Books of Related Interest and Possible Utility

EthoPlasìn and EthoCracy Related Sources

As explained in the “Description” section of this website, the Think Tank of the Academy has its own sources of training material essentially based on Ancient-Greece Philosophy. The list is flexible and reviewed on a regular basis, but essentially quite well established. At the moment, this material is reserved for internal use but the list will eventually be published when the Campus gets to be fully operational.

In the meantime many empathizers visiting our website send in suggestions for possible additional material or books to be considered. Here is an indicative list of authors and books suggested so far by various empathizers and visitors. These are being reviewed and considered as possible sources for additional ideas and/or material for the holistic training provided by the Academy.  The list cannot at all be considered exhaustive, nor in particular yet approved by the Academy. The list is nevertheless posted, but only as an element of interest. We invite our empathizers to send us their comments on these books, positive or negative, as a matter of reflection and consideration on our side. The list is in alphabetical order of the last names of the authors, and not in any order of importance.


Αυφαντης, Γεοργιος Αρισταρχια: Aristarchy
(the only political system that can free humanity from exploitation)

Barrow, John D.

Book: The Artful Universe Expanded


Bloom, Allan Book: The Closing of the American mind C

Braden, Gregg

Book: The Divine Matrix


Braden, Gregg

Book: Fractal Time (and the science behind 2012)


Bueb, Bernhard Book: In Praise of Discipline (2006)  
Capparelli, Vincenzo Book: La Sapienza Di Pitagora (La tradizione pitagorica)
(in two volumes)
Capparelli, Vincenzo Book: Il Messaggio Di Pitagora (Il Pitagorismo Νελ Tempo)
(in two volumes)

Chopra, Deepak

Book: Synchro Destiny


Chopra, Deepak

Book: The Book of Secrets


Cicero (106-43BC)

At least one of these works of Cicero:

  • De Re Publica (On the Republic)
  • De Legibus (On the Laws)
  • Laelius de Amicitia (Laelius On Friendship)
  • De Officiis (On Duties)

Cooper, Adrian

Book: Our Ultimate Reality


Curtis, Donald

Book: Your Thoughs Can Change Your Life


Dakoglou, Ippokratis Book: Ο Μυστικος Κωδικας Του Πυθαγορα
(in 4 volumes: The Secret Code of Pythagoras)
David Icke Book: Everything You Need To Know But Have Never Been Told R/C

Davidson, A.

Book: Philosophy as a way of life


Davidson, James

Book: The Greeks and Greek Love


Dench, Geoff

Book: The Rise and Rise of Meritocracy


Deschner,Karl H.L. Book: Criminal History of Christianity
(in 10 volumes: the destruction of Greek philosophy)
Diels-Kranz Pythagoreans: The Fragments of the Presocratics R

Dispenza, Joe

Book: Evolve your brain


Epictetus (55-135AD) The Discourses and Manual together with Fragments of his Writings. R
Epicurus (341-270BC)

Gain familiarity with at least the 40 summary statements of the 40 doctrines of Epicurus.

  • Epicurus 40 Principal Doctrines (Κyriai Doxai in Greek): read Diogenes Laertius' 10th book of his Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers. or some other translation.
Ferrero, Leonardo Book: Storia del Pitagorismo nel mondo romano I

Gawain, Sharkti

Book: Creative Visualization


Ghizo Bruno, Magnani Book: Pitagora e i Misteri di Delfi
(Pythagoras and the Mysteries of Delphi)
Ghyka Book: The Geometry of Art and Life (Sacred geometry)  

Gladwell, Malcolm

Book: Blink


Goldhill, Simon Book: Who Needs Greek? C
Goldhill, Simon Book: Love, Sex and Tragedy; How the Ancient World Shapes Our Lives  

Goleman, Daniel

Book: Emotional Intelligence


Green, Brian

Book: The Fabric of the Cosmos



Book: The Fourth Way


Hadot, Pierre

Book: Exercices spirituels et philosophie antique


Hicks, Esther & Jerry

Book: Ask and it is Given (Learning to Manifest the Law of Attraction)


Hodgson Brown, Ellen Book: Web of Debt C

Inwood, Brad

Book: The Cambridge Companion to the Stoics


Jaegar, W.

Book: Paideia. La formation de l’homme Grec


James, W.

Book: The Varieties of Religious Experience


Jordan, W.

Book: Ancient Concepts of Philosophy


Joost-Gaugier, Christiane L. Book: Measuring Heaven (Pythagoras and his influence on thought and art in Antiquity and the Middle Ages) C

Kabat-Zinn, Jon

Book: Coming To Our Senses


Klein, Naomi Book: The Shock Doctrine C
Kontaratoy, Antoni Book: Ο Αρχαιοελληνικος Κοσμος (The Ancient Hellenic World: policy, thought and practice) G
Kraut, Richard Book: Socrates and the State R
Livingstone, Richard Book: Plato and Modern Education
Book: A Defense of Classical Education

Lynch, J. P.

Book: Aristotle’s School. A study of a Greek Educational Institution


Marcus Aurelius
Meditations G

Marrou, H.-J.

Book: Histoire de l’éducation dans l’antiquité.


Masullo, R.

Book: Il Tema degli Esercizi Spirituali nella vita di Isidori di Damascio


Merlan, Ph.

Book: MonoPsychism, Mysticism, MetaConsciousness – Problems of the soul in the NeoAristotelian and NeoPlatonic Tradition.


Nock, A.D.

Book: Conversion. The Old and the New in Religion from Alexander the Great to Augustine of Hippo.


Nussbaum, M.C.

Book: The Therapy of Desire – Theory and Practice in Hellenistic Ethics


Pantelis, Kostas D. Book: Η Επικαιροτητα Της Αρχαιας Ελληνικης Σκεψης
(The contemporary significance of ancient Greek thinking)

Pepin, Eric J.

Book: The Handbook of the Navigator


Philip, J.A.

Book: Pythagoras and Early Pythagoreanism


Plato (427-347BC)

Read at least some of the 36 works of Plato, grouped in 9 tetralogies or 4 works each, starting with the underlined ones (with re. comments at the bottom):

  • I. Euthyphro, Apology (of Socrates), Crito, Phaedo
  • II. Cratylus, Theaetetus, Sophist, Politicus (Statesman)
  • III. Parmenides, Philebus, Symposium, Phaedrus
  • IV. First Alcibiades (1), Second Alcibiades (2), Hipparchus (2), (Rival) Lovers (2)
  • V. Theages (2), Charmides, Laches, Lysis
  • VI. Euthydemus, Protagoras, Gorgias, Meno
  • VII. (Greater) Hippias (major) (1), (Lesser) Hippias (minor), Ion, Menexenus
  • VIII. Clitophon (1), Politeia (Republic), Timaeus, Critias
  • IX. Minos (2), Laws, Epinomis (2), Epistles (1).

- Alcibiades: re. Platonic Love

- Charmides: re. Temperance

- Cratylus: Correctness of Names

- Gorgias: re. Philosopher-King, against Rhetoric/Oratory/Sophistry

- Hipparchus: re. Greed

- Laws: re. Civic Authority, Discipline and Human Virtues

- Lysis: re. Friendship

- Meno: re. Virtue, Knowledge and Recollection

- Parmenides: re. Theory of Forms

- Phaedo: re. Theory of Ideas/Forms; Essentiality of Philosophy in Education.

- Phaedrus: re. Love and Iperuranio.

- Philebus: re. Human Good (right mixture of Knowledge and Pleasure)

- Politeia (Republic): re. Justice, Government and Education

- Politicus (Statesman): re. How to rule justly and well

- Protagoras: re. Virtue and the Educator's art.

- Sophist: re. Sophist vs. Statesman and Philosopher

- Symposium: re. Love

- Theaetetus: re. Knowledge, and Epistemology

- Timaeus: re. World creation, old Athens, Atlantis



Rifkin, Jeremy

Book: The Empathic Civilization


Rutherford, R.B.

Book: Meditations – The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius


Sakellariou, Georgiou Book: Πυθαγορας, Ο διδασκαλος των Αιωνων
(Pythagoras, the Eternal Teacher)

Sargant, W.

Book: Battle for the Mind. A physiology of Conversion and Brain-Washing.


Seneca (4BC/AD65)

At least one of these works of Seneca

  • Epistulae morales ad Lucilium (124 letters on moral issues)
  • De Brevitate Vitæ (On the shortness of life) – Essay expounding that any length of life is sufficient if lived wisely.
  • De Tranquillitate Animi (On tranquility of mind)
  • De Vita Beata (On the happy life)
Stanley, Thomas Book: Pythagoras. His Life and Teachings C
Strohmeier & Westbrook Book: Divine Harmony (The Life and Teachings of Pythagoras) C

Talbot, Michael

Book: Mysticism and the New Physics


Talbot, Michael

Book: The Holographic Universe


Tarnas, Richard

Book: The Passion of the Western Mind


Tarnas, Richard

Book: Cosmos and Psyche


Tolle, Eckhart

Book: The Power of Now


Tolle, Eckhart

Book: A New Earth


Voelke, A.-J.

Book: La Philosophie comme thérapie de l’âme


Young, Michael

Book: The Rise of Meritocracy



All candidates applying to study at the PythAcademia are required, along with other requirements, to pass a test, written and verbal, on their knowledge of three books. The first one is from Plato: "Politeia" (usually wrongly called The Republic); the second one is from David Icke: "Everything You Need To Know But Have Never Been Told"; the third one can be anyone of the other books on the above table as randomly mentioned or chosen by the examiners.