However, if the majority of citizens see that this is not happening, or if they change their mind, they have a chance to change the government expeditiously and sovereignly within maximum one year (at the yearly October confirmation). An EthoCratic system is thus an authoritarian regime but one that can most easily be put down by the authoritarian electors . It is authoritarian both ways, with an efficiency expressed easily like never before. In particular, it is a sort of social contract that certainly has at least one of the best characteristics of the ones defined by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, in that an EthoCratic government is not elected mainly to command and direct people, through all sorts of initiatives and decisions of its own invention during its mandate, but rather mainly to direct the correct execution of the decisions already taken by the people in voting a specific and mandatory winning Four-Way Binding Electoral Program. The government does not command people, it executes a program commanded by the people, lest be defeated efficiently and go home quickly. Politicians can still be leaders, but mainly, if not only, at the time of the formulation of the program they want approved through an election. Once his program is approved by an election, the political leader who formulated it is not a real leader anymore, but mainly an efficient and competent executing director. It boils down to the fact that if EthoCracy is authoritarian, and it is, it is less from the point of view of the government, and more from the point of view of the citizens controlling their government actions better than never before, in particular in light of the True Information provided to all citizens by the new Informative Power of its new Syntagma constitution. In turn, politicians have an easier time than ever before. Once having their program approved they can, more freely than ever before, be the serene executors of that program without the undue and destructive interference, most of the time, of the ugly politics of our so-called contemporary representative "democracies". This is EthoCracy!  

From a Social Perspective - As seen in the above Package of 30 Reforms, an EthoCracy wants to restore our society on its best traditional values, or the values on which our western civilization is founded, the ones we have inherited from the best tradition of philosophy that goes from Pythagoras and Plato, and that was kept alive for centuries after them, really until today, but through various cycles of weakness and reinforcement. Right now, in particular since the pseudo revolution of 1968, as seen in our Background Page, we are in a cycle of real weakness, and we must reinvigorate a new cycle of reinforcement, as these values are universal and eternal in their intrinsic nature and worth. We are talking about ethics, merit, justice, beauty, goodness, decorum, moderation and a strong sense of oneness solidarity, first as a family, then as a country, and in the end as a planet. The first and main tool to restore these philosophical values is a reformed education based on these values, implementing fully the principle of merit and the formation of the full Tetractys of students in a holistic way. This is what the EthoPlasìn Academy wants to do, and the type of education it wants to spread around the world as much as possible. Without this basic type of holistic and meritocratic education being implemented, the rest of the reforms meant to improve our democracies and social environments, like the above Package of 30 Reforms, is nearly impossible to implement. Education however is not only a school affair, but also an integrated family affair. This is why the above  Package of 30 Reforms gives outmost importance to the strengthening of happy harmonious families, in particular extended families. After school education, it is family harmony and solidarity that is the second main tool for a restoration of our best traditional values. Regarding the families, there are two main reforms, regarding the the Extended Family Business (EFB), and the Extended Family Unit (EFU) that come into play to help them. If however someone combines an EFB and an EFU together, with their cumulative benefits, it becomes an EFBEFU, that forms an incredibly powerful tool for the reformation and reinforcement of a society in an EthoCratic way. Of course, all the other reforms also bring cascading effects for the improvement of our social environment, including the last one, to long for, that is the teaching of the EthoGloso language that would not only facilitate perfect communication as an IAL, at national, international and world levels, but also help reinforce the quality of the national language of each citizen in his own country and social environment.    

EthoCracy as a Dream Come True? Why not? - Dreaming is good, especially when the dream is not only beautiful but also perfectly achievable. The difficulties involved in realizing the dream of EthoCracy, at national and international levels, are not only all surmountable, but they also offer a ChessMatfascinating and positive challenge, that can bring an immense joy to all its pursuers, and immense benefits to all the citizens of the countries involved in the process, let alone humanity as a whole. Looking at the package of the 30 proposals of reforms mentioned above, and reflecting carefully on them, the benefits of this so-called EthoCracy Reforms Package are so immediately obvious, and so vitally important, that once known, and well publicized, they will be readily picked-up, pursued, and even proactively demanded, as necessary reforms, by thousands of sympathizers around the world. The current corrupted politicians, and the privileged and useless caste fed by the present system, will certainly strongly resist and oppose the package, attempting to ridicule its feasibility and its importance, but the thousands of enthusiasts, worldwide, will soon force them to change their mind, or else be phased out or checkmated by the reformers. In addition, considering the philoecosophical aspects alone of the EthoCratic Package, it is also obvious that a new EthoCracy Era will most likely spare beautiful Planet Earth from having to face at least the worst of the various catastrophic scenarios that exist about its survival in the coming generations, and hopefully bring in a new type of more peaceful and happier world that we, sometimes, wishfully like to call EthoLandia. This will be an era, and a world, of "Better Decorum, More Merit and Planet Oneness Responsibility", as per the EthoPlasìn logo, with more True Information and meritocratic justice for all human beings: still not a perfect world, but nevertheless a perfectly feasible and highly meaningful improvement! It is certainly a beautiful objective and, even if that objective is not reached quickly nor easily, for those engaging in its pursuit, it is a beautiful path to walk through on the way there! 
